Ascension’s Community Partners

We often refer to community partners in our articles in the newsletter, bulletins, and the Ascension Mission Outreach Facebook page. What is a Community Partner? Waukesha is blessed to have many agencies that support the needs of our community. We would love to support them all, but we know it is better when we can have a deeper relationship to make the partnership more meaningful. We also serve to promote the programs within our congregation for those who may have a need.

Our Mission Outreach Ministry leaders selected the partners based on several factors. We need to be able to provide some hands-on experiences as individuals but especially as small groups (volunteering). Volunteering can be either on a scheduled basis or for a one time special event. We provide financial support from the budget and when there is an extreme need, in the form of special offering requests, (financial). The final arm of our partnership is providing in-kind support. We realize not everyone is able to volunteer personally but is willing to provide for the needs of the partner. We have leaders to keep in touch with the agencies who identify their specific needs. Just as we work under the guides for accompaniment for our global partners, we do the same for community partners. Rather than collecting things we think they might need, we work with them to identify their greatest needs. We also agree to promote their services on a regular basis thereby being true partners.

The choice of partners is reviewed each year as we prepare the budget and review how connected we have been in the previous year. Some partners focus more on in-kind. Each of the agencies we have identified provide much needed services within our community. We cannot as a congregation do individually what they can do for the neediest in our community when many congregations all work together. We are working as a team to carry out our Matthew 25 pledge:

When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was thirsty, you gave me a drink, when I was homeless, you gave me shelter, when I was a stranger, you took Me in. When you took care of the least of these, you did it on to Me.”

NAMI Southeast Wisconsin: Do you love someone struggling with a mental health condition? Join NAMI for this virtual, two-evening session directed towards those who love someone with a mental health condition, or just wants to learn more! NAMI Family and Friends is for any adult who wants to know more about mental health treatment and options for a loved one from someone who “has been there.” This virtual experience will take place from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 14 and 15. Contact Susan,, to get the link to participate. NAMI has been one of our long time community partners.

Healing Hearts: Healing Hearts has a few program nights in November and December that still need food provisions for families and facilitators in their support program. The comfort and community that a warm meal cultivates is immeasurable. Simple foods are requested such as pizza, tacos, sloppy joes. Contact Shirley Wehmeier for more information on how your small group could do this as a service project.

Hope Center: Hope Center is in the process of restocking their NEW baby items for new and expecting mothers. The most needed items are baby wipes, newborn and size 1 diapers, (although diapers of all sizes are welcomed), hooded towels, burp cloths, receiving blankets, nighttime baby wash, baby wash and shampoo, 0-3 and 3-6 months outfits for boys and girls. The Layette program is geared to provide expectant mothers with items they will need once their baby arrives. It is often described as “a baby shower in a bag”. Donations are accepted Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Hope Center or if you can’t get it there, put your items in the  Hope Center box in Ascension’s Donation Center. Large amounts of donations should go to Hope Center directly.

Waukesha County Food Pantry: Did you know that the Waukesha County Food Pantry ensures that people with chronic medical conditions have the foods they need to stay healthy? As you think about donations, these are often overlooked. The pantry accepts foods that meet special dietary needs: Low sugar, gluten free, vegan and supplemental drinks like Boost or Ensure. Please remember the people who struggle with taking care of their special health needs when you shop or if you find that during this time of inflation, you struggle to get the foods you need for a special diet, you may be eligible for help through the Food Pantry.

Serve With Ascension, August

Drought in Tanzania Creating Economic Crisis

In addition to the health impact of the drought in Tanzania, it is also damaging the economy. For many of the families in the region where we partner, their only income is from the sale of crops or livestock. After three consecutive years of failed crops, these families have no money. As a result, they can no longer manage to pay school fees or hospital bills. Some parents have stopped sending their children to school because they are unable to pay the fees. The Diocese of Meru sister parish office just shared with us that for the most part, their schools and hospitals and clinics have been unable to pay their staff in eleven months. Even though they haven’t been paid in nearly a year and there is no sign of a paycheck on the horizon, the doctors, nurses, and teachers are still showing up to work every day. Most pastors are in the same situation. They have faith that God will provide. In the meantime, they are unable to pay the new higher costs for food and fuel.

