Welcome ~ Bienvenidos!

Join us on Sunday, Sept. 18, for a special worship service at 10 a.m., incorporating our English worship services and our Spanish worship.

After worship, plan to stay for a time of fun and fellowship. BLAST Rally Day is hosting kid time with inflatables in the garden area. There will also be other games and activities and door prizes. Food trucks will start serving right after the service and will serve until 1 p.m. or as needed. There will be $4 pizza slices or empanadas, $5 sides, $10 sandwiches, $15 dinner plates. There will also be an ice cream cart and snow cone tent. Since food trucks often can’t accept credit cards, please bring cash to pay for your lunch!

We will have door prizes, conversation and a chance to re-connect with old friends and meet some new ones. It doesn’t matter how long it has been since you or a friend has been at church, Sept. 18 will be a day to come home or make a new home. Please invite your friends who may be in need of a church home.

Welcome Home

What does it mean to you to be welcomed? Welcomed home, welcomed back, welcomed in, or welcomed for? When and by whom have you experienced welcome? And how did it make you feel?

Being welcomed makes us feel accepted, appreciated, embraced and there’s usually a sense of gladness connected to it. I think it’s safe to say we all want to feel welcomed – by our family, friends, community, church, colleagues, and maybe even more so by those who are strangers to us.

I’m not sure I can identify just one feeling that comes with being welcomed, but I do know when I’m welcomed I feel joyful, valued, a sense of belonging, and I’d dare even say, loved. And if we’re being completely honest then we also have to be mindful that there will be some who will undoubtedly experience a lack of welcome or even worse, being unwelcome.

“…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” 

Matthew 25:35-36

When we’re welcomed and extend the same there’s something deeper that takes place. Welcome at its most basic level is about inviting and being invited in. It’s an invitation into a relationship that reflects openness, acceptance, care, forgiveness, and understanding. And as Jesus reminds us in Matthew 25, when we extend welcome to one another, it’s ultimately God that we’re inviting in and accepting welcome from.

There’s also another aspect of welcoming that I think we tend to take for granted, and that’s the importance of celebration. Picture the running embrace a parent receives from a small child when they return home from work, or the rejoicing that happens when a child returns from college, or the celebration of a loved one who returns from a vacation. Being welcomed is a celebration, no matter how many times we experience it, or take it for granted.

With this in mind, welcome is the theme that gathers us together again as we launch into a new season of fall programming. On Sunday, Sept. 18, we’ll celebrate the return of Pastor Chris and family from a 3-month time of sabbatical rest. That same day we’ll celebrate Rally Day and the welcome back of BLAST, JOLT, and CRASH students and families as children and youth ministries resume again. We’re also excited to welcome back Ascension members who have stepped away for a time and have been longing to return. And finally, we’re thrilled to welcome in friends and visitors that we’ll invite to join us in celebrating the amazing community of Ascension.

Our Welcome Home Celebration on Sept. 18 begins with a gathering of the entire diverse community of Ascension at a single, blended, bilingual worship service that will take place in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. Following worship, there will be a variety of food trucks on-site selling delicious items so the celebration can continue over lunch. BLAST will be providing several inflatables in the memorial gardens to entertain kids and families. And it will all be a wonderful celebration, well at least it has the potential to be…but that’s only if you come to be welcomed – welcomed home…welcomed back…welcomed in…and welcomed for. You are welcome! All are welcome! And I am so excited to welcome you!

Pastor Tony

Council Welcome

Welcome Back!

This month we welcome Pastor Chris back from his sabbatical. We look forward to seeing him and his family again and sharing our stories.

But they are not the only ones we welcome back. Perhaps you, like I did, returned recently from a trip out of town. Perhaps you have missed a few (or more than a few) Sundays due to a busy summer schedule. Perhaps you have been away from church for a longer time, for whatever reason.

We also look forward to the return of music ensembles and Sunday school and small group (and more) programs after their summer hiatus. To all of you, we say, “Welcome back!”

At our summer meeting, your church council reviewed the list of projects that have been completed or are on-going in and around our church building. A lot of work has been done, much of which we can see, as well as some maintenance and repair items that aren’t as visible. We are amazed that this work has been done (and paid for!) without seeking additional loans. The council appreciates the financial commitment and support of the congregation. We are already starting the budget process for 2023 and look forward to that support as we continue and grow our work.

It is an exciting time and a wonderful thing to welcome all to our beautiful church home.


Susan Otto, Council President