God of the Resurrection

Over the past few months in our Monday Adult Education classes we’ve been exploring our faith by way of the Chosen video series, the Bible, and many wonderful and engaging discussions. Throughout our time together I’ve noticed an openness, energy, and excitement welling up in many of those participating. And this has led me to see that the Holy Spirit is up to something else beautiful and amazing here at Ascension. Coincidently, just last week a friend of mine shared the following poem, “Watered Gardens” by Joyce Rupp. And I feel like it does a great job highlighting the same openness that Easter and the gift of resurrection joy call us toward.

God of openness, of life and resurrection,
Come into this Easter season and bless me.
Look around the tight dead spaces of my heart
That still refuse to give you entrance.
Bring your gentle but firm love.
Begin to lift the layers of resistance
That hang on tightly deep inside of me.
Open, one by one, those places in my life
Where I refuse to be overcome by surprise.
Open, one by one, those parts of my heart
Where I fight the entrance of real growth.
Open, one by one, those aspects of my spirit
Where my security struggles with the truth.
God of the Resurrection , God of the living,
Untomb and uncover all that needs to live in me.
Take me to people, events and situations
And stretch me into much greater openness.
Open me. Open me. Open me.
For it is only then that I will grow and change.
For it is only then that I will be transformed.
For it is only then that I will know how it is
To be in the moment of rising from the dead.

My friends, I pray that the God of the Resurrection would continue to inspire us and open us to discover the gift of a new life in Christ. And as we do, may all our days be filled with hope! 

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Pastor Tony

Holy Week 2024

Holy Week will once again offer us the power of the story of God’s love for us.

8:30a & 10:45a (English), 10:45a (en español)

Hear the story of the entrance of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem to shouts of “Hosanna. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!”

6:30p (English), 6:45p (en español)

Remember the Last Supper in the Upper Room, prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus’ arrest, and trial. This worship service ends with the meaningful “stripping of the altar” to remind us of the humiliation and suffering of our Savior.

Worship: 12p and 6:30p (English), and 6p (en español)

Hear the story of the crucifixion of Jesus along with the seven last words of Jesus from the cross. We will gather to remember and offer worship to the One who saves us from our sins. The sanctuary will be open with candlelight from 1-3 p.m. for those who desire a time of quiet prayer.

Good Friday Procession: We invite you to participate in our Latino Ministries’ Good Friday procession. We will start our procession from the three crosses in the memorial garden. We will lower the cross and the participants will be able to pass the cross to the people who will carry it on our trip to the tomb (Latino Sanctuary). In the sanctuary, we will, as always, have the experience of walking and experiencing how the beauty of the alfombras/carpets disappears.

8:30a & 10:45a (English), 10:45a (en español)

The story of the power of God overcoming the power of death. The story of the power of love overcoming the power of death. The story of Jesus defeating the grave. It is our story. Come and see what God has done. Be reminded of the promise of God’s unimaginable love for you. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Preparing for the Beauty of Holy Week

While we just celebrated Ash Wednesday, preparations for Holy Week at Ascension are already underway. In the Latino Ministry, we have begun coloring sawdust to prepare our traditional alfombras for Good Friday. During Journey to the Cross, families began the first alfombra.

Some of you have asked me where all that large amount of sawdust comes from. Sawdust is not just from one place, last month, I had to visit Bliffert, Waukesha, Home Depot, Waukesha and Bliffert, Germantown. We have enough material to make all of the alfombras for this year. The sawdust that those stores collect is put in the trash, but for the month of February, they invite us to use and do wonders with material that is normally garbage. I showed them photographs of last year’s alfombras. They said, “Wow! Thank you for inviting us to be part in some way in this project!” Yes, everyone is invited to participate in some way in the alfombras during Holy Week.

In previous years, I have colored all the sawdust by myself. This year CRASH students were invited to experience the colorization of sawdust. The students really enjoyed it and learned a new skill. This was not only a time of work, but it was also a time for fellowship, sharing and continuing to learn about what Ascension is and what God is doing in our multicultural Christian community.

As we continue to walk this Lenten journey, let’s think about God’s call to us to pass the good news to others. In Holy week, we invite you to participate in our Good Friday procession. We will start our procession from the three crosses in the memorial garden. We will lower the cross and the participants will be able to pass the cross to the people who will carry it on our trip to the tomb (Latino Sanctuary). In the sanctuary, we will, as always, have the experience of walking and experiencing how the beauty of the carpets disappears.