There is good news. We were able to send the money from our recent fundraiser for school lunches for Samaria and Savana primary schools in July. It was sent just in time. Pastor Makenge sent us a message a few days prior to the wire transfer that the school had run out of food and the children were going days at a time without eating. Thanks to Ascension’s continued support, the children once again have food at least once a day.

The sides of Mount Meru itself have not yet experienced drought, so there will be at least one more year of a thriving coffee crop. More than ever, it is improving the lives of coffee farmers in Tanzania and keeping some money flowing into the economy when you purchase Mt. Meru Coffee.

Ascension also generously stepped up following our July 9 appeal to support the hunger crisis fund for the 8000 families in crisis in Tanzania. We ask that you prayerfully consider making a recurring gift to provide ongoing support until a more sustainable solution can be figured out. Go to and scroll down to find Meru Diocese Gifts > Meru Hunger Relief Crisis (4th down). 100% of your donation goes directly to the purchase of food. Asante Sana! (Thank you!)

Celebration Day in San Jorge, El Salvador

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are big days of celebration in the Salvadoran Lutheran church. Typically, the church would provide a gift to every honoree on that day as well as provide a celebratory luncheon for the entire congregation. In order to save money, this year their council decided to have one big celebration for both days, as well as honoring all graduates at the same time. Pastora Blanca’s extended family all donated prizes for a series of raffles to raise money for the gifts and they also cooked and donated the meal for the luncheon. They were all happy to be together for the celebrations again!

Care for Creation – Solar Power

Are you curious about what is required to add solar power energy to your home? Ascension’s Creation Care Ministry is hosting a Solar Power Hour on August 31st at 6:30 to help homeowners understand the basics of solar energy, and inform about helpful resources and programs that are available to implement solar power. The Waukesha County Green Team will provide an overview of the 2022 group buy program called “Grow Solar Jefferson+Waukesha” where homeowners can obtain substantial discounts. This event is open to Ascension members and the local community. For additional information, visit Grow Solar.

SOPHIA Multicultural Fair ~ Aug. 13, 11a-6p, Cutler Park

SOPHIA Waukesha has dreamed for years of bringing a multicultural event to Waukesha. It is a great opportunity to celebrate and share our diverse rich cultures and heritages with our neighbors through dance, art, music, fashion, food and community resources. SOPHIA is a social justice organization in Waukesha County working to build healthy neighborhoods where everyone has a chance to succeed. There will be music, dancers, art, informational booths, story tellers, food trucks and more. If you are interested in being part of this event as a volunteer, email More info.

Local Assistance for Food Crisis

We have heard about the hunger crisis in Africa but we are also aware of the need for food support in our own community. Rising food prices have led to challenges for both families at home and those that offer support. The Waukesha Food Pantry has higher numbers of people seeking food assistance and has seen a decrease in donations. It is also important for the Food Pantry to have wide varieties of food for those who have special dietary needs. Currently, it has had to reduce the amount of food it can provide to those coming for help. Summer normally sees a decrease in donations due to vacations and changes in routines. With the impact of higher prices for all of the basic life necessities, the Food Pantry is in greater need. To help, bring your donations for the Food Pantry to the Donation Center or deliver them directly to the Food Pantry on Sentry Drive in Waukesha. You can also volunteer to serve and provide a meal at the Hope Center.

Outreach for Hope Ride, Run, Walk

Sept. 24 is the date for the 2022 Outreach for Hope Ride Run Walk, which is vital to the work of supporting Greater Milwaukee Synod central city ministry partners. Register or pledge your support online, Beth Hoffmann is the Pace Setter for Ascension. Please contact her with questions or to be part of the Ascension team.

