September Celebrations

The end of August and our arrival in September should be announced with great celebration. Certainly, I am excited to see many of you who were able to vacation over the summer away from Wisconsin. And yes, I am excited for a return to a fuller expression of ministry after a yearlong pandemic and a summer of renewal for many of you.

I am also excited to unveil Ascension’s new logo. Our logo is the cross of Christ rising over wings filled with the colors of the morning sunrise gathered into one symbol reminding us that “together we rise.” Psalm 139 reminds us: If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast. A promise of our God, that no matter where we go, God is with us. And, if you are like me, there is no shortage of need among family and friends to be reminded of God’s promise to be with us always until the end of the age.

Our middle school ministries return to weekly gatherings on Thursday nights beginning in September. I CAN’T WAIT! Children’s ministries also launch on September 12th with some redesigned approaches as we are still walking with the coronavirus. CRASH High School Ministries will walk with Pastor Chris in the fall as we begin to anticipate the hiring of a new Director of Youth Ministries. Adult Education will find new offerings led by Pastor Tony and myself. Music Ministries and Care Ministries will begin to enter new fall programming and our Serve Ministries that we also know as Mission Outreach ministries will invite us to seek out the places and moments where God might be calling each of us to serve with our own hands and hearts. So much happening. So much joy at the possibilities.

I am also keenly aware that as fall was approaching, I was hopeful to enjoy a September with all the energizing pieces of life at Ascension that offer the promise of God’s abundant life and joy as we gather to worship, to grow, to walk, and to serve together without the need for protocols to mitigate the continued presence of the coronavirus. Yet here we are. It is a unique time in the life of the world and we, who are disciples of Jesus, have an opportunity to enter into each day offering the very best of what we know – love, joy, peace, and hope. How we enter into each day may change the course of someone’s life. I do not often take the time to recognize what impact my daily interactions can have on the lives of others.

I am grateful for so much at Ascension. The presence of so many of you in weekly worship. The gift of music offered by soloists and ensembles throughout the summer and the renewal of the organ which was completed in late August. I am grateful for our Spanish Language worship that has offered a consistent voice of hope to so many as we continue to see new visitors to Sunday worship. I am grateful to God for the joy of generous hearts that support the ministry inside and outside our walls – as we continue to tend our partnerships with our sister congregations in El Salvador, Tanzania, and at Cross in Milwaukee.

What I can offer you as pastor is this: we continue to live in the promise of God’s grace; we are here to walk together; we will continue to give praise to our God. The pandemic will one day come to an end. And the glory of God will be revealed again and again and again. Thanks be to God for summer days and fall plans and the promise of life that God offers to each of us. See you in Church.

Pastor Chris
(Reprinted from the September 2021 newsletter)


Together. It is a theme that’s been swirling around my head for some time now. Mostly because of all the ways the pandemic adversely impacted our ability to be together, but also because as my wife and I prepare to send our oldest son off to college and our two younger ones back to school, and my mom’s health continues to decline, I realize now more than ever how precious our time together is.

So, as we begin to take our first steps into this fall, I am reminded of how important togetherness is both to me personally but also collectively to the life of the world. And while I completely understand the necessity over the past 18 months to do things differently for a time for the health and safety of one another, I am also deeply grateful for the countless ways that the people of Ascension and throughout the world creatively found ways to stay connected. And although it may have been less than…okay, far from perfect, I think we all did our best given the circumstances to stay connected through deeply challenging and uncertain times.

Together – it is the design that God has for us. Jesus traveled from place to place to be together with God’s people. Jesus sent the disciples out together to share the love of God. And, Jesus left us with God’s promised gift of the Holy Spirit so that even in his physical absence, we would still be together. As the Body of Christ, we journey through this life together. We are given the gift of one another to laugh together, cry together, celebrate together, grieve together, wonder together, and discover and experience life together.

Over the past few months our time worshipping and being back together as the church has renewed my spirit and given me strength for the days ahead that continue to challenge our ability to be together in all the ways we’ve been used to. And, as we look ahead to resuming the wonderful ministries in the church that have been on hold, I remain a bit nervous for what lies ahead, but I’m also grateful for the gift of every moment we do have together. And if we trust God, I believe we will discover new ways of being together, no matter what comes our way.