The beauty of the savior living among us dies, but that is not the end. Three days later, beauty returns never to disappear from our lives. Jesus continues to reveal the beauty of the kingdom of heaven here on earth through us and others. We are invited to spread the message of the kingdom of God from where we are.

May God open your eyes this Lenten season to help you find the beauty of the kingdom of heaven in your lives.

Pastor Edwin

Welcome to the Season of Lent

It feels as if we are constantly playing catch-up with the season of Lent. The calendar did not help this year. In only seven weeks we went from the celebrations of Christmas to reminder of our mortality on Ash Wednesday. Some years we have as many as 10 weeks to make the transition. As I have entered into conversations with members of the church, I am struck by the fact that I am not the only one who feels rushed this year into the season of Lent.

On the first Sunday in Lent, I invited people at worship to write down the name of someone in their life who is in need of prayer…for whatever reason. My accepted “extra” in Lent has been to pray over these names each week. It is a daunting pile on my desk. Prayer cards stacked some two and three inches high with the first names of people who are loved, considered, remembered by many of you in your own daily prayers. It is humbling to be entrusted with those names. There are names that give me pause because I know the story behind the name. On some cards, people feel the need to offer explanation, which can be helpful but not necessary. And there are always a few cards with not just one name but three and four names. Just so you know – I stop and pray for each name – not just the first one at the top. What grounds me in the season of Lent, as we wander in the wilderness for a time, is the opportunity to settle into my prayers. Each prayer card offers me a little extra moment of time to speak the name and ask God to tend this loved one in some way. There is a meme running around the internet that says:

It is a solid reminder for my own prayer life. Of course, right after I saw that reminder meme, I saw this one:

And that brought me right back to why sometimes my life is messier than it should be. It is no surprise. My faith life ebbs and flows like everything else that clamors for time in my life. Depending on which guilt lever gets pulled can often determine the next task to tackle. Reading with my youngest child – yes, important. Checking in on my dad, my sister – yes, important. Date night with my wife – yes, SO IMPORTANT (if she is reading this)! Reconnecting with an old friend – yes, important. Visiting someone who is sick or feeling lonely – yes, important. Getting this newsletter article done – yes, important. All the things that beg for attention are almost always important enough to be listed. It amuses me that right after I typed the list above I realized that I left off “tending my relationship with God.” How did I miss that in the season of Lent? It happens.

The gift of this season of Lent is that we have the opportunity for just a little extra opportunity to tend our relationship with our God. Sunday worship, The Chosen Video series, midweek soup supper and worship, and Holy Week events to name a few “extra” opportunities. The Soup Suppers are always a gift to be in relationship with other members of the body of Christ in simple ways around a simple meal and a new recipe. You still have three more opportunities to join us on Wednesday nights. Before we know it, Holy Week will be upon us.

See you in church,

Pastor Chris

Serve With Ascension

We have committed to providing several simple suppers each year for the families who participate in the sessions on grieving and healing through Healing Hearts. Did you know that Ascension played a key part in bringing this much needed ministry to our community? We value the service they provide and have had members of our congregation benefit from their program. We recognize that we cannot do everything on our own but by supporting community partners that do the needed service, we are making sure the work is being done.

As with each of our Community Partners, we seek out ways to provide a service that helps them do their mission. The meals assure that families are fed and ready to participate in the groups. March 18 is the next meal that we will serve. We would love to have someone step forward to plan a simple meal, prepare or donate food and serve the meal. This would be a great service project for a small group. You don’t have to make all the food on your own. We can request help from the congregation. They prefer very simple foods that can be quickly served so the families can get to their group or class. Ascension members who have participated report that they really enjoyed the experience. Watch for a Sign-Up Genius to volunteer or contact Teri Quam.

The parable of the mustard: Last fall, we were inspired by a guest minister at the SOPHIA breakfast as she shared with us the parable of the mustard seed. She spoke about how Jesus said that faith as small as a mustard seed could grow into a great plant that would help many people. A small seed can yield great results and blessings but it has to be planted. When we think of all the needs of the world, the community and our own church, it can be overwhelming. If each person would step forward and do one new thing, it would change our church, our community and our world. Rather than thinking  that we can’t tackle a big problem, we each need to ask what is one new thing we can do to serve God.

