October Worship News

Just a reminder that on Sunday, Oct. 6, there will be no late service held at Ascension. Everyone is invited to Green Meadows Farm to celebrate worship with our BLAST families and Latino community. Registration is required. Register online at https://tinyurl.com/RSVPgreen. The cost is $15 per person (under 2 free) and includes sandwich, drinks and petting farm. Please also sign-up for a dish to pass, https://tinyurl.com/ALCGreen24. Please register and pay by Sept. 29. Questions? Contact Pastor Tony, tony@ascensionelca.org.

We’re beginning a new Youth Choir for students in grades 6-8 on Thursday, Nov. 7, 5:45-6:30. This is a short-term commitment with rehearsals on Nov. 7, 14, 21 and Dec. 5 and 12. The Youth Choir will then sing for the Advent Concert Worship services on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 6 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 15, at 9:30 a.m. To sign-up, please contact Director of Music Ministries Vicki Taylor, vicki@ascensionelca.org.

Children’s Choir for children in grades K-5 returns on Thursday, Nov. 7, 5 to 5:40 p.m. Children’s choir will rehearse on Nov. 7, 14, 21 and Dec. 5 and 12 and will sing for the Advent Concert Worship services on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 6 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 15, at 9:30 a.m. Email vicki@ascensionelca.org to join. 

Love to sing but not sure about a year-long commitment? Sing with the Ascension Choir for the Advent/Christmas season. Rehearsals are from 7:15-8:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov 6; Saturday, Nov. 9, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.; Wednesdays, Nov. 13 and 20; Tuesday, Nov. 26; Wednesdays, Dec. 4 and 11. The choir will sing for the Advent Concert Worship services on Saturday, December 14 and Sunday, December 15. Please contact Director of Music Ministries Vicki Taylor, vicki@ascensionelca.org, with questions or to join!

Serving in October

Are you considering traveling to El Salvador or Tanzania with Ascension in the next summer or two? International travel not your thing, but you want to be a part of our partnership? Have you previously traveled with us?

We are meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 6:30 p.m. A few things on the agenda include: Rick Frowein’s upcoming trip to Tanzania with the coffee project, discussing financial requests from Pastora Blanca in El Salvador, making initial plans for our next trips and hosting, and hearing the latest on our exploration to begin a chocolate project in El Salvador. Contact Sarah Wehmeier Aparicio if you have any questions, or you are interested but you can’t make the meeting, sarah@ascensionelca.org.

Ascension had good participation in the Greater Milwaukee Synod Immigration and Refugee Task Force event in early September. The response was NOW WHAT? Ascension’s SOPHIA leadership team is taking on the challenge since the topic so closely links to SOPHIA’s goals. Join us on Thursday, Oct. 3, at 6:30 p.m. at church if you have questions about immigration and refugee resettlement and how to live out your faith in response. You are invited to attend whether you were at the synod event or not. We will learn together and prayerfully discuss our next steps. Contact Joan Mikecz, joanmikecz@sbcglobal.net, with questions.  

There will be a series of Did You Know? questions and answers on the Mission Outreach Facebook page beginning on October 1 to help us all have a clear understanding of terms and the myths and misunderstandings of the many aspects that impact refugees and immigration. The synod taskforce has provided some good resources that will guide us. Please follow us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/Ascension.ELCA.MO.

This annual event helps to end the stigma surrounding mental health and to help achieve the goal of mental health for all. NAMI has been an Ascension Community partner for many years. We support their work in areas that impact all of us at some point in life. 

Join Ascension’s team on Saturday, Oct. 5, to walk for NAMI at the Milwaukee County Zoo beginning at 9:30. Sign-up online https://www.namiwalks.org/team/68935 or https://www.namiwalks.org/participant/teamascensionchurch.

