When I was approached approximately four years ago with the opportunity to serve on the Congregational Council executive team, the last thing I could have imagined was that a global pandemic would consume much of my time and energy in that role. Yet we find ourselves more than eighteen months into a pandemic that has taken over daily conversations and life. What that has meant for Council is a constant reflection on our “new normal” and how we care for the health of the congregation.

The pandemic has forced us to accept a pace of change and a daily uncertainty that gives us new reasons to be uncomfortable, exhausted, stressed, and worried. Yet in the midst of this, we have continued to live, grow, learn, and love. This is beautifully evident when Council reflects on the past year in preparation for the upcoming Annual Congregational Meeting.

We see life continue in a new way as we celebrate baptisms, Stepping-Stones, and marriages, while also grieving for losses. It inspires us to continue to seek new ways to be a living community as a congregation.

We see growth when we reflect as leaders on how far we’ve come since our last leadership gathering nearly two years ago. It inspires us to hope for continued growth as we discuss a vision for the coming year.

We see learning on a monthly basis as we discuss how the pandemic is changing and what our response as a congregation should be to the most current information we have. It inspires us to have an open mind and to seek further opportunity to learn.

And we see love in the support that the people of Ascension show each other through ministry, personal relationships, and giving that has kept this community as a beacon of hope in the world. It inspires us all to love as we have been loved.

My hope and my ask of each of you is for each one of us to continue to walk, together, down this uncertain road. There is so much to see along the way and the journey is of unparalleled value. I look forward to seeing you as we worship together, meet together at the Annual Congregational Meeting, and as we continue being the family God has called us to be.


Jeremy Poling, Council President

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