An Ending & A Beginning

In the immortal words of the lyrics from the Sound of Music, “How do you solve a problem like Maria?” Except we are not solving a MARIA problem, we are solving a TONY problem. And truly, the LAST thing Tony is, to all of us, is a problem!

Yet, we have come this far by faith. Ascension hired Tony in the fall of 2013 and he began his ministry as the Director of Faith Formation in February 2014. Lord, how far we have come. In the spring of 2016, Tony and I started talking about the possibility of seminary. We realized through multiple conversations that Tony had been running from God’s call for a long time. Since Tony was a marathon runner – running was no problem. Yet, God has the power and the stamina to outlast us all, and even Tony could not run forever. So in the Fall of 2016, Tony entered Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, IA. He entered a program that allowed him to work full-time at Ascension while concurrently taking classes full-time. After 18 months of classes he began his internship with us in February 2017.

For the last 18 months Tony has led a double-life as the Director of Faith Formation and Pastoral Intern and somehow kept his head above water in order to also be husband, father, and self-care advocate. It turns out we are coming to the end of Tony’s time as pastoral intern. On Aug. 18, Tony will preach his last sermon as our pastoral intern. We will celebrate the end of his internship with a reception in-between services and give thanks to God for his ministry among us as our pastoral intern. (BUT WAIT – HOLD ON!)

Tony is not leaving but his ministry among us is changing. After Sunday, Aug. 18, Tony will be away from Ascension from Friday, Aug. 23, through Friday, Sept. 8. The time away is to allow Tony to reset himself into the role of Director of Faith Formation and attend his normally scheduled “Prologue” week at the seminary. Tony’s time away also provides an opportunity for Ascension to reset as well. In September, Tony will return to his role of tending the faith formation and needs of primarily our children, junior high, and senior high populations along with their families. He will be, of course, available to chat and tend all of us as he always has, but he will no longer fulfill the role of pastor in our midst. It is unfair of us to ask Tony to continue in the role of pastor while he continues in his final year of seminary education. It is also unfair of Ascension to ask him to tend us as pastor, when we do not pay him appropriately for that specific role. All that being said…what is next?

At the July council meeting, the timeline for the next call process was introduced. In September, members will be invited to nominate other members to serve on the Call Team. The Church Council will craft the Call Team in October and we will install the Call Team in early November with the expectation that we will be ready to interview in February or March. And in February or March, as in September through November, as in every day of our lives, we will invite the Holy Spirit to tend the ministry of this place and the call process to come. We will pray for Ascension and our future; we will pray for Tony and his family and their future; and we will ask God to let God’s will be done among us. And we will not be singing, “How do we solve a problem like Tony,” we will simply continue to sing our praise to God as we have always done and lift our praise and our prayers to our God.

See you in church.
Pastor Chris

(Reprinted from the August 2019 newsletter)

The Gift of Time

The months of June and July were filled with our CRASH Graduate Recognition, JOLT Adventure Camp, visiting sick and hospitalized members, catching up with other members and interfaith partners, stepping in to lead worship, and finally taking a much needed vacation with my family. As now, as I reflect on these incredible moments, I’m overtaken with joy by the gift this time with others has offered.

Being invited into the vulnerable moments of those who have been sick or injured and dwelling with them in their pain, suffering, nervousness, and fear continues to open my eyes to the unbelievable compassion Jesus showed those he encountered, and calls us to model just the same. And having opportunities to reconnect with community, synod, and interfaith partners has been a rich reminder of the joy that is found in being part of the worldwide Body of Christ.

And finally, our family had the most amazing and unexpected experience when we went on a dream vacation with my wife’s family. The reconnecting time with each other and the reclaiming of my own self helped me come to the realization that too often in life we take for granted the gift of time with others. Typically, we go about our daily lives, running here and there, thoughtlessly following routine after routine, and as a result we often get disconnected from being fully present with those God gifts to us. I’ve been sharing with many of you that this was the first vacation I’ve ever taken where I’ve totally disconnected from everything but my family – to say being fully present with them was amazing would be an understatement.

As I wrap up my pastoral internship this month and reflect on the countless events of the past 18 months, I’m amazed how they have helped shape me into the pastor that I’m becoming. And I stand in awe at how amazing it has been to walk with you, lead you, comfort you, and celebrate with you throughout your life moments and my journey of pastoral formation. I am deeply grateful for every opportunity to be involved in the life of this congregation and wish to thank you for your partnership, care, support, and encouragement throughout this amazing journey.

These various gifts of time have inspired me to recognize God’s presence in so many unexpected ways and they remind me of the great joy found in answering God’s call to serve and walk alongside others while pointing them to the beautiful abundance of God’s grace and love.

Now, I don’t believe that you have to experience a milestone moment, go on a church trip, or take a family vacation to experience the gift of time. Whatever moment God places before you, you simply have to not be so wrapped up that you miss out on the gift of being fully present and attentive to those God has generously gifted you time with. From time to time put your phone away, set your to do list and your expectations aside and just be present in the moments God is placing before you. Allow yourself to take in the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of these precious moments – and then filled with unimaginable joy, give thanks to our amazing God for such an incredible gift. Enjoy these last few weeks of summer because they’ll be gone before you know it.