Waukesha County events include:

  • 30-mile road ride for the more experienced rider
  • A 14-mile family friendly trail ride on the Glacial Drumlin Trail
  • A 2 mile walk
  • A 5K run (new this year!)
  • A fellowship-only option for those who plan to attend the event, but not participate in a ride, run or walk

Remember that if you give via one of the envelopes in the bike basket from the church narthex, your gift will be doubled by the $5000 matching gift.

Hunger Crisis in Tanzania

The people of Tanzania are in the third year of drought and failed crops. Occasional locust swarms have exacerbated the problem. In the past, Tanzania like much of East Africa, has relied on grain from Ukraine to supplement what they are not able to grow. In fact, most years at least 30% of their food supply is imported from Ukraine. Due to the war, this food source is no longer available. This has driven the cost of food to record highs. This happens on the end of the Covid pandemic, which damaged the economy that heavily relies on tourism. Like the rest of the world, Tanzania is also being impacted by inflation. Imported food is available, but at a very high cost. Families are selling off what they can to keep from starving.

Sixty percent of the Diocese of Meru has serious drought conditions and 8000 families are in urgent need. Many of the families live in areas where there are not direct sister parish partnership since there are more Lutherans in Tanzania than there are in the US. The Diocese of Meru and the Greater Milwaukee Synod have partnered to collect funds to attempt to purchase food for all of the families to save lives. Like the school lunches, the food will be simple meals of corn and beans. $10 is a meal for 6 people, $20 for 13 people, $50 for 33 people and $100 for 66 people.

Give online on the Milwaukee Synod website, Scroll down to Meru Diocese Gifts
4th one down: Meru Hunger Relief—Food Crisis

Serving With Ascension

We have had a great response to the financial need for our sister parishes in Tanzania where we support the primary schools in Samaria and Savana. The money is used to provide simple lunches of corn and beans, which is often the only meal the children get for the whole day. The price on crops goes up by mid-summer so we want to get the donation to the congregations in time to purchase the food at the best rates. We will be collecting for at least the first two weeks in June to meet our goal of $12,000 to feed all 952 students for the entire 197 days of the school year and an additional $2000 to supply the technology that is needed to help the students be able to complete the required tests to pass their classes. You may give online, through a check or on Sunday mornings at the Welcome Center via credit card. Please help us achieve our goal to support these children not only to eat but to have a better chance at success in life by being successful students.

ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response

“Hope does not disappoint us because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5)

Ascension is part of a bigger church body through the ELCA and because of that, our efforts can be multiplied as we respond to world issues. The words from Romans are the reminder that in spite of a pandemic that affected the whole world directly and now a war that indirectly affected us all, we have hope through our Almighty God. During the pandemic, the gifts from ELCA congregations to World Hunger grew by 8%, gifts that were greater than hoped for. The response to the war in Ukraine through gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response continues to pour in to  support the disasters that make the headlines, and those that do not. The gifts that were greater than hoped for and the need goes on.

Ending hunger and responding to disaster isn’t just about food and immediate need. It is about access, justice, caring for creation, and to provide for future needs. It is about caring for each other in tangible ways: “Love your neighbor as yourself”. God works through us to provide for each other. Together, we can be part of the solution.  Part of Ascension’s budget is donated to ELCA World Hunger each month and as needs arise, special donations are collected for Disaster Response. 100% of what is donated is given for direct help for those in need.

Donation Center

Our Donation Center has moved to the west coat room to make it more accessible. Bins are clearly marked for the partner we are collecting for and what is needed. Since needs change and requests are often limited, please check with the contact person before bringing in things not on the list. We want to put our efforts into things that are truly needed and not make more work for those who sort and deliver the items. Currently, our biggest needs are for the Blessing Box and the Waukesha Food Pantry. We cannot take things that are expired,  require refrigeration, are in open packages or baked items. As the weather warms up, there will be an increased need for single-serve drinks, snacks, and packaged fruits.  New needs will be updated as identified by our partners. There is also a bin for Lost in Found labeled in red. If you have left things at church, check the bins.