On April 14, we will be holding a Ministry Fair to share all the wonderful ministries of Ascension and to encourage each person to sign up for one new thing that they are willing to do in the coming months. This will be a chance to get more information about all the ministries within the congregation and with our community and global partners. 

Often, people don’t know enough about the needs or what the commitment involves. The Ministry Fair will give everyone a chance to ask questions and even to suggest new ministries or ways to serve. Many of our community partners are in need of volunteers and many of our own congregation ministries need people to serve.  If each person in the congregation pledged to do one new step of service, we could change our community, our church and our world. “Whatever we do for the least of these, we do unto Christ Himself.”

Follow Mission Outreach/Serve on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Ascension.ELCA.MO/  to keep up with all the service opportunities.

We don’t just go to church. We are the church.

March Madness and Lent

Most of you are probably aware that I’m a huge fan of the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament better known as March Madness – and I’m thrilled that it’s almost here!  In just a few weeks millions of people, superfans as well as fair-weather ones, will be filling out and checking their brackets daily, if not hourly. Workplace production is certain to take a dive. And for three straight weeks sports fans will be glued to their screens watching all the drama unfold.

For some, their enthusiasm can appear almost religious. All over the country, fans will deck themselves out in their favorite team gear or team colors all while exhibiting a heightened sense of nervousness; desperate for their team to win and advance to the next round. They’ll be watching games while yelling “No, no…yes, yes!” while kids are running around the house dribbling and shooting basketballs as adults are running to the kitchen for more appetizers. It’s chaotic. It’s madness. And I’m not ashamed to say that I can’t get enough of it!

But as I’ve been psyching myself up for this year’s tournament it occurred to me that there was a connection between our faith, the season of Lent, and The Big Dance and I’m wondering, “What if we viewed our faith and the experience of Lent through a different lens”? What if we used the “madness” of the NCAA basketball tournament to better understand our nature as humans created in the image of God?

I think the attraction to March Madness reveals aspects of our life of faith and our journey through Lent that may be helpful in reorienting us and reenergizing us for the road ahead. 

We want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. March Madness allows us to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We may not be on the court, but filling out our brackets and cheering alongside countless others gives us some skin in the game. So too does our faith. Especially in the season of Lent as we stand alongside countless other Christians taking time to reflect on our lives, intensify our faith practices and turn back to God. Much like the discipline and focus necessary for teams in the tournament to be successful, we too must engage in this same discipline as we make our journey toward Easter.

Disappointment and heartache are lurking around every corner. Teams dream, plan, and prepare for a long and successful run deep into the tournament, however, anyone who’s ever witnessed an upset knows that even the best laid plans are sometimes met with unexpected disappointment. Our lives are like that aren’t they? We plan, save, try to eat healthy, live responsibly, pray and come to worship and yet we still encounter heartache, disappointment, sadness, pain, and grief. Although God never promises us a life absent of difficulties and pain, the more connected we are to God and one another, and the deeper we engage our faith and faith practices the more we open ourselves, allowing God to comfort us and heal us in times of brokenness.

We crave hope. Every year in the tournament there are amazing comebacks and last second buzzer beaters. Underdog teams who can’t seem to miss a shot or a team that finds itself down as the final seconds tick away relying on a step back three pointer or an unbelievable half court prayer thrown up in desperation – Cinderella stories reminding us that David can beat Goliath. Personally, I just hope not to be in the bottom half of my family’s bracket pool this year. For people around the world, hope is wanting something to happen or be true and to think that it could happen or be true. For Christians, our hope rests not in our own abilities or a last second desperation attempt but rather in a sure thing. We trust that God’s promises will be fulfilled because God promised them. Our hope rests in the truth that Jesus’s death and resurrection secured victory over sin and death and sealed our relationship with God forever.