My prayer for the days ahead is that each one of us will take time to ponder what being together means to us, for us, and for the rest of our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Once we’ve done that, I hope we will also take a leap of faith and trust that God is with us and for us and commit ourselves to finding ways to be together with one another. So, whether that’s over the phone, a video call, taking a walk, going shopping, taking a hike, writing a letter or email, sitting on the patio, taking a trip, watching a movie, having a meal, or just staring up at the stars in wonder of all God has created – I hope that we will all find ways to do these things together with the people we love. My hope is that we will all remember what a gift we are to one another, both those we know and love already, and those we are yet to love, and I hope we will welcome and receive this gift with open hearts.

Grateful for all the ways God calls us to be together.

Peace be with you,

Pastor Tony
(Reprinted from the September 2021 newsletter)

Easter Promises

In March 2020, it was a shock to me that even the richest country on the planet was being impacted by a pandemic and the economic crisis that followed. Back in those early days of the pandemic, like most other people, I thought it would just be a few weeks, especially here in the US with all of the financial resources available here. Instead here we are in September 2021, still just as unsure about what the Delta variant means for all of us in the weeks and months ahead of us.

For our Spanish-speaking families, the impact of the pandemic has evolved. In March 2020, most families had at least one person working in restaurants, unable to work from home to avoid exposure to the outside world, but with reduced hours, creating financial stress at the same time. Families worried about the virus for all of the same reasons most of us did, but with the extra worry of what would happen to their family if someone became sick since most of our families do not have access to health insurance. Now all of the families have been back to full-time work, the financial stress has been lessened. The memories of the economic crisis are fresh and the increasing hospital rates have many of the families worried about another wave of financial problems. Nearly ever single member that is of age has been vaccinated, but the parents worry for the safety of the children that aren’t old enough to receive the vaccine. The children are all returning to face to face school after a year and a half of virtual school.

But all of this is just part of the story. As Holy Week reminds us, God always has a happy ending for us. Through all of these months, Ascension has retained all of our Spanish-speaking members, except for one person that moved. We have celebrated a wedding, a quinceañera, with another wedding coming in September. Dozens of visitors have attended special events at Ascension. Our families are looking forward to BLAST, JOLT and children’s choirs beginning again. We are so happy to have tutoring resume again. WCTC moved their ESL classes to Pewaukee, so Ascension’s English classes are the most accessible classes in the area. Our immigrant members have dreams and goals of attending technical school or university, but they know they need to learn English first. We are so appreciative of everyone that gives of their time to help transform lives as tutors.

Edwin Aparicio
Spanish Language Minister
(Reprinted from the September 2021 newsletter)

The Balance Beam of Self-Care

Last night I watched the Olympic gymnastics on television. It amazed me to see how gymnasts performed each part of every routine perfectly…the perfection of every skill and the determination of how to succeed to be an integral part of their team. These athletes needed to find a balance of how to be the “best that they can be…” The controversy of Simone Biles stepping down from her events took the world by shock in this Olympic setting. Taking care of yourself is an essential component of life. We all have responsibilities that pull us in countless directions, making us feel stressed, short-tempered, and at times overwhelmed. We know it may be hard to fit one more thing into your busy day and it is true that self-care takes time. However, finding time to take care of ourselves is vital for every member of your family.

You may have heard the saying, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.” It is true. You can only be your best self to take care for others when you are taken care of and when your cup is full. Self-care is all about finding ways to fill your cup.

Some ways to practice self-care may be:

  • Take some time for just you during the day. This could be a bubble bath, reading the morning headlines, meditation, yoga, taking a walk, exercising, reading a book, or journaling. None of these have to take much time; even if you only have 15 minutes, take a little time for yourself to help recharge your batteries. Even just a few minutes of focusing on yourself can help you be more present for your family and reduce feelings of burn-out and stress. I saw a funny cartoon once that showed two parents looking in on their sleeping children. The one parent says to the other, “If we could only look at them as sleeping instead of recharging…”
  • Have something to look forward to. Whether this is getting a massage, having lunch with friends, or an evening out (or in!) with your partner. Get a sitter, send the kids to a friend’s house, or getting away for a weekend. Having a little event to look forward to can feel very rewarding once it arrives.
  • Take a walk or ride your bike around your neighborhood. Turn up the music on your favorite songs and dance while changing loads of laundry, washing the dishes or dusting. There are many ways to be creative and have fun when it comes to getting physical and moving.
  • Rest and rejuvenation is just as important as moving around and getting your blood pumping. Track how many hours of sleep you get and note how you feel and how much energy you have. You may need to make some adjustments. Another hour more can really help you function at your best.
  • The power of touch is really unparalleled. Take advantage of an opportunity to give or get a back rub or massage, even a manicure or pedicure can boost your spirits and add a little to your physical needs.
  • Fulfill your spiritual needs to gain perspective. If possible set aside 10 minutes each day just being silent, breathing, and reminding yourself of the positive things that surround you and for which you are grateful. End each of these sessions in prayer.