Tony Acompanado
Pastoral Intern

(Reprinted from the August 2019 newsletter)

Living Faith

Dear People of God,

I take it as pure joy to be sitting outside in the middle of September relishing every moment of 72° and the delight of sunlight and blue skies. I know before too long, the days will announce fall with a new wind blowing and a fresh chill in the air. For now, we rejoice in the gift of the breeze coupled with the warmth of the sunshine to bring mums to bloom and one last ripened tomato from garden to table.

The beginning of fall programming in our congregation brings joy as well. So much to celebrate. So much offered from God’s open hands. There is something for everyone. I am always stunned at the sheer amount of ministry happening in and through the community of Ascension.

Alongside my constant surprise at the number of active ministries moving in and through Ascension walks the almost unbelievable fact that Pastor Angela celebrates her first anniversary as pastor with us at Ascension. She is a gift in so many ways and brings a perspective to the congregation that deepens our understanding, strengthens our faith, and inspires our hearts. I am grateful for her presence among us.

It is no secret that our Children’s Ministries have undergone a significant transformation over the past two months. Our Director of Faith Formation, Tony Acompanado, receives much of the credit for this transition along with the dedicated teachers who have taken a “leap of faith” in walking with our Children’s Ministry in this inaugural year of newness. So far so good. We have spent a good deal of time redefining our Children’s Ministry in the light of experience.

In these days of ministry, I often ask this question, “What does it mean for faith to come alive?” Answers to that question are all around us. However, one moment has stood out, for me, more than any other. In the midst of our Kindergarten Stepping Stone, we revised our activities to make everything we do hands-on. Our kindergarten students had a blast. Playdough brought the story of Noah’s Ark to life. Legos helped to explain the story of Solomon building the temple. Finger paint and candied gel decoration taught the students about the moment where Jesus spoke of himself as the vine and all of us as the branches. Forty-five minutes flew by. Before we knew it, class was over. The best part for me was sharing with the parents and students an opportunity to bless each other at home with the sign of the cross. It may sound simplistic – perhaps it is. And yet, for me, it is pure joy to link playdough and Legos and paint to the stories of our faith. This new stepping stone was like sunlight and blue skies all rolled into one moment of watching parents and students share a moment around the living Word of God. I can’t wait for what’s next!

Peace be with you.

(This article was taken from Ascension’s October 2015 newsletter).

Good News of Great Joy

I am writing this article as junior high students are preparing to scale the Tower of Terror at our JOLT Adventure Camp, near Crivitz, WI. It is an exciting time to watch them encounter the “challenge by choice” model. They are responsible for their own level of challenge, and almost all of them will choose to move far beyond their original decision to only go “so high” on the Tower of Terror. I often speak of this life we live as a journey of faith. We are certainly watching that journey unfold for our junior high students during this week of Adventure Camp.

The Angel Gabriel said to Mary: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy.” In this adventure we travel as the people of God at Ascension, God has smiled on us with great blessing in these last weeks of June, and I can share joyful news.

First, I am excited to announce that Vicki Taylor, our Director of Music Ministries, has agreed to accept responsibilities and provide leadership as the Handbell Choir Director as of August 1. What wonderful news for our community!

Second, with the deep and abiding faithfulness of God by our side, we have pondered and prayed about the Children’s Ministry of Ascension. We have had a dedicated team of teachers and parents meeting, interviewing, and researching throughout the region best practices for children’s ministries. After several months, we are now ready to move forward.

I am thrilled to share with you that on August 1, our Director of Youth Ministries, Tony Acompanado, will accept the responsibilities for the shape and direction of Children’s Ministry into the future. Council has invited and Tony has accepted a newly created position – the Director of Faith Formation. Tony will now oversee our children’s ministries, junior high JOLT ministries, and our senior high CRASH ministries. We are already looking to the fall with great anticipation.

The month of July will also see the next step in our 2025 Visioning Process. Caring Relationships and Mission Outreach will each present their current and future vision statements to the church council for review and reflection. Joyful Worship and Spiritual Growth are now in the second phase of redrafting their current and future vision statements for the church council to review a second time. In September and October, we will have the opportunity for the congregation to reflect on and ask questions about the statements and action plans to move us to 2025.

God is offering so much in the midst of these summer months. Please join us in the celebrations of the new design of staff positions and in the continuing visioning for Ascension’s future.

On a side note – July 7 is the day Tony and I leave for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI, which begins on July 15. We covet your prayers for the final planning, the 20 participants from our own congregation, and the 30,000 other high school students, adult leaders, bishops, and pastors who will join us on the journey. Peace and joy be yours in these summer days.

Pastor Chris Marien

(This article was taken from Ascension’s July 2015 newsletter).