Grow & Walk With Ascension

February is the perfect month to focus on sharing God’s love and the many ways we can share that love with others in our world. This month we have continued to focus on using Jesus as our example as we learn about God’s love and plan for each of us. We have several exciting upcoming events as well. 

First Communion Stepping Stones: Preparation for First Communion begins for 4th-grade students and their families. Classes will take place during BLAST on Feb. 4, 11, and 18. Watch for communications from Pastor Tony with details.

Journey to the Cross will take place on Sunday, Feb. 25, between services. Be sure to join us for this amazing time when students learn more about Jesus’ deep love for them through the journey of Lent and Holy Week toward the wonderful celebration of Easter.

JOLT will meet on the first two Thursdays of the month, Feb. 1 and 8, 6 to 7:30 p.m. JOLT students and families are invited to Ash Wednesday worship at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 21. During Lent, JOLT students and families are also invited to attend the soup suppers at 6 p.m. followed by worship at 6:45 p.m. There will be no Thursday night JOLT sessions during Lent.

  • Feb. 1, 6—7:30 p.m. JOLT
  • Feb. 8, 6– 7:30 p.m. JOLT
  • Feb. 21, 6:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday Worship
  • Feb. 28, 6 p.m. soup supper, worship at 6:45 p.m.

Chili Cook-Off Thank You: We want to thank the competing teams, those who donated baked goods for the dessert auction and those who supported us by attending our chili cook-off. We are very grateful to God for the support we are receiving from all of you as we continue on this journey to achieve our goal of assisting at least 17 students in their journey to New Orleans this summer.

Pizza Night: Noah’s Pizza is hosting another CRASH night on Thursday, Feb. 15. Call the restaurant from 4 to 7 p.m. and tell them you are an Ascension member. Twenty percent of sales will go to the Youth Gathering fundraiser. You can buy anything that is in the menu. The phone number to make your order is (262) 696-8001.

CRASH Dates for February: We will meet at church at 6 p.m. on Sundays, Feb.4 and 18, for CRASH meetings.

If you or someone you love is struggling with the complex and painful experience of grief after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend, then we invite you to consider finding help and encouragement through Ascension’s grief support ministry, GriefShare.

GriefShare is a 12-week program led by Pastor Tony meeting on Tuesday evenings from 6-8 p.m., Feb. 6 and concluding April 30. Through the use of video teaching and small group conversation, we seek to provide a safe and supportive space to provide care and encouragement that can be crucial to a person in grief. Sign-up online or by call to the church office.

GriefShare Support: We’re looking for volunteers to provide support to this program with snacks and donations. See the Sign-Up Genius for dates and suggestions. Questions? Please contact Pastor Tony,

Join us in watching this compelling video series on Mondays beginning Monday, Jan. 29, 10 a.m. or 6 p.m. led by Pastor Chris and Pastor Tony. Each week we will begin with a brief introduction, watch the video, and make connections to the Biblical story along with discussing some reflection questions.

All About the Kids!

So many activities, classes and fun begin for Ascension kids over the next few weeks!

JOLT (6th-8th gr.)

It is time! We are so excited. We meet Thursday, Sept. 22, at 6 p.m. (Note time change!) Parent and student are expected to join us for registration and time together. We will do our best to have you out of here by 7:15 p.m. JOLT registration fee is $40 and you can use our contactless payment, CC reader, write a check, or pay cash. Questions: Email Pastor Chris,

CRASH (9th-12th gr.)

Confirmation Meeting: Are you a 9th grader ready to be confirmed? This message is for you! Prospective confirmands and a parent should join Pastor Chris and Pastor Tony at 12 p.m. this Sunday, Sept. 25, for lunch and information around Confirmation Sunday, Oct. 30, at both the 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. services. Questions to Pastor Chris,

CRASH Is Coming! CRASH will meet on Oct. 9 at 12 p.m. for lunch and time to catch-up. Bring a parent with you.

BLAST (ages 3-5th gr.)

BLAST Begins This Sunday: Families with children ages 3-years-old through 5th grade are invited to the first BLAST of the year at 9:50 a.m. in the sanctuary on Sunday, Sept. 25. Register online, or just show-up and sign-in.

Kindergarten Stepping Stone: Kindergarten students and parents are invited to join Pastor Tony this Sunday, Sept. 25, at 9:50 a.m. in West Hall for some fun Bible exploration to hear about God’s love for them and prepare them to receive their first Bibles. RSVP and questions to Pastor Tony,

BLAST @ Green Meadows RSVP Due This Sunday! Please RSVP and pay no later than this Sunday, Sept. 25, for this family event on on Sunday, Oct. 2, including worship on the farm and a potluck. Cost is $12 per person (under 2 free).

Music Ministries for Youth

Sing and Ring With Us! Choir and handbells have resumed but there is always room for you! Both groups welcome ages high school and up, and meet on Wednesday evenings. Need to miss a rehearsal or a Sunday morning? No problem; everyone misses from time to time. Email, with questions or to join.

