Mountaintop Moments

July 2017 and the grace of God took Ascension to the mountaintop!

What joy it brings to share with you the events of the last month and all that is coming in the days ahead. July gathered our CRASH high school ministry to a first-time “Mission Next Door” event, in which each day, the students and adult leaders gathered for devotions and breakfast and then headed out into the community. Day one took our high school servants to the Memorial Gardens and flower beds all around the church campus. A full day of weeding, tending, and shaping the space all the way to the ash garden. An incredible day! Later in the week, the Waukesha food pantry would get a cleanup inside and a makeover outside complete with mulched flowerbeds. Thursday took the students to one of our member’s homes for a healthy weeding of flowerbeds and the tending of a relationship. In the middle of “Mission Next Door,” Ascension welcomed the arrival of our brothers and sisters from El Salvador. Bienvenidos!

Thursday was full of feasting and canning and swimming at Ottawa Lake. Friday was busy with tours of partner churches in Milwaukee, community gardens, and captured rainwater projects. But, my favorite part came Friday afternoon when we gathered to bowl at Bayshore, where there are video screens and glowing neon lights. Explaining bowling in Spanish was fun to watch. Explaining in signs and gestures was even better. Watching the smiles unfold when just one pin fell down and the ball stayed out of the gutter. Now that was priceless.

I tell you God is at work! I am grateful to our Mission Outreach Team under the leadership of Wing Leader, Shirley Wehmeier. It is wonderful to watch the church be exactly who the church should be with hospitality overwhelming and joy overflowing. Edwin and Sarah Aparicio have been incredible hosts and representatives of Ascension as they have navigated translation after translation after translation and every blessed detail of the delegation’s visit. A moment of great celebration took place on Sunday, July 16 with a gathering at the home of the Wehmeiers for the delegation, church staff, church council, and partner churches. It was a glorious day. We heard updates on EVERYTHING! But most importantly – we feasted – we played volleyball – we had one-on-one conversations with Pastor Julio about healthcare, challenges of ministry in El Salvador, and especially the deep concern and request for prayer for the children and young adults of El Salvador. Please include them in your prayers – especially for the opportunity to simply and safely grow up. In my sermon from July 16, I spoke of the belief that the visit by the delegation from El Salvador was nothing short of a miracle. It is true – every word. The journey is a gift of God in every single way. Thank you for your hospitality of the delegates through the days of the visit and in worship.

What can you learn from the stories of these mountaintop moments? So very much! In all these things, we are reminded that God goes before us. We remember that we need to hear the story of God’s love as much as we tell the story of God’s love. We remember that the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds our worship and our faithfulness to God has grown once again – with the great and faithful servants of CRASH serving our God and God’s people; with the visit of the saints of San Jorge and Usulutan; and with the great gift of good news shared by Pastor Angela!

I give thanks to God for all of it. I give thanks to God for each of you. Gracias a Dios. Thanks be to God! See you in church.

Rev. Christian Marien

(This article was first published in the August 2017 newsletter).

Instead of the End – the Beginning

The Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Elizabeth Eaton offers these words:

After the Sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb. So begins the Easter story in the Gospel according to Matthew. The women had lived through the pain of Friday and the emptiness of Saturday and were expecting death. All of their hope had come to a dead end. And just then, as the first day of the week was dawning, hope was restored. The angel said, “Do not be afraid; I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here: for he has been raised, as he said.”
Instead of death – life. Instead of the end – the beginning.
On Easter, we will have glorious celebrations in our congregations and worshiping communities. There will be rejoicing and music and flowers and alleluias. And that’s a good thing. But when the flowers fade and the pressures of life seem so heavy, when the brokenness of this world breaks our spirits, when we have come to a dead end … rejoice. Because it is exactly there where the risen Christ meets us. It is precisely there where we are given resurrection life. It is at that point that we say, “Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Hallelujah.”