Are you aware that Ascension supports the ELCA World Hunger program each month as a part of our budget? When we work with the larger church body, so much more can be done than if we tried to conquer hunger on our own. Through ELCA World Hunger, 66 countries and 41states and territories received support in 2023. Here are ways you can participate in the celebration via the ELCA announcement.

  • World Food Day Celebrating 50 Years of ELCA World Hunger
  • When: Tuesday, Oct. 15, 7 p.m. Central time
  • Where: Zoom webinar. Register online.


Recently a friend who I haven’t seen in many years reached out wanting to reconnect. I was thrilled when he called, and it was so great to hear his voice. I’ve missed him a lot over the years. Then, just last week I spent some time away with my four siblings to celebrate my 50th birthday. We’re spread out around the country, so we aren’t all together regularly. But the days and nights together around the table, at the pool, on the couch, and out hiking were filled with great food, sharing stories, laughter, and reconnection and they were glorious.

Time is fleeting, or so I’ve heard from countless people over the past few weeks. But this old adage feels suffocating. I’m sure most of you can relate to life being busy, hurried, overstimulated, and overscheduled.

For quite some time I’ve been fascinated by the concept of savoring and it’s something I’ve been working on. This one word is changing me – more than I expected. To savor something means to taste it, to enjoy or appreciate it completely, especially by dwelling on it and being fully present to whatever is.

I want to do all these things, admittedly though I don’t always do it all that well. Like so many others I find myself multitasking or continually filling my schedule with more and more. I think most of us would say that we are rarely idle.  And I think herein lies the problem.

For many of us the daily norm is centered around productivity and trying to cram as much as we can into every minute until there’s nothing to spare.  But sometimes this makes it hard to even breathe. Savoring on the other hand involves delight, pleasure, relishing. There’s no hint of duty in savoring.

At times my life tends to be much more focused on duty than on savoring. My schedule revolves around “ought to do” more than “want to do.” And in these times duty looms large in the choices I make.

Of course, duty is important. But when life is all about duty, there is little room for delight. When a good day is defined by getting everything done on my to-do list, I leave little room for the important things – things that can’t be jotted down and crossed off a list. And this was never more evident than recently when my friend unexpectedly called and when I spent time away with my siblings.

Savoring means being fully present, and this can be in all areas of our lives not just in relationships. We can delight even in mundane things like fresh laundry, unexpected laughter, a delicious sandwich, or a sunset. There are so many things in life to savor, to delight in – if we’re willing to take the time to notice. I don’t necessarily live slow…but I’m learning.  And I wonder if you would like to as well.

Savoring, living slow, delighting – they’re all part of a conscious mindset. And truthfully, it all begins by taking time to savor God.  Taking time to recognize, dwell, and appreciate all that God has done, is doing, and will do in our lives is the first step. Savoring God involves being fully present and dwelling in his sacred presence. And when we lean in to God, practice his presence, pay attention to his voice, only then are we able to taste and savor the goodness God offers. And when we savor Jesus in our lives, we delight in God’s presence.

Jesus is not something we need to check off on our to-do-list and go on with our day. He is not an obligation; He is life. And the more time we spend with Him, the more spacious our life feels. Sitting unhurried with God, letting Him fill us, is the best way to savor Him. And I always find it interesting that when I am filled in this way, I also have more space than ever before.

Take a moment to reflect on the people and things in your life. Consider what it would be like if this were the last moment you had with them. If you knew this was the last time, would you appreciate them more, be more fully present in the moment, listen to them more intently, savor them more? I’m working on it, and I hope you will to. Both with God and with all that God has so graciously gifted to us.

Pastor Tony

Jello and Posole

In September, we celebrated our 75th anniversary. It was a wonderful weekend celebration. On Friday, I had a lot of fun cooking carne asada and dancing with many of you. I like to dance! On Sunday, we had a beautiful bilingual worship where everyone sang in Spanish and English. You also had three sermons from your three pastors. I shared my sermon in Spanish and it was in English on the screen. I know it was a challenge to follow. For that reason, I decided to include my entire sermon in my article for this month.