Children’s Choir Resumes: Children’s choir for grades K-6 begins on Thursday, Oct. 6, 5 to 5:40 p.m. Busy with fall sports? Children are welcome to join in at any time during the year. Contact to sign up.

Mountaintop Moments

July 2017 and the grace of God took Ascension to the mountaintop!

What joy it brings to share with you the events of the last month and all that is coming in the days ahead. July gathered our CRASH high school ministry to a first-time “Mission Next Door” event, in which each day, the students and adult leaders gathered for devotions and breakfast and then headed out into the community. Day one took our high school servants to the Memorial Gardens and flower beds all around the church campus. A full day of weeding, tending, and shaping the space all the way to the ash garden. An incredible day! Later in the week, the Waukesha food pantry would get a cleanup inside and a makeover outside complete with mulched flowerbeds. Thursday took the students to one of our member’s homes for a healthy weeding of flowerbeds and the tending of a relationship. In the middle of “Mission Next Door,” Ascension welcomed the arrival of our brothers and sisters from El Salvador. Bienvenidos!

Thursday was full of feasting and canning and swimming at Ottawa Lake. Friday was busy with tours of partner churches in Milwaukee, community gardens, and captured rainwater projects. But, my favorite part came Friday afternoon when we gathered to bowl at Bayshore, where there are video screens and glowing neon lights. Explaining bowling in Spanish was fun to watch. Explaining in signs and gestures was even better. Watching the smiles unfold when just one pin fell down and the ball stayed out of the gutter. Now that was priceless.

I tell you God is at work! I am grateful to our Mission Outreach Team under the leadership of Wing Leader, Shirley Wehmeier. It is wonderful to watch the church be exactly who the church should be with hospitality overwhelming and joy overflowing. Edwin and Sarah Aparicio have been incredible hosts and representatives of Ascension as they have navigated translation after translation after translation and every blessed detail of the delegation’s visit. A moment of great celebration took place on Sunday, July 16 with a gathering at the home of the Wehmeiers for the delegation, church staff, church council, and partner churches. It was a glorious day. We heard updates on EVERYTHING! But most importantly – we feasted – we played volleyball – we had one-on-one conversations with Pastor Julio about healthcare, challenges of ministry in El Salvador, and especially the deep concern and request for prayer for the children and young adults of El Salvador. Please include them in your prayers – especially for the opportunity to simply and safely grow up. In my sermon from July 16, I spoke of the belief that the visit by the delegation from El Salvador was nothing short of a miracle. It is true – every word. The journey is a gift of God in every single way. Thank you for your hospitality of the delegates through the days of the visit and in worship.

What can you learn from the stories of these mountaintop moments? So very much! In all these things, we are reminded that God goes before us. We remember that we need to hear the story of God’s love as much as we tell the story of God’s love. We remember that the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds our worship and our faithfulness to God has grown once again – with the great and faithful servants of CRASH serving our God and God’s people; with the visit of the saints of San Jorge and Usulutan; and with the great gift of good news shared by Pastor Angela!

I give thanks to God for all of it. I give thanks to God for each of you. Gracias a Dios. Thanks be to God! See you in church.

Rev. Christian Marien

(This article was first published in the August 2017 newsletter).

A Glimpse into the Future

Two very important moments in the life of your church occur in these November days. First, Sunday, Nov. 1 is All Saints Day. This is the day we spend time in worship remembering those who have gone before us. You will have the opportunity to light a candle in memory of loved ones. This day is a gift of God reminding us of the cloud of witnesses that surrounds us. Please consider inviting family members to join you in giving thanks to God for loved ones who now rest in the Kingdom of God.

Second, we are incredibly blessed by the committed leadership at Ascension. Church council, staff, wing leaders, and ministry leaders have spent more than 170 hours over the past eight months preparing ARISE 2025, Ascension’s vision for the next 10 years. It is ready for your review and reflection.

We are excited to find ourselves at this moment looking into our future. The next ten years at Ascension will prove to be years that shape the future of, not only our church community but, the world in which we live. How we live out our faith shapes the world around us. I am hopeful that you have had an opportunity to review the vision statements and actions plans for each wing of ministry at Ascension. However, if you have not had the opportunity or are interested in reading them with time to pray over them, I want to make sure that opportunity is available to you as well. As we look towards 2025, these are the visions statements that give us direction, bring us hope, and offer us a path to the future.


The sanctuary is bursting at its seams, and every room is filled during the week with a variety of worship opportunities. [There is a] continued variety of music with more members of the congregation sharing their talents. [Ascension provides] regular communication through a multitude of channels in order to engage all generations and styles. [There are] more volunteers than opportunities to serve during worship and through outreach. The makeup of our congregation begins to better reflect the neighborhood and surrounding community.