Mission Outreach News

Stay connected to ways to SERVE by following the Mission Outreach on Facebook

We update the programs of our global and community partners on a regular basis and also identify ways you can be involved. Often things change more quickly than the newsletter or even weekly announcements can inform the congregation so the Facebook page has become a big part of how we keep everyone informed.

There is also the ability to use photos and even videos which makes the partnership connections especially with our global partners more personal. Please like or share notices that you feel are important. If you would like more information about specific programs, contact Shirley Wehmeier.

Tanzania News

Holy Week, Drought, and School Lunches

Tanzania is in the midst of a severe drought alongside excessive heat. At the same time, they are also dealing with waives of locusts. Cattle are dying and food costs are increasing every day. We have had requests for prayers. Pastor Makenge has also asked for prayers for the disabilities classroom project, the evangelist education program, and the widows project.

Worship is carrying on as usual in the midst of the hardships. Families at Galiliya preaching point celebrated baptisms on Palm Sunday. During Holy Week, Pastor Makenge gathered the Evangelists from all of the preaching points of Samaria Parish for a seminar. Communion was shared on Maundy Thursday. Easter is referred to as Passover in Tanzania, and on this day, it is customary for families to bring a goat or a sheep with them to church for their offering. They believe it will help save their families. Following church, the goats and the sheep are auctioned off in the yard in front of the church to raise funds for the church. 

Samaria and Savana primary schools, the schools that are part of our sister parish partnership, recently received the results of their standard seven exams and for the first time there was a drop in test scores. When asked why this happened, the head teacher told the church committee that there has been a change in the required curriculum and there is now work that must be completed via print outs. Without access to a printer, a laptop, and a scanner, the students were unable to complete all of the work necessary to be prepared for their exams. They have asked for our support with this, and the cost is just under $2000.

At Ascension, May is the month where we typically raise funds to cover the cost of lunches for the children at our two sister parish schools. There are 400 students at Savana primary school and 552 students at Samaria Primary School and the school year is 197 days long. The cost of a lunch is just over 6¢ per meal, but with 952 students to feed for nearly 200 days, plus the technology needs, we are hoping to collect $14,000 in May. Donations may be made via check to Ascension or online. Please mark “Tanzania” in the note/memo line.

Holy Week in El Salvador

In the early morning hours of Sunday, March 27, El Salvador was declared in a state of emergency after a violent Friday and Saturday. After a couple of years of decreased violence, the country was shocked when 67 people were murdered on March 26. In the weeks that have followed, the government has been arresting anyone with a hint of gang affiliation. The arrest of over 14,000 people in a short amount of time has been met with relief that the government is doing something, but also fear that the government is recklessly locking people up without regards to guilt.

While the entire country has been impacted by the state of emergency, fortunately our brothers and sisters in San Jorge have been spared from the violence. Most of the violence has been centered in San Salvador, hours away from Usulután and San Jorge. In San Jorge, the barrio were all of the church members live, there is almost no issues with gangs.

In San Jorge, there was worship on Maundy Thursday and fasting on Good Friday. Traditionally, Easter morning worship begins at 4 a.m., but with the government orders, they had worship at 6 a.m. Worship on Easter tends to be a simple service, more in-line with the early morning visit to the empty tomb.

They are grateful that Covid numbers have decreased and, as of the end of April, masks are becoming optional.

Mission Outreach 2.022

Mission Outreach continues to work toward our 2022 goals: Reach out, Invite in, Gather in. Our ongoing to commitment to accompaniment or to walk with our partners guides all that we do. Look for how these key words are used to guide our efforts this year.

