To mark the days of the journey of Jesus in life, in death, and in resurrection joy.
April 2, Palm Sunday, Domingo de Ramos
8:30a & 10:45a (English), 10:45a (en español)
“Hosanna in the highest!” will be our cry as we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into the gates of the holy city. We will celebrate the beginning of this holy week with the reminder that our expectations and God’s expectations are not always exactly the same. Where the people want a powerful king, Jesus comes as a suffering servant riding a donkey. Through the events of day, we will be reminded of the coming of the promised Messiah – the chosen one of God. Worship is at 8:30am and 10:45am. Between services, BLAST students and families will share in the creation of the alfombras (sand carpets) for Holy Week.
April 6, Maundy Thursday, Jueves Santo
6:30p (English), 6:30p (en español)
Maundy Thursday Dinner 5:30p: Experience and learn about the foods of the Passover. A sampling of Passover food will be provided. Plan on bringing a dish to pass. Reservation only. Reserve your space online or by call to the church office, 262-547-8518.
Maundy Thursday Worship: We will gather in the upper room with Jesus and the disciples to celebrate the Last Supper. This year, we will hear words of confession and forgiveness and be reminded of the powerful image of the Savior washing the feet of the disciples. As is tradition, we will honor the memory of Jesus’ humiliation at the hands of those in power before he is led to the cross to be crucified by the stripping of the altar. Worship is at 6:30pm.
April 7, Good Friday, Viernes Santo
12p & 6:30p (English), 6:30p (en español)
The ancient title for this day is “the Triumph of the Cross.” A reminder for us that the church gathers not to mourn this day but to celebrate Christ’s life-giving passion and to find strength and hope in the cross as a symbol of new life. We will share in the unfolding drama as Jesus is led to the cross. We will hear the stories of the day and give witness to the closing of the tomb.
April 9, Easter Sunday, Domingo de Resurrección
8:30a & 10:45a (English), 10:45a (en español)
First we hear only hoped-for whispers on the wind. Resurrection? Are you sure? We gather to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus, the Christ. We will hear the story of that first Easter sunrise and be surrounded by the joyful sounds of songs that have been sung for generations and songs that new generations are singing. Worship is at 8:30am and 10:45am with a continental pot-luck breakfast reception in-between services. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!