In 1949, twenty-four disciples guided by the Holy Spirit took a leap of faith and decided to begin a new church. Seventy-five years later, I spend most of my Sunday morning at 8:30 worship with a couple hundred members. But then at 10:45, I move to the Spanish sanctuary where we are still in double digits for attendance. As we planned for today’s event, I have been inspired by imagining those original twenty-four  Ascension members meeting the Spanish-speaking members of our congregation. New Lutherans who were willing to take a risk by becoming part of a new church. History is repeating itself. 

I wonder if among the dreams of those 24 disciples was that this church would cross borders in its journey of hearing the call of God through our companions in faith. I wonder if any of them imagined that 60 some years in the future, a member of Ascension would travel to El Salvador on a synod trip and two years later, that member and I would be married and I would be moving to Waukesha and joining Ascension, eventually becoming a pastor and leading Spanish language worship. I left behind everything, including my home church. But God found me and many of you and led us to this new home of Spanish worship. I wonder if they could imagine that by 2024, Ascension would have sent multiple delegations to El Salvador.

I wonder if any of them would have been able to imagine the technology that would allow a group of Ascension members to gather at church to have breakfast while praying together over a tv screen with our brothers and sisters from Tanzania. Time spent connecting with friends Ascension has built in Tanzania over the past nine years.  

I wonder if they could imagine our high school crossing state lines to travel to other states for service trips and youth gatherings and that they would return to help lead worship and children’s sermons.

I am sure that they never imagined that the place where they met to worship God in one language, is now a Holy place where the message of love, joy, peace and above all hope is proclaimed in two languages ​​at the same time, in their own sanctuaries and with a blend of traditions. Traditions that help us see our own faith in a new way: the celebration of Las Posadas in which we meet to remember the journey of the Holy Family, the making of the alfombras for Holy Week, remembering our loved ones on the Day of the Dead, celebrating the gift of the Jesus, the light of the world on Three Kings’ Day. If they could imagine a Lutheran potluck where posole and jello molds sat side by side on the serving table.

Ascension’s founding members had no idea about the future of the church they started, but God knew the fruits that this community of faith would have over the years. God knew that this community of faith over the years would become a multicultural community, where children, youth, and adults celebrate, learn, and walk in this ongoing journey of learning about God’s calling, here at home and afar.

Brothers and sisters, Jeremiah 29:11 says, For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Together we rise, Juntos nos levantamos!

Pastor Edwin

75th Anniversary Events

Anniversary Weekend Schedule

· Friday, Sept. 13: Free concert and appetizer event, 6 p.m. Please bring an appetizer to share.

· Saturday, Sept. 14: Tanzania Prayer Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. Coffee and other breakfast treats will be provided.

· Sunday, Sept. 15: Celebration Worship, 10 a.m. followed by catered brunch.

Don’t forget to RSVP and buy your tickets for the catered anniversary brunch on Sunday, Sept. 15.

Consider digging out old photos to share for the special weekend. You can bring framed and labeled pictures to the church office starting next week. Volunteers will set-up the display.

Into the Mess

I have spent much of the summer reading a book entitled “Into the Mess & Other Jesus Stories.”

The introduction to the book begins like this: “I don’t like messes, in life or in faith. I doubt I’m alone; no one chooses Christianity because they crave unruliness or disruption. In fact, many of us embrace religious faith for the opposite reason; we assume – and our churches encourage us to believe – that our spiritual commitments will keep life neat and orderly. At the same time, many of us twenty-first century believers are tired of religious language and imagery that skirt the messiness of our lived lives. We’re weary of platitudes, easy answers, and quick “fixes” that fix nothing. We might want tidiness, but we also want a faith with hard edges – a robust and relevant faith that integrates the hard stuff of our days and still makes possible transcendence and joy.” And that was enough to capture my wondering. Few of us enter into a new day wondering what mess we can find ourselves in by the end of the day. More often than not, the messes come to us not the other way around. Which led me to the road I have walked more than once – mess or method, interruption or invitation.