Our Spiritual Growth mission statement reads: A church family engaging generations through faith experiences. Children’s ministries are experiential, relevant, and multi- generational. JOLT (Journey Of a Life Time) and CRASH (Christians Reaching And Sharing Hope) ministries extend far beyond the walls of our church due to rampant outreach and enjoy extensive investment by the congregation. Faith formation empowers our entire community, regardless of where people may be in their faith journey, to claim their identity as disciples of Jesus. Our stewardship ministries teach the power of God’s presence and work among us and invite all to dream about the next step in our journey as Ascension.


Caring Relationships has a strong foundation of care ministries that require minimal budgets. They are growing rapidly and are open to people of all ages. Passion fuels new ministries, but replenishment of resources for existing offerings stretch the core group of volunteers as they represent only a small subset of our worshippers. As the offerings expand, it is always a struggle to communicate what is available to the congregation and the community. Ascension offers a unique small group experience with a church-wide program every fall; however, while some groups have been together for years, many people feel left out or don’t know how to build groups for themselves. There are also numerous social groups for members to get involved with. Fellowship activities occur throughout the year for special occasions, but the kitchen facilities are limited and hamper our ability to make this a regular occurrence.


Ascension has a vibrant Mission Outreach Wing, with all congregation members finding a way to serve. Mission Outreach is woven into each of the wings so that it is an integral part of the culture of the congregation. Members realize that all Christians have a calling to participate in mission and justice issues. We live out our baptismal promise of following Jesus by serving others, especially those who are vulnerable and most in need. Through our actions and ministries, the good news of Jesus is shared in word and deed. Ascension is a welcoming community to people of all races and backgrounds and actively reaches out into the community through volunteering and hospitality. We have a vibrant Hispanic ministry, and the neighborhood sees Ascension as a place to participate in worship, fellowship, and education events. Our mission partnerships are active, many people engage in trips to visit our partners, and we welcome visits from them. Members seek to include partnership activities in our normal congregational experiences.

Our annual meeting of the congregation is Sunday, Nov. 8, at 12 p.m. We will share in a potluck lunch. Please bring a dish to share. We hope you will join us. At our annual meeting, as required by our church constitution, we will approve a slate of candidates to serve on the church council for the 2016-2017 term; we will bless the ARISE 2025 vision for Ascension; we will hear a report on the finances of the congregation through the end of October 2015; and we will approve a budget for 2016. It is my hope you will make time for this important conversation in the life of your church and in the growing of your relationship with our God and this community of faith.

Peace and joy be yours in these days of crisp winds and falling leaves.

Pastor Chris

(This article was taken from the November 2015 newsletter).

Good News of Great Joy

I am writing this article as junior high students are preparing to scale the Tower of Terror at our JOLT Adventure Camp, near Crivitz, WI. It is an exciting time to watch them encounter the “challenge by choice” model. They are responsible for their own level of challenge, and almost all of them will choose to move far beyond their original decision to only go “so high” on the Tower of Terror. I often speak of this life we live as a journey of faith. We are certainly watching that journey unfold for our junior high students during this week of Adventure Camp.

The Angel Gabriel said to Mary: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy.” In this adventure we travel as the people of God at Ascension, God has smiled on us with great blessing in these last weeks of June, and I can share joyful news.

First, I am excited to announce that Vicki Taylor, our Director of Music Ministries, has agreed to accept responsibilities and provide leadership as the Handbell Choir Director as of August 1. What wonderful news for our community!

Second, with the deep and abiding faithfulness of God by our side, we have pondered and prayed about the Children’s Ministry of Ascension. We have had a dedicated team of teachers and parents meeting, interviewing, and researching throughout the region best practices for children’s ministries. After several months, we are now ready to move forward.

I am thrilled to share with you that on August 1, our Director of Youth Ministries, Tony Acompanado, will accept the responsibilities for the shape and direction of Children’s Ministry into the future. Council has invited and Tony has accepted a newly created position – the Director of Faith Formation. Tony will now oversee our children’s ministries, junior high JOLT ministries, and our senior high CRASH ministries. We are already looking to the fall with great anticipation.

The month of July will also see the next step in our 2025 Visioning Process. Caring Relationships and Mission Outreach will each present their current and future vision statements to the church council for review and reflection. Joyful Worship and Spiritual Growth are now in the second phase of redrafting their current and future vision statements for the church council to review a second time. In September and October, we will have the opportunity for the congregation to reflect on and ask questions about the statements and action plans to move us to 2025.

God is offering so much in the midst of these summer months. Please join us in the celebrations of the new design of staff positions and in the continuing visioning for Ascension’s future.

On a side note – July 7 is the day Tony and I leave for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI, which begins on July 15. We covet your prayers for the final planning, the 20 participants from our own congregation, and the 30,000 other high school students, adult leaders, bishops, and pastors who will join us on the journey. Peace and joy be yours in these summer days.

Pastor Chris Marien

(This article was taken from Ascension’s July 2015 newsletter).