Victory is found in the most unexpected places. An unexpected player or team that surprises everyone by playing far beyond what anyone thought possible and ends up victorious. A superfan nun whose health isn’t the greatest but still manages to get herself to the sidelines to cheer on her team. The coach or player who overcomes a life-threatening illness or injury only to find themselves on one of the biggest stages of their lives. The unexpected surprises us but it also has the potential to enliven us, if we allow it to. But these stories merely echo the greatest story in all of history. Separated from God because of our sin, humans had no shot of making it back into God’s favor. But then came Jesus, in the form of a servant – living, teaching, and preaching about a different kind of kingdom. Jesus lived a perfect life while challenging the rules, assumptions, power structures, culture, and people’s beliefs and conquered sin and death by dying a sacrificial death and rising from the grave victorious for all. We love underdog and comeback stories, and this is the greatest one for all eternity.

As we step into Lent on our journey toward Easter, I’d like to invite you to join me on this sacred journey and allow God to draw us in and transform us so that we might more fully live into the abundant life that God has promised us. The Final Four may signify a nearing of the end of the tournament as we approach the championship game and prepare to crown a tournament champion. Similarly, our journey through Holy Week gets us one step closer to the culmination of an empty tomb on Easter morning as we celebrate the victorious journey of Jesus and the fulfillment of all God’s promises.

So, for the next few weeks I hope you’ll enjoy some great basketball games and have fun rooting for your favorite teams. But while you do I also invite you throughout the upcoming Lenten season to pay attention for the unexpected because you just might be surprised at what God has waiting for you.

Pastor Tony

Farmers Market

March 10 is the date of this year’s Winter Farmers’ Market in cooperation with the Food, Faith and Farming Network. We will have a great variety of vendors selling eggs, preserves, salsa, mushrooms, honey, meat, soaps and body care, apples, cider syrups, oats, granola, wool products, rustic breads and pastries, sweet breads, gluten-free and vegan bread. As we get closer to the market, more vendors may be added. Bring your own bags or purchase an Ascension bag to use.

Volunteers are needed to help make the market a success. Please sign-up online to help.

In addition to the market, we will have a brunch with all locally sourced foods from the farmers. The menu includes egg bake, spinach bake, sausages, hashbrown bake, oatmeal/fruit muffins, cider and beverages. The cost is $10 adults, $8 seniors and $5 kids 4-10 (under 4 free). There is a maximum of $30 per family. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend to visit Ascension. They can join us for worship or at least hear the joyful worship sounds as they shop.

Quesadillas and Baked Goods in El Salvador

When Ascension hosted Together in Mission at the beginning of February, we wanted to be able to show hospitality to our guests in a way that showed our visitors who we are. With the synod’s connection to El Salvador and our Latino Ministries, it was a natural fit to offer some food from El Salvador. We had pupusas, plantains, frijoles, and Salvadoran quesadilla. Salvadoran quesadilla is a very different food from Mexican quesadilla. It looks similar to cornbread, and is sweet/savory cake to be enjoyed with coffee. Several people asked Pastor Edwin for the recipe. He had to tell everyone that the only person in his family that knows how to make a traditional Salvadoran quesadilla is his very non-Salvadoran wife. 

Pastor Edwin’s family isn’t unusual. Most people cook either on something resembling a camp stove using propane, or the cheapest option — using firewood. Cooking over the open flames has caused Salvadoran women to suffer disproportionately from respiratory issues since these fires tend to be indoors so cooking can happen regardless of the weather. The World Health Organization is educating the women of El Salvador on the dangers of cooking over firewood, so little by little, tortillas are no longer being made at home, but being purchased from people that have saved up money to buy a propane griddle to make small businesses selling tortillas from their homes.

In El Salvador, owning an oven is a luxury. For the few that own an oven, it is even more unusual to be able to afford to use the oven part for baking. Nearly everyone that owns an oven uses the oven part as a storage cabinet and only cooks on the stove top. When people need baked goods, they need to purchase them since no one has the means to bake at home. This is why the bakery ministry at San Jorge church is a blessing in so many ways. Thank you to everyone that supported the San Jorge Bakery and other ministries during Love Your Church, Love Your World.

If you are interested in trying your hand at making Salvadoran Quesadilla, our favorite recipe can be found at https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/255919/quesadilla-salvadorena/.

What the Holy One Can Do With Dust

“All those days you felt like dirt, as if all you had to do was turn your face toward the wind and be scattered to the four corners or swept away by the smallest breath as insubstantial –did you not know what the Holy One can do with dust?” (Jan Richardson, Blessing the Dust)

Already we find ourselves on our way to the story of Lent. Jesus climbs a mountain and shines like the sun enjoying the presence of friends and the strength of spirit that comes with hearing the voice of God share God’s desire, “This is my Son, my Chosen, listen to him.” Only to be driven into the wilderness days later to face the temptations of the devil. What we know so well is that the mountaintop moments in our lives do not last nearly as long as the wilderness wanderings. Why is that exactly?