The cries of resurrection can still be heard on the mountaintops. Thanks be to God! From the mountaintops we travel to the upper room where the disciples have hidden themselves out of fear. There, Jesus appears. A week later, disciples are still in the upper room. There, Jesus appears. It will be on the beach, where a campfire is tended, that Jesus will appear to his disciples and feed them breakfast. There around the warmth and light of the fire, the light of the world, will ignite a flame in the disciples that will inspire the world.

Instead of death – life. Instead of the end – the beginning.

I read this reflection before the great celebration of Easter. It has carried me forward since we began the celebration of these great 50 days of resurrection. It is entitled Setting Out Once Again by Kelly Hall and Phuc Luu:

Out of the stale darkness, he rises into the light, bright rays of sun split the tops of trees, and clouds depart and blue fills the sky – the smell of angels lingers in the air – his hair feels the cool breeze again. This was not the garden, but a new world made from the eruption of hope and a life that could not be held down. We were witnesses to the life that rose from the dead. God’s relentless love, who comes close to us moving stones from tombs opening the heart to another possibility, death no longer stands. My heart races in my chest as I step forward to face the future, my future, that I grasp with open hands with new naiveté, a child toward a mother to be held and lifted up, and cradled with care. At times, I hesitate and I grasp onto memories of what once was but I know that I am not alone in my apprehension. I feel the hands of others holding me. These are my sisters, my brothers, who are not strangers to my fears and frailties, who have also confronted a hope that frightens them – who can feel their own scars, both fresh and old, they step in pace with me – the weeping women at the gravesite, the scared disciples waiting in the upper room.
This is our future, where we walk together toward our new home built by the hands of a wounded king – the new Zion, forsaking the kingdoms marked by borders and divides where all our settlements are only temporary shelters, sanctuaries of rest for the wounded and weary. Then the Christ returns to visit us, as Galilee’s boats pull to shore, these places seem familiar – the lapping water and the sand, but we are not to return to these lands, not those dreams – but become pilgrims, to set our belongings in another home, to wash our sandy feet in some other place, to lay down our tired souls on a distant promise, quilted from both the today and the tomorrow.
And we dine as a day sees another setting sun sitting across from each other once again – seeing each sweet face laughing deeply feeling whole once more. And we see the Savior’s smile, he knows our journey’s end and pours us another cup full of his own love and this time, our eyes tell him that we understand.

Thanks be to God!  See you in church,
Rev. Christian Marien

(This article is taken from Ascension’s May 2017 newsletter).

Welcome to Lent

Welcome to the season of Lent!

Wednesday, March 1, is Ash Wednesday. We will worship God with the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion at both our 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. services. Our hope is that you will take time, not find time, to let the world know that for just a moment on Wednesday night, March 1, you will come before your God and bow down and worship and praise to honor the One who has given you life in this world and promises you eternal life in the world to come.

I am always grateful to God for the change in rhythms during the season of Lent. Wednesday night gatherings for soup suppers and worship are a gift to my heart. God provides an opportunity to share in this journey of faith in different ways from Sunday mornings at  Ascension. On Wednesday nights, I have more time to simply sit and enjoy conversation with friends in the congregation. Worship is intended to be brief but meaningful. Music orients our focus to the worship of God. Sermons are exchanged for brief meditations. In the dark of night – the candles shine brighter. There is a beautiful quiet that hovers in the sanctuary even with the joyous sounds of children squealing with delight over the little things in their lives that we so often miss. On Wednesday nights in Lent, this year, Pastor Angela, Tony, and I will all be taking different aspects of our worship. Children’s messages will be a part of each Wednesday night and music will guide our steps in worship into the way of peace. I hope you will consider joining us for a time of refreshment…one night a week – you can skip cooking and the dishes (unless you sign up for either one at church). What a wonderful gift to come share in the joy of gathering together to the glory of God.

We will gather for soup suppers at 6 p.m. on March 8, March 15, March 22, March 29, and April 5.  March 8 will be hosted by JOLT; March 15 will be hosted by our Tuesday Morning Bible Studies; and April 5 will be hosted by CRASH. Congregational sign-ups will be available to help with soup and bread for both March 15 and March 29. Check the narthex/lobby for the posters. We need about 18 soups each week to provide for the 100-150 who attend. Our Wednesday night gatherings will center on some wonderful reflections offered to provide us with directions to wander while we find ourselves in the wilderness of Lent.

