Seasonal Changes

I’m writing this article on the first official day of Fall…just let that sink in for a moment. The weather is quite a bit cooler today than it has been lately and there’s a refreshing crispness in the air. The calendar tells us that the season is beginning to change, but there are also other signs of change that surround us – kids are back in school, work schedules are adjusting, ministries are launching, trees are starting to change color, and favorite seasonal drinks are back in coffee shops once again. In my own life, my mom recently transitioned into home hospice care and that has brought a significant change in the life of my family. Change can be sweet, but it can also be bitter. 

The seasons remind us of the many changes that life brings. And if we are being honest, most of us don’t like change in our lives, particularly if it comes with significant challenges. When change comes and interferes with our plans, we feel vulnerable and confused. This is especially true as we enter this Fall continuing to be impacted and inconvenienced by the coronavirus. The result is that we are often overwhelmed by the uncertainty of it all.

And yet, with each season comes its own strength and blessing. In the Fall, cooler weather generally makes it more enjoyable to be outdoors. There’s also a calm that Fall tends to bring to most people’s lives that the summer months filled with chaotic excitement and activity. The winter provides opportunities for cozying up in a favorite chair and reuniting with friends and family over holidays. Spring welcomes the blooming of flowers and trees and the songs of birds as warmth begins to return. And Summer gives rise to the return of barbecues, bike rides, and vacations before the whole cycle repeats itself again.

Chapter 3 from the book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament reminds us that for everything there is a season. I find that it is important to remember that with every seasonal transition comes both an end and a new beginning. So, as we close the book on summer and take time to reflect on our experiences, I wonder if we might also pause and pay closer attention as this new season begins and ask ourselves how God might be calling us into something new. In what new direction or to what new thing might the Spirit of God be leading us?

Life’s changes are inevitable, and no matter how hard we try we can’t avoid or prevent them. So then what are we to do? Well, I think the best thing we can do is embrace them as opportunities to allow the grace and love of God to shine in our lives. Slowing down and listening for God offers endless opportunities for us to place our faith in our amazing God who never changes. Because regardless of what season of change we may be experiencing in our life; God is constantly calling each of us to trust in God’s promises that God will be with us always – no matter what. So, while the seasons and so much in our lives may bring uncertainty and change, God’s love will never change.

People of God, each one of us have been created with wonderful and unique gifts for such a time as this. I look forward to each of us discovering all that God has in store for us and the countless ways we will use our gifts to the great glory of God. So, take a deep breath, fall is here – most importantly, God is here. I am grateful that we are walking this messy, beautiful, and difficult journey together.

Peace be with you,

Pastor Tony

Reprinted from the Oct. 2021 newsletter