Are the mountaintop moments so focused, so blindingly glorious that we cannot bear them for too long a time? Consider some of the mountaintop celebrations in this life: a wedding, the birth of a child, the miracle of healing, a long night of conversation with old friends, a seven-course dinner that excites all your senses to name a few mountaintop moments. Yes, we want them to go on forever and if our hearts could be any fuller, they might explode from the overwhelming feelings of joy. But in the wilderness, we can wander amidst one distraction after another: a career change, a relationship ending, the death of someone we love, a question of which path to choose, the diagnosis, the untold story, and even the secrets we keep which we believe make us unworthy of love or peace or joy or God’s forgiveness. Yes, the wilderness offers us many distractions which can keep our eyes, our hearts, our minds, and our ears distracted from all that God wants for us. Welcome to the story of Lent. All those days you felt like dirt…but do you not know what the Holy One can do with dust?

As much as the journey of Lent leads us into the wilderness, God promises to be present for every mountaintop and valley, twist and turn, of this wilderness journey. While Jesus enters the wilderness alone, God promises that we are never alone. While Jesus suffers the temptations of the devil, God stands as a shield against all that would harm us. Even in our struggles, when we believe God has abandoned us or does not listen to our prayers, God is more present than we can imagine. The journey of Lent is our reminder that we do not wander alone in this wilderness. God is present with us – always, everywhere – that is God’s promise to us. Lent may call us to turn our hearts back to God, but God has never turned God’s face from us. And that my friends should bring us joy, no matter how deep the valley we travel in the wilderness moments of our lives.

“Let us be marked not for sorrow. And let us be marked not for shame. Let us be marked not for false humility or for thinking we are less than we are, but for claiming what God can do within the dust, within the dirt, within the stuff of which the world is made and stars that blaze in our bones and the galaxies that spiral inside their smudge we bear.” I am grateful to the author of these words. Jan helps me remember that God offers us so much more than the world, or we, can possibly imagine.

You are invited – join us on the journey of Lent. Start with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 12 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Receive the smudge of ash on your forehead and be reminded what the Holy One can do with dust. To the great glory of God.

Peace be with you.

Pastor Chris

Living in the Love of Jesus

“Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love. God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.” (1 John 4:7-12)

It’s hard to believe it’s February already, but seeing that it is, it means Valentine’s Day is right around the corner (February 14th for all who need the gentle reminder). Couples will exchange gifts, friends and family will send each other cards, and people everywhere will celebrate the gift of sharing life with people we love and who love us in return. And thanks to the gift of mass commercialization, love will be everywhere.

Will it really, though? Because, while romance will certainly be swirling, it seems to me that love is a different story. At least in my opinion, it seems love is much harder to come by these days. Anger, intolerance, and violence seem to be the prevailing news stories, followed by political division, corruption, poverty, hunger, homelessness, and racism…need I go on.

But as people united in Christ, God calls us to a different way of life. We are called to love – even when it’s not the most popular thing to do. Fortunately for us we’ve been given a great resource to help us do this – Jesus. In the midst of the ups and downs of life Scripture reminds us that loving one another with patience and gentleness invites others into our lives and provides intimate ground for relationships to grow. Strangers whom we may stereotype into a category become unique and beautiful people we truly see, know, and appreciate. And loving this way can bring down the walls of fear and conflict that seem to be successful at separating people right now.

Interestingly, on Valentine’s Day this year we’ll begin our annual journey into Lent, and there we’ll see what real love – perfect, unconditional love looks like. In Jesus, we’ll witness love personified and we’ll experience love in the form of stunning self-sacrifice and loyalty, even toward those who don’t reciprocate. Embraced by this kind of love, we are free to love one another in genuine, costly, and meaningful ways.

And this my dear friends is the kind of love that God calls us to offer to the world not only this February or this Valentine’s Day, but every day. So, sisters and brothers, I invite all of us to let this love be our Valentine to the world, but most importantly to God.

~ Pastor Tony