Next time you find yourself “unbalanced” in your life, remember to get back on that beam of self-care and rejuvenate yourself. Remember, sometimes it is in the toughest times of our lives that we can reach our greatest heights. Be like the Olympians and become the “Best that you can be!”

Brenda Lytle, RN
Director of Care Ministries
(Reprinted from the September 2021 newsletter)

What Now?

For those of you who have been here for in-person worship over the past month or so, you may have experienced what, to me, has felt like the “normal” worship services we experienced pre-pandemic. Our choir and praise band are singing, handbells are playing, kids are coming up for Children’s Time – it has felt like worship the way God intended it to be! I’m also aware that not everyone is fully vaccinated and there are concerns over strains of the Covid virus still at play, but I have begun to wonder if it’s finally safe enough to start saying we are now living in a post pandemic world? And if it is, that begs for me a much larger question, now what?

While we continue to return to being the church again, it is not and will not be the same as it was 15 or so months ago. But take heart because this isn’t a bad thing as God is always calling the church and the people of God to experience reformation and transformation.

All the churches I know are struggling to understand their identity as they figure out what it means to be the Body of Christ in this new world. For the last year and a half, we’ve been in survival mode, directing all our energies toward making sure worship happens on Sunday, and maintaining basic functions of existing. No one had time or energy to truly give any thought about what happens after the pandemic. So, now that we are inching closer, as we taste what post pandemic life looks like, we are beginning to form a plan for a future that remains unknown. We don’t know what to expect, we only know that it won’t be exactly like it was before.

Normally, by this point in the summer we would have a good grasp on our fall plans and how we intend to lead this congregation forward. This summer, in so many ways we are still trying to wrap our heads around the fact that Sunday morning in-person worship is happening again. So, I wonder if we could just pause a moment to give our minds, bodies, and our spirits a chance to take a breath and catch up?

In truth, well, no we can’t. So, we are moving ahead and now more than ever we need your help. We have big plans for our continued return this fall which will hopefully include BLAST Sunday morning in-person classes, regular CRASH youth ministry activities, several in-person fellowship events, new educational opportunities to learn and grow, and more.

So, how can you help? In short, show up, in whatever capacity you are comfortable and able. Show up for worship, fellowship events, and BLAST and JOLT and CRASH. Show up for church workdays, choir and handbells, adult education and Bible studies. Show up for ministry team meetings, ministry events, and for no other reason than to just reconnect with us so we can truly celebrate being the Body of Christ together again. We aren’t the same if you’re not a part of it and we need everyone to do their part.

You can also step up. We have many ways you can volunteer that can be as simple as a one-time short-term commitment or it could even be a longer-term commitment like serving on a ministry team that meets more regularly. We understand that it’s hard to get into the swing of things when life has been so disrupted, but we are now faced with new opportunities for us to recommit our lives to God and our time and energy to serving. If you have an interest in serving or leading, then prayerfully consider saying, “YES.”

Finally, take time to look up and pray. There’s no way we make it back to who God has called us to be without leaning into God’s goodness and grace. We have come through the pandemic relatively healthy, but we still need God’s guidance to take our next steps. Your prayers for this church and its leaders’ matter, and together we can become who God has called us to be. Thank you for being partners in this amazing journey!

Peace be with you,
Pastor Tony

Welcoming the Stranger

I was a stranger and you welcomed me. (Matthew 25:35)

Both the Old and New Testament are filled with verses reminding us of God’s command that we welcome the immigrant. These verses have been on my heart in the past few weeks. Two Tuesdays in a row, immigrant members of Ascension have had their final immigration hearings to determine their status. Being granted political asylum as an immigrant from El Salvador is an unlikely prospect under current immigration law. Yet despite the odds, both of our members received their green cards. My brother Carlos was one of these lucky individuals. He was verbally promised permission to receive his green card in January of 2018, but it took until this July for him to have his final hearing and approval.

I am also feeling extra aware of my own immigrant status as I prepare for my first Sundays of preaching in English as part of my internship. Part of the challenge is finding a Spanish-speaking pastor that can preach at our Spanish language service while I am preaching at the English service. There is not a big pool of Spanish-speaking substitute Lutheran pastors in Waukesha. I continue to practice my English pronunciation and reflect about how the message of the Gospel is shared in different contexts so that my English sermons are meaningful.

In the days and weeks to come, if you find yourself feeling like a stranger in a new situation, may you find yourself surrounded by those that welcome the stranger. May we all continue to work together to find ways we can all live out God’s expectation that we welcome strangers wherever we encounter them.

