Holy Week in El Salvador

In the early morning hours of Sunday, March 27, El Salvador was declared in a state of emergency after a violent Friday and Saturday. After a couple of years of decreased violence, the country was shocked when 67 people were murdered on March 26. In the weeks that have followed, the government has been arresting anyone with a hint of gang affiliation. The arrest of over 14,000 people in a short amount of time has been met with relief that the government is doing something, but also fear that the government is recklessly locking people up without regards to guilt.

While the entire country has been impacted by the state of emergency, fortunately our brothers and sisters in San Jorge have been spared from the violence. Most of the violence has been centered in San Salvador, hours away from Usulután and San Jorge. In San Jorge, the barrio were all of the church members live, there is almost no issues with gangs.

In San Jorge, there was worship on Maundy Thursday and fasting on Good Friday. Traditionally, Easter morning worship begins at 4 a.m., but with the government orders, they had worship at 6 a.m. Worship on Easter tends to be a simple service, more in-line with the early morning visit to the empty tomb.

They are grateful that Covid numbers have decreased and, as of the end of April, masks are becoming optional.