Wednesday Worship Themes
March 8
Discovering the Spirit
March 15
Renewing My Mind
March 22
Redeeming My Time
March 29
Deepening My Relationships
April 5
Transforming My Experience

I am grateful to the psalmist who wrote these words for us, “How very good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Come and join us on the journey. I wonder – how could your life be different if you made the conscious decision to gather with fellow believers for fellowship and worship on the Wednesday nights in Lent? What would change in your life? Would you be happier? More content? Would you discover new things about God? Would you find your mind renewed? Would you find your time better spent? Would your relationship with God and other believers go deeper? Would you find your life transformed? My guess is that your answer would be yes!  I know, for me, year after year, my answer is always, always…yes!
Peace be with you. See you in church.
Rev. Christian Marien

(This article was first published in the March 2017 newsletter).

Autumn Rituals

Dear People of God,

Already the winds of autumn have brought us to the gates of November. How quickly the days of summer have given way to falling leaves and crisp morning breezes. November 6 will gather us to the celebration of All Saints Sunday. We will once again read the names of those, connected to our community, who have died during the past year and light candles in remembrance of all who have gone before us and now rest from their labors. This year we will give thanks for:

Fabricio Aparicio John Gresl

Lorraine Birner Susan Krist

Judy Ewell Elmer Norris

Andrew Frey Barbara Wendorf

We live within the communion of saints. We trust the promise of God that the power of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ holds true for each of us – as it has for the generations that have come before us—as it will for the countless generations that will come after us. Often times in our world we find the power of God’s promises overshadowed by the darkness of the cross in our lives. Where Easter joy should reign over us we find ourselves overwhelmed with pain, death, and grief. All Saints Day gathers us with the whole communion of saints in heaven and on earth.

In Celtic Christian spirituality the place where heaven and earth meet—the moments where God enters into our world—are called “thin places.” An idea that offers a thinning of the veil between life and death, between human and divine, between ordinary and miraculous. For most of us, these places are what we crave for in our lives of faith. “Give me a sign, Lord.”  Ever heard yourself speaking those words? I have. Usually in the most despairing moments—the moments when no answer seems best—that is when I hear myself telling God to get on with it. Tell me which way so I can move on, step up, go forward, put something behind me. Once in awhile I really feel that God nudges in one direction or another—most of the time, I pray and I hope and I cross my fingers—not the sign of the cross mind you—just that hopeful kind of lucky wish and jump. Sometimes God blesses and other times God somehow puts me back at the beginning and lets me start over. The path is not always easy but I hold on to the hope and I trust that God is there in the midst.  

November 13 will call us to gather for the annual meeting of the congregation. In our church governance, it is the congregation that approves a yearly budget, elects new church council members, and approves a slate of candidates to attend our regional assembly of congregations next June. The meeting will begin at noon and will be a potluck. We invite you to join us to hear about Ascension and the mission and ministry of the congregation as well the continued work on our Ascension Arise our 2025 Vision.  

November 6, in-between services at 9:45, you will have the opportunity to ask review the budget for 2017 and ask questions in a smaller setting before the annual meeting happens the following week. Our community continues to renew itself as God guides and shapes the ministries entrusted to us in this time and place. I give thanks to God for the power and presence of God and God’s people as we walk together to the glory of God.

~ Pastor Chris Marien

In These Days of Lent

lenten-crossThe baptized do not just ‘get together’, they are called and gathered by the Holy Spirit. God’s people do not hear just any word, but the Word of eternal life, Jesus Christ, who changes the heart and enlightens the mind. They do not share just any food, but the very Body and Blood of Christ. Those who have been gathered, enlightened and fed do not just ‘leave’ – but, as disciples of Christ, they are sent forth in mission to speak the Word of God and do the work of God in the world. ~ ELCA Worship Resource, This Far By Faith.