Edwin Aparicio
Spanish Language Minister

Songs of Summer

“Summertime…and the living is easy…”

The first line of the song “Summertime” by Ella Fitzgerald. I am hopeful you are finding the living easy as summer rounds third base. This is my favorite time of the summer. The beginning of August is not so close to the start of school but far enough away from all the summer “expectations” we thought we had to figure out back in late May.

I am also keenly aware that not everyone is living easy as we enter into August. As the pandemic continues to wind down (praying to God the winding down continues), I am finding more and more people who are challenged with the fatigue of the pandemic and the journey of re-entry into full-time life. Relationships might feel more acutely stressful, work may feel more like a balancing act, and navigating life at home might feel more like a continuous roller coaster than a merry-go-round. Again, my prayer is that your living is easy, but if it is not – God’s got you.

From the Apostle Paul in the book of 1 Corinthians: No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and God will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing God will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it. Those are words I can hold onto in these summer days if the living is easy or if I am finding the days a little longer than I expected.

Sometimes we simply need to be reminded of the promise that God’s got us in the good times and the not so good times also. The way that I am most often reminded of that promise is when I find myself leading worship – sharing the words of promise we find in the liturgy and Scriptures. And of course, in the words of the songs we sing.

As the deer panteth for the water,
So my soul longs after you.
You alone are my hearts desire
and I long to worship you.

And if that is too new for you…well here is another favorite…

I love to tell the story.
‘Twill be my theme in glory.
To tell the old, old story.
Of Jesus and his love.

Both songs remind me of God’s promise to carry; to tend; to love us through some of the most difficult days.  It is a reminder I need when I am in the thick of the stuff of ministry and a reminder I need, just as much, when I am away from the ministry God calls me to share with you.

So my friends, I hope the living is easy in these late summer days. I hope you find time to be away from the normal routines and the “stuff” that keeps you busy and away from days of rest. I also hope that you will find time to reconnect with God in worship. We are waiting to welcome you back. Baptisms are happening. New visitors are checking out Ascension for the first time. So maybe come to worship to reconnect with your Savior and be reminded of God’s love and then set aside some time to reconnect with yourself and those you love.  My gosh, even the pipes and insides of the organ are off for renewal in Illinois. You can see the pictures on the following pages. Apparently, all of creation needs rest and renewal – even the organ pipes. Until I see you in worship, be well, find joy, live easy.

Peace be with you,

Pastor Chris

Update: Organ Restoration

Restoration on our pipe organ is in full swing. Pipes have been transported to the Berghaus shop for cleaning and restoration. The instrument will be returned and reinstalled in late August.

To date, we have $45,235, or 71%, of the funds needed to support this project, and are grateful to the generous donors who have made this possible. We are still in need of $18,765. If you feel so moved to help reach this goal, or if you have questions, please contact Pastor Chris or Vicki Taylor, Director of Music Ministries.

Tutoring To Resume

When are English classes starting? Are we going to have classes for citizenship? Those are some of the questions we are hearing from former and new students in our tutoring program. Now all we need are tutors to help us get things going. As a tutor, you will work as a team with another tutor and 2-3 students. As a tutoring team you can work out your schedule with your partner tutor. We will provide materials, training and guidance for how to work with the students. Our students are from young children or adults learning their first words in English to adults working on citizenship or other advanced ways to put their English to use in adapting to living in the US. Our students are Burmese refugees who speak the Karen language and Latinos who primarily speak Spanish. It is not necessary for tutors to know their students’ language.

When we had to close our program because of the pandemic, we had 40 students and 30 tutors. We know we will probably have to restart the program and all take some big steps together. We will have an orientation and training meeting in August. Watch for announcements of time and date. If you are interested in being part of a tutoring team or have questions, please contact Barbara Nordberg. One of the benefits of the program is not just being proud of the students’ new English skills but experiencing  the relationship you will develop with the students. You will learn as much from them as they learn from you. Please help!

BLAST Needs You!

We are hopeful that we will be resuming weekly Sunday morning in-person classes this fall and we want and need your help to make that happen.

We are looking for full and part time teachers, volunteers to help with our one-time events like Journey to Bethlehem and Journey to the Cross, and we are also continuing to look to fill our Superintendent vacancies. We invite you to consider how God might be calling you to use your unique gifts to help us pass faith and love for God to the next generation.

There are so many ways you can be involved, so please take the time to contact Pastor Tony at 262-547-8518 to discuss all the amazing possibilities that are available.