In his book “Life Together,” Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes: “We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God. God will be constantly crossing our paths and canceling our plans by sending us people with claims and petitions. We may pass them by, preoccupied with our more important tasks. . . It is a strange fact that Christians and even ministers frequently consider their work so important and urgent that they will allow nothing to disturb them. They think they are doing God a service in this, but actually they are disdaining God’s ‘crooked yet straight path.’”

I know some of you are probably tired of stories from the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering, but I am afraid there will be a few more along the way this fall. For all of the organizing, coordinating, planning, preparing, contracting, praying, celebrating – I am ALWAYS glad when it comes to an end. It is a mountaintop moment that cannot last and I am convinced I do not want it to last beyond the five days of the event. It is glorious in almost every way, and yet, returning to life in Wisconsin, prepping for the fall at Ascension, dreaming about what is next for this community of faith I deeply love – those moments are just as important, and I miss this place when I am away too long. Prepping for the fall; dreaming about ministry; celebrating 75 years of ministry; collaborating on our 2035 Strategic Plan can all be moments of messiness and at the same time little mountaintop moments to lift our eyes to the hills and to the glory of God as the psalmist says.

One might believe that the work of the Youth Gathering can be exhausting. Of course. And also, the work inspires me to return to my call at Ascension to live, to lead, to discern, and to dream alongside you. Fall programming is always exciting. What will work for us? What will fail? What are we hungry for? What will spark interest for people outside our doors? How will new members enter into our patterns of life and ministry? Who believes they are ready to grow in their faith in a new way? Yes, it gets messy AND even the mess can be a mountaintop moment when we trust that our God leads us into the mess and up to the mountaintop and promises to stay with us all along the way. 

So my friends, welcome to the mess that is life and ministry and new chapters of new school years, new chapters of empty nesting, new chapters of ministry for our community of Ascension and for each of us to the glory of God. Holy God, bring on the mess, it is where we are able to see your hand leading us most clearly into the future you have planned for each of us.

See you in church…

Pastor Chris

Celebrating 75 Years

On September 14, 1949, a brave gathering of 24 people hungry to hear the Word of God and to offer their worship and praise to our God gathered for the first time for what would become the community of Ascension Lutheran Church. Ascension’s first sanctuary was built by its first pastor, the Rev. Lee Egloff. The entire sanctuary measured a cozy but adequate 960 square feet. Seventeen years later, in 1966, ground was broken on a 7.5-acre parcel of land, which would become our current location, with a new sanctuary, fellowship hall, and offices built to house a flourishing community of faith.

In the summer of 1976, Pastor Frank Janzow accepted the call to serve at Ascension. In 1979, the Hearth Room, admin hallway, and additional offices/classrooms were added to the building. 1982 brought the arrival of Pastor Jim Bickel to join Pastor Frank in the ministry leadership of the congregation. The need for a larger sanctuary and lobby space brought the addition of a new sanctuary in 1993. As Ascension’s ministries continued to grow, an education wing was proposed and supported by the congregation. In 2007, the congregation opened the doors to a two-story building capable of handling children and adult education, small group and bible study ministries, and a preschool.

In 2010, Pastor Chris Marien arrived with Pastor Frank announcing, “The Mariens are coming, the Mariens are coming!” Just not the “Marines” some might have thought. In the early spring of 2020, the Covid pandemic saw the shut-down of the church campus while we worshiped and gathered virtually as the world came to terms with a global pandemic. Pastor Tony Acompanado accepted the call to join the ministry alongside Pastor Chris in August of 2020. In March 2021, life returned to the church campus, with praise and worship being shared by all in the sanctuary once again. In the summer of 2023, Pastor Edwin Aparicio was called to Ascension and joined the clergy leadership with responsibility for our Spanish language ministry and high-school youth ministry. We have come a long way since 1949.

