We often refer to community partners in our articles in the newsletter, bulletins, and the Ascension Mission Outreach Facebook page. What is a Community Partner? Waukesha is blessed to have many agencies that support the needs of our community. We would love to support them all, but we know it is better when we can have a deeper relationship to make the partnership more meaningful. We also serve to promote the programs within our congregation for those who may have a need.

Our Mission Outreach Ministry leaders selected the partners based on several factors. We need to be able to provide some hands-on experiences as individuals but especially as small groups (volunteering). Volunteering can be either on a scheduled basis or for a one time special event. We provide financial support from the budget and when there is an extreme need, in the form of special offering requests, (financial). The final arm of our partnership is providing in-kind support. We realize not everyone is able to volunteer personally but is willing to provide for the needs of the partner. We have leaders to keep in touch with the agencies who identify their specific needs. Just as we work under the guides for accompaniment for our global partners, we do the same for community partners. Rather than collecting things we think they might need, we work with them to identify their greatest needs. We also agree to promote their services on a regular basis thereby being true partners.

The choice of partners is reviewed each year as we prepare the budget and review how connected we have been in the previous year. Some partners focus more on in-kind. Each of the agencies we have identified provide much needed services within our community. We cannot as a congregation do individually what they can do for the neediest in our community when many congregations all work together. We are working as a team to carry out our Matthew 25 pledge:

When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was thirsty, you gave me a drink, when I was homeless, you gave me shelter, when I was a stranger, you took Me in. When you took care of the least of these, you did it on to Me.”

NAMI Southeast Wisconsin: Do you love someone struggling with a mental health condition? Join NAMI for this virtual, two-evening session directed towards those who love someone with a mental health condition, or just wants to learn more! NAMI Family and Friends is for any adult who wants to know more about mental health treatment and options for a loved one from someone who “has been there.” This virtual experience will take place from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 14 and 15. Contact Susan, sschoenmarklin@namisoutheastwi.org, to get the link to participate. NAMI has been one of our long time community partners.

Healing Hearts: Healing Hearts has a few program nights in November and December that still need food provisions for families and facilitators in their support program. The comfort and community that a warm meal cultivates is immeasurable. Simple foods are requested such as pizza, tacos, sloppy joes. Contact Shirley Wehmeier for more information on how your small group could do this as a service project.

Hope Center: Hope Center is in the process of restocking their NEW baby items for new and expecting mothers. The most needed items are baby wipes, newborn and size 1 diapers, (although diapers of all sizes are welcomed), hooded towels, burp cloths, receiving blankets, nighttime baby wash, baby wash and shampoo, 0-3 and 3-6 months outfits for boys and girls. The Layette program is geared to provide expectant mothers with items they will need once their baby arrives. It is often described as “a baby shower in a bag”. Donations are accepted Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Hope Center or if you can’t get it there, put your items in the  Hope Center box in Ascension’s Donation Center. Large amounts of donations should go to Hope Center directly.

Waukesha County Food Pantry: Did you know that the Waukesha County Food Pantry ensures that people with chronic medical conditions have the foods they need to stay healthy? As you think about donations, these are often overlooked. The pantry accepts foods that meet special dietary needs: Low sugar, gluten free, vegan and supplemental drinks like Boost or Ensure. Please remember the people who struggle with taking care of their special health needs when you shop or if you find that during this time of inflation, you struggle to get the foods you need for a special diet, you may be eligible for help through the Food Pantry.

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