What an incredible description of who we are as the People of God, in Jesus Christ, in the world. Our identity, our calling, our hearing, our sharing, and our sending is enlightened and inspired by the work of the Holy Spirit. I believe, such a description brings both freedom and fear to the hearts of the baptized. So much to experience and so much to live up to as the baptized. What an opportunity for us? What a challenge for us?

Here we are in the middle of Lent. The color purple surrounds our altar and hearts as we live into following in the footsteps of Jesus as he sets his sights on Jerusalem. Whatever he sees on the horizon is too far away for our eyes to see clearly and yet, Jesus continues his steady step to the gates of the city. You and I can only follow—not because we have to, but because our hearts call us to follow the one who has saved us from our sins with holy and precious blood. The journey of Lent continues for each of us.

As you walk into the world each morning do you see how many people are oblivious to the journey we travel during these days? Lent? Church calendar? Jesus? Cross? Good Friday? Tomb? Empty? Have so many chosen to forget the promise and presence of God in Jesus Christ? Have our friends, our neighbors, learned to call on God only in the midst of crisis or tragedy? And where does that leave us? Here we are in the days of Lent, trying to focus on what Jesus sees over the horizon, only to be distracted by those same friends, family, and neighbors who just simply do not understand, or choose not to hear, or really do not care at all about the story we would tell—given the opportunity.

Perhaps, therein lies the real quandary. Have any of us had the opportunity to share our story of faith with anyone in these days of Lent? Has God offered a shoulder, a listening ear, but we have turned away in embarrassment or timidness? Have we looked for opportunities to share our faith in word or in action with those we meet in these days of Lent? Where will this Lenten journey lead us? Where will God enter into our lives and offer an opportunity for us to live out our callings as the baptized? When the Holy Spirit calls and gathers…when the Word is heard…when the food is shared…when we are sent…where will we go? To whom?

May these days of Lent continue to move each of us into the world for the sake of the mission and ministry of God in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Peace be with you.

~ Pastor Chris Marien

(This post was originally published in Ascension’s March 2016 newsletter).

Get to Know the ELCA

Because God has been good to us, we can share that goodness with others, and our church is an excellent vehicle to use. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is a four million member church that draws on our rich and vibrant faith that connects us to Lutherans all over the world. Our ministries throughout the nation and the world are extremely efficient and solidly ethical. The ELCA and 300 health and human service organizations participate in an alliance known as Lutheran Services in America, which serves more than six million people each year in the United States and the Caribbean. That’s 1 in 50 Americans every year. That’s HUGE! We Lutherans serve 1 in 50 Americans! As part of this alliance, we support more than 285 social ministry organizations affiliated with the ELCA. Chances are, if you want to start a ministry, the ELCA is already doing it!

The ELCA has so many ministries that there is no way I can list all that we do nationally and globally. So, let’s begin with our home congregation. Through Ascension’s Mission Outreach wing, we embrace our Companion Synods: Tanzania and El Salvador. Companion Synods are a concrete expression of our communion and fellowship with the 140 Lutheran churches of The Lutheran World Federation. There are 65 synods in the ELCA. Each synod has at least one international church companion. We are part of the Greater Milwaukee Synod; therefore, we embrace the relationships that the ELCA has prayerfully assigned to us. Ascension and Cross Lutheran have enjoyed a long history with El Salvador. In fact, churches in our area were instrumental in providing asylum for Salvadorans during their civil war. We also enjoy a deep and abiding relationship with Cross Lutheran in Milwaukee. Ascension focuses on our three partnerships and builds relationships that are mutually uplifting.

We belong to an amazing church that is active in the world. When people are facing a crisis or are at their most vulnerable, we respond with care and compassion, ready to serve and love our neighbor. Here are several examples of how we, the ELCA, serve God and the people of God (descriptions taken from


A child dies from malaria every 60 seconds. But we are changing that grim statistic. Since the ELCA Malaria Campaign joined the global movement to fight malaria, we have seen a reduction in the number of deaths from this disease. But we’re not done yet. We are committed to raising $15 million by 2015 to support work in 13 of our companion churches in Africa. We are going to make malaria history!