Now, in 2024, we are preparing to celebrate our 75th anniversary as the community of Ascension Lutheran Church in Waukesha. Over the weekend of September 13-15, we will gather to celebrate 75 years of ministry and mission to the glory of God. We will start festivities on Friday night, Sept. 13, with a concert under the stars in Ascension’s Memorial Gardens, enjoying the music of Ben Janzow and the Dirty Boogie Band. An appetizer potluck and drinks will invite us to feast. Bounce houses will keep the kids entertained and music will fill the air.

On Sunday, Sept. 15, we will gather for worship as one community at 10 a.m. Our musicians from all three worship services will lead us as we gather to worship and give praise to our God. A catered brunch will follow worship, with tickets beginning to sell the week of Aug. 25. Our history will be out in full display, reminding us of where we have come from and the faithful dedication of those who have come before us. We will invite you to bring framed pictures of weddings, baptisms and other celebrations to the weekend of events to be displayed for all to see.

We are excited to have Bishop Paul Erickson, Pastor Frank and Deacon Jan Janzow and Pastor Elisabeth and Jacob Himmelman join us for the celebration. We will gather under the theme of Luke 15:24b – “And They Began to Celebrate!” And celebrate we will indeed. Pastor Jim will join us Friday night and his wife, Paula, will join us on Sunday.

We will need many hands to plan and prepare for the weekend of excitement. If you are willing to share in the preparations, please let the church office know by sending an email to Tamie Greenwood, Tamie@ascensionelca.org, or calling 262-547-8518 and adding your name to the list of those who might be able to help with preparations.

We give thanks to God for God’s faithfulness to this community, and we are excited to imagine the future God is preparing to lay before us. Juntos nos levantamos! Together we rise!

Anticipating the days ahead,

President Amanda Payne , Rev. Christian Marien, Rev. Anthony Acompanado, Rev. Edwin Aparicio, Pastor

Back to School Supplies Collection

In partnership with Hawthorne Elementary, we are once again collecting school supplies for the elementary students. If you are willing to pick-up an a couple of items and drop them at Ascension on Sunday, Sept. 8, or Sunday, Sept. 15 (and of course during the week), the students and teachers will be grateful to receive any of the following:

  • Large backpacks
  • 1-inch binders
  • Over-the-ear chord headphones 
  • Dry erase markers (5 count)
  • Highlighters
  • 1 pkg of 3 glue sticks
  • Gallon-size and sandwich-size Ziploc bags
  • Playdoh
  • Kleenex
  • Crayons
  • Colored pencils
  • #2 pencils 
  • Boxes of black felt tip pens
  • A full change of clothing for a student
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Clorox Wipes
  • Pencil pouch with three holes for binder
  • Plastic folders with holes for binder
  • Regular folders

Look for the bin in the Donation Center to make your donation.

OFH Family Ride Run Walk

It’s time to start preparing for the 2024 OFH Family Ride Run Walk on Saturday, Sept. 21.

Join Ascension’s team for a morning of road and trail bike rides, walking and running routes, followed by a picnic lunch and fellowship. To register and join Ascension’s team, click here https://ofhrrw.softr.app/my-registration-info. Or donate to Ascension’s team: https://outreachforhope.kindful.com/?campaign=1294681. On the donation page that follows, add their name in the support column that reads… “Participant (or team) that you are sponsoring (for teams, please include city name).” Please note that there is an Ascension in Waukesha and also Milwaukee and select the correct team.

Please register by Aug. 23 if you want a t-shirt with your team name on it. The Preferred Registration deadline is Sept. 11. After this date, we cannot guarantee a t-shirt or lunch for you.

Thank you! Your support for this event funds grants to life-giving ministries serving low-income communities in the Greater Milwaukee Synod. See all the ministry partners here https://outreachforhope.org/home/ministry-partners/.