Winter Farmer’s Market

The last day Ascension met in person for services before the pandemic shut us down was March 8, 2020, which was also the day of our very successful Winter Farmers’ Market in conjunction with the Food, Faith and Farming Network. Even though this was our first attempt at this event, it ended up being the most successful market of the year for the entire network. Now after two years, we are back on the schedule this year for March 13th. Lynn Parkhurst headed the market for us in 2020 and did such a good job that the Food, Faith and Farming Network hired her to be the project overall manager. We will still see her around helping our new Ascension coordinators Steve and Carol Spieker. Steve and Carol have put together a committee to plan another successful market including vendors, a brunch, BLAST activities and some special surprises. Tickets for the brunch will be on sale after services starting February 20. There will also be a chance to volunteer in a variety of ways. This event is a way to invite in by providing a space for a partnership agency and inviting community members to the event at Ascension and to gather in our members in service together. Keep your eyes out for ways to help or contact Carol and Steve directly.

Hawthorne School Partnership

Thank you to all who donated to our outdoor winter clothing drive for our partnership with Hawthorne School. The response was wonderful and the staff at Hawthorne is so grateful. Reaching out to meet their needs is one of the ways Ascension reaches out into the community.

Food Pantry

Plan to do some shopping at Meijer on March 5 and 26 and purchase a $10 gift card for the local Food Pantry. Meijer will double match your purchase on those days through their Simply Give program. This is a simple way to reach out to support one of our community partners and have your gift multiplied in a big way.

Blessing Box

Please be mindful of the weather forecast as you purchase items for the Blessing Box. Please do not place items that may be harmed by freezing in the box because it is not insulated. If you have something you want to donate, place it in the Donation Center and we will determine if it can go in the Blessing Box or the Food Pantry. The Blessing Box has less use during the very cold weather but increases as soon as we have warmer days. The Blessing Box is a way to reach out to our nearby neighbors.

Healing Hearts & NAMI

Waukesha is still seeing a need for increased mental heath services due to the stress of the ongoing pandemic and the emotional impact of the Waukesha Christmas parade. Two of our Community Partners, Healing Hearts and NAMI, are providing the much needed services. With the increase in demand for their services, there is also an increase in the need for volunteers for their programs and funding for them to be able to provide services at no cost. Please contact Shirley Wehmeier if you have an interest in helping in any way. We are hoping to reach out through volunteering and invite in for activities with these two partners this year.

Cross Church

We are collecting paper products for the Cross Food Pantry. They have asked us not to collect food items at this time. Just a reminder that they are also no longer able to use the empty medicine bottles so we are not able to accept them in the Donation Center. This is a way we walk with our partners at Cross during the pandemic.

Outreach For Hope

Outreach for Hope has several ways we can walk with them in the next few months.

2022 Super Bowl Sunday Food Drive: As we begin to prepare for that time-honored tradition of celebrating the best football teams of the year at the Super Bowl, Outreach for Hope is asking us to join another Super Bowl tradition: sharing the gift of food with people who are hungry. The Outreach for Hope Ministers to congregations where hunger is a great concern and filling that need is one of the goals of the Greater Milwaukee Synod. On any given day throughout our year, over 40,000 people in Milwaukee County alone go hungry. Would you consider sharing food with those who aren’t able to feed their families this winter?

  • Option 1: As you purchase groceries for your Super Bowl celebration, purchase a few HEALTHY food items for others in need. The food can be donated to one of the Outreach for Hope Ministry Partners who help to feed the hungry or bring the donations to church and we will take them to the Waukesha Food Pantry.
  • Option 2: If you’re not able to purchase and deliver food, consider making a monetary donation to OFH 2022 Super Bowl Food Drive. 100% of your donation will be shared with their Ministry Partners, so they can purchase the exact food items that will serve their clients best. $50 would feed a family of four for several days!

Together In Hope: Stories of Partnership is the title of this year’s Lenten devotions beginning Ash Wednesday, March 2. The devotions will be available Mondays through Saturdays through Holy Week. They will be releasing 40 days of video on YouTube, and written devotion transcripts through a variety of mediums. Sign-up on at