Council Welcome

Welcome Back!

This month we welcome Pastor Chris back from his sabbatical. We look forward to seeing him and his family again and sharing our stories.

But they are not the only ones we welcome back. Perhaps you, like I did, returned recently from a trip out of town. Perhaps you have missed a few (or more than a few) Sundays due to a busy summer schedule. Perhaps you have been away from church for a longer time, for whatever reason.

We also look forward to the return of music ensembles and Sunday school and small group (and more) programs after their summer hiatus. To all of you, we say, “Welcome back!”

At our summer meeting, your church council reviewed the list of projects that have been completed or are on-going in and around our church building. A lot of work has been done, much of which we can see, as well as some maintenance and repair items that aren’t as visible. We are amazed that this work has been done (and paid for!) without seeking additional loans. The council appreciates the financial commitment and support of the congregation. We are already starting the budget process for 2023 and look forward to that support as we continue and grow our work.

It is an exciting time and a wonderful thing to welcome all to our beautiful church home.


Susan Otto, Council President

August Council Update

We’ve got this. It’s been several weeks now that Pastor Chris has been on sabbatical. Though we may notice his absence, the life of the church continues. The hymns and songs are sung, the gospel is preached, communion is celebrated, and God is worshiped in our community of believers.

We continue to pray for Pastor Tony, Edwin, and the staff as they take on increased responsibilities at this time. We pray for PC and his family in their time of rest and renewal. And we pray for one another as we navigate the sabbatical, as well as the things that life throws at us in between.

Your church council is taking advantage of the slower summer pace and consolidating the July and August council meetings into a single meeting on August 2nd. If you have any questions or concerns at any time, one or two council members will be (and have been) available at the Welcome Center between services on Sunday. If you just want to stop and chat, we’d love to share some fellowship.


Susan Otto, Council President

May Council Update

President’s Letter

Renewal — this is the feeling we want to have at this time of the year. The renewal of spring, the renewal of the Easter promise, and the renewal of our church building. 

It seems that two of these are taking longer than we like. While we can do nothing about the slow start to spring this year, your church council is carefully monitoring the building renovation. As of this writing, the process is moving along with a few unexpected “bumps” on the way. All additional work is being done with an eye to keeping within the costs outlined for the project. Any extra outlay of expenses will be discussed, if needed, by the Council.

You can do your part for the renewal of our environment on Saturday, May 7, as we look to spruce up the inside and outside of our property. Hope to see you there!


Susan Otto, Council President

Financial Report

We closed out the first quarter of 2022 in a solid financial position. Our total income has exceeded what we had projected by 6.8%. We had a slight uptick in expenses in March, but those were mostly attributable to bills for snow removal — something I hope we won’t have to worry about for the next eight to nine months. Our resulting year-to-date expenses are 1.2% higher than we’d budgeted, and the net result is a year-to-date budget surplus of nearly $11,000. 


Zach Wittchow, Treasurer

President’s Report

When I was approached approximately four years ago with the opportunity to serve on the Congregational Council executive team, the last thing I could have imagined was that a global pandemic would consume much of my time and energy in that role. Yet we find ourselves more than eighteen months into a pandemic that has taken over daily conversations and life. What that has meant for Council is a constant reflection on our “new normal” and how we care for the health of the congregation.

The pandemic has forced us to accept a pace of change and a daily uncertainty that gives us new reasons to be uncomfortable, exhausted, stressed, and worried. Yet in the midst of this, we have continued to live, grow, learn, and love. This is beautifully evident when Council reflects on the past year in preparation for the upcoming Annual Congregational Meeting.

We see life continue in a new way as we celebrate baptisms, Stepping-Stones, and marriages, while also grieving for losses. It inspires us to continue to seek new ways to be a living community as a congregation.

We see growth when we reflect as leaders on how far we’ve come since our last leadership gathering nearly two years ago. It inspires us to hope for continued growth as we discuss a vision for the coming year.

We see learning on a monthly basis as we discuss how the pandemic is changing and what our response as a congregation should be to the most current information we have. It inspires us to have an open mind and to seek further opportunity to learn.

And we see love in the support that the people of Ascension show each other through ministry, personal relationships, and giving that has kept this community as a beacon of hope in the world. It inspires us all to love as we have been loved.

My hope and my ask of each of you is for each one of us to continue to walk, together, down this uncertain road. There is so much to see along the way and the journey is of unparalleled value. I look forward to seeing you as we worship together, meet together at the Annual Congregational Meeting, and as we continue being the family God has called us to be.


Jeremy Poling, Council President

A Future Unfolding

By: Rev. Christian W. Marien

The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant that I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt – a covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, says the Lord. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. ~ Jeremiah 31:31-33

Counting down the days to summer used to be a joy in the season of spring. In grade school, summer vacation meant long leisurely mornings and playing outside. In high school, summer days meant getting to my summer job by 8:30 a.m. and working until 5 p.m. if I wanted to fill my wallet and savings account. Now, as a parent, counting down the days to summer means navigating childcare, day camps, and new routines for drop-offs and pick-ups. Needless to say, I do not count down the days to summer vacation with the same enthusiasm as I did as a child.

The days are surely coming says the Lord, prophesies Jeremiah, reminding us God is not finished with God’s people. It is a word spoken of a future yet to unfold. I am grateful for church council under the direction of Council President Nada Draeger as Vision ARISE 2025 begins to bring focus to the future direction of Ascension. Church council, staff, wing and leg leaders, and other ministry leaders gathered in May for the first substantial piece of our new vision of the future for the glory of God. The excitement was palpable. We are indebted to Craig Greenwood who lead the retreat and laid the groundwork for the months ahead. 2025 might be ten years away but soon enough we will welcome 2024 and look to the next ten years of ministry of Ascension. Daunting? Not at all! Exciting? Absolutely! The Church of God seeks new expression even as we love and live what we now know.

The days are surely coming says the Lord. Let them come, Lord God. A new covenant – yes! A renewing of your promise to be among your people – yes! As the Holy Spirit moves among us, may we seek out those places and people where we realize the Lord’s presence.

In the next few months, I will extend invitations to you to share in listening sessions to help shape ARISE 2025, Ascension’s vision for the next ten years. The church council, wing leaders, and members serving in ministries of each of Ascension’s butterfly wings are beginning the next step of the visioning process. So the excitement grows!

Where will the Holy Spirit lead? How will we be moved by the tending of our God? Interested in joining in the conversation? Let me know. Give Nada a call. Talk to any council member. We would all love to have you join us in this second leg of the journey towards the future.

Counting down the days to summer used to remind me that the school year was over. Now as an adult, the summer days find different shape and purpose. I am glad to share in this journey of faith with each of you. Join in worship inside and outside this summer. Find your summer days marked a by a moment of prayer – giving thanks to God for a day of rest or a time of renewal with family and friends. Finally, ask God to help you recognize the presence of God in those around you and in yourself. And instead of counting down the days to the end of summer, imagine counting down the days towards a fresh fall and a future filled with hope for our church and our world to the glory of God.

Peace be with you!

(This article was taken from Ascension’s June 2015 newsletter).