More than 800 million people – that’s 1 in 8 people in our world today – are chronically hungry and cannot lead active daily lives. Did you know that 1.2 billion people live in extreme poverty, living on less than $1.25 per day? Or that in the United States, more than 50 million people do not know where their next meal will come from? Or that 46.2 million Americans are living in poverty. As members of the ELCA, we are called to respond. In 2012, our support of ELCA World Hunger totaled $18.6 million. ELCA World Hunger supports projects and programs in 43 U.S. states; 56 countries (including the U.S.); 388 food pantries, homeless shelters and other projects in the U.S.; 239 sustainable development, health and other projects around the world; and 15 education and networking programs in the ELCA.


AIDS has claimed the lives of more than 25 million people worldwide. The ELCA, along with the international community, has pledged both resources and action.


Lutheran Disaster Response brings God’s hope, healing, and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, we stay to provide ongoing assistance to those in need. The ELCA is currently responding to U.S. flooding and fires; Middle East and Europe refugee crisis; the Nepal area earthquake; the Ebola outbreak; unaccompanied and migrant children, and the South Sudan conflict.


We are a church that does God’s work in the world and in local communities pursuing justice, peace, and human dignity for and with all people. In partnership with Lutheran congregations and Lutheran social ministry organizations, LIRS has welcomed more than 379,000 refugees to the United States since 1939. This ongoing partnership and work is driven by God’s love for all people and a vision
for congregations to be welcoming and generous centers for mission and ministry. Now, we are working to resettle immigrants from Syria.


We are a church that believes God is calling us into the world, together. 70 million Lutherans do make a difference! As a member of The Lutheran World Federation, the ELCA is one of 142 member churches in 79 countries all over the world. Walking and working together, we seek to accompany our companions. Accompaniment is defined as walking together in a solidarity that practices interdependence and mutuality. The ELCA lives out accompaniment in relationships with global companions in the following ways: Mutually: All of us have gifts to support God’s mission. There is no mission to, only mission with and among. Inclusively: We seek to build relationships across boundaries that exclude and divide. Vulnerably: Just as Jesus became vulnerable to us, we open ourselves to others. Empowering: We seek to identify and correct imbalances of power, which may mean recognizing and letting go of our own. Sustainably: To ensure local ministries last, we seek to embed mission in ongoing relationships and communities.


We pursue justice and seek peace. Our faith and our call to boldly serve and love our neighbor take us into some interesting and challenging aspects of life: advocacy, corporate social responsibility, racial justice, science and ethics, peacemaking, justice for women, social issues, and community organizing. We are drawn into every corner of life, society and its institutions to bring the good news of Jesus Christ and to work for lasting, positive change that upholds human dignity.


The ELCA is working for justice and peace in Palestine and Israel through our campaign, Peace Not Walls. Peace Not Walls connects ELCA members to our companions and promotes dignity, full respect for human rights, healing and reconciliation. With our Palestinian Lutheran companions, we also accompany Palestinians and Israelis, Jews, Christians and Muslims working together for peace with justice.


There is a great need for your time and skills for doing God’s work in the world. Locally, God is already doing great things through ELCA congregations, Lutheran social ministry organizations, and projects in our area. Check out our synod’s website: Nationally, there are a wealth of volunteer opportunities: ELCA- affiliated camps and retreat centers across the United States; Lutheran Disaster Response sites; Lutheran social ministry organizations; Mission Builders donate their time and technical know-how to help with construction of new churches. There are also long-term service opportunities through Holden Village, Lutheran Volunteer Corps, Urban Servant Corps, and Border Servant Corps. We even have short- term and long-term service opportunities around the world through ELCA Global Mission.


The ELCA is not an island. We are committed to fostering unity among the children of God for the sake of the world. The ELCA Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations team cooperates with partners, such as The Lutheran World Federation, the World Council of Churches and the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Our Full Communion partners are the Episcopal Church, United Methodist Church, Moravian Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), Reformed Church in America, and United Church of Christ. We are dedicated to living out our baptismal calling to be light to the world. We serve our awesome God in amazing ways.

(This article was taken from Ascension’s October 2015 newsletter).