Serve With Ascension, August

Drought in Tanzania Creating Economic Crisis

In addition to the health impact of the drought in Tanzania, it is also damaging the economy. For many of the families in the region where we partner, their only income is from the sale of crops or livestock. After three consecutive years of failed crops, these families have no money. As a result, they can no longer manage to pay school fees or hospital bills. Some parents have stopped sending their children to school because they are unable to pay the fees. The Diocese of Meru sister parish office just shared with us that for the most part, their schools and hospitals and clinics have been unable to pay their staff in eleven months. Even though they haven’t been paid in nearly a year and there is no sign of a paycheck on the horizon, the doctors, nurses, and teachers are still showing up to work every day. Most pastors are in the same situation. They have faith that God will provide. In the meantime, they are unable to pay the new higher costs for food and fuel.

There is good news. We were able to send the money from our recent fundraiser for school lunches for Samaria and Savana primary schools in July. It was sent just in time. Pastor Makenge sent us a message a few days prior to the wire transfer that the school had run out of food and the children were going days at a time without eating. Thanks to Ascension’s continued support, the children once again have food at least once a day.

The sides of Mount Meru itself have not yet experienced drought, so there will be at least one more year of a thriving coffee crop. More than ever, it is improving the lives of coffee farmers in Tanzania and keeping some money flowing into the economy when you purchase Mt. Meru Coffee.

Ascension also generously stepped up following our July 9 appeal to support the hunger crisis fund for the 8000 families in crisis in Tanzania. We ask that you prayerfully consider making a recurring gift to provide ongoing support until a more sustainable solution can be figured out. Go to and scroll down to find Meru Diocese Gifts > Meru Hunger Relief Crisis (4th down). 100% of your donation goes directly to the purchase of food. Asante Sana! (Thank you!)

Celebration Day in San Jorge, El Salvador

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are big days of celebration in the Salvadoran Lutheran church. Typically, the church would provide a gift to every honoree on that day as well as provide a celebratory luncheon for the entire congregation. In order to save money, this year their council decided to have one big celebration for both days, as well as honoring all graduates at the same time. Pastora Blanca’s extended family all donated prizes for a series of raffles to raise money for the gifts and they also cooked and donated the meal for the luncheon. They were all happy to be together for the celebrations again!

Care for Creation – Solar Power

Are you curious about what is required to add solar power energy to your home? Ascension’s Creation Care Ministry is hosting a Solar Power Hour on August 31st at 6:30 to help homeowners understand the basics of solar energy, and inform about helpful resources and programs that are available to implement solar power. The Waukesha County Green Team will provide an overview of the 2022 group buy program called “Grow Solar Jefferson+Waukesha” where homeowners can obtain substantial discounts. This event is open to Ascension members and the local community. For additional information, visit Grow Solar.

SOPHIA Multicultural Fair ~ Aug. 13, 11a-6p, Cutler Park

SOPHIA Waukesha has dreamed for years of bringing a multicultural event to Waukesha. It is a great opportunity to celebrate and share our diverse rich cultures and heritages with our neighbors through dance, art, music, fashion, food and community resources. SOPHIA is a social justice organization in Waukesha County working to build healthy neighborhoods where everyone has a chance to succeed. There will be music, dancers, art, informational booths, story tellers, food trucks and more. If you are interested in being part of this event as a volunteer, email More info.

Local Assistance for Food Crisis

We have heard about the hunger crisis in Africa but we are also aware of the need for food support in our own community. Rising food prices have led to challenges for both families at home and those that offer support. The Waukesha Food Pantry has higher numbers of people seeking food assistance and has seen a decrease in donations. It is also important for the Food Pantry to have wide varieties of food for those who have special dietary needs. Currently, it has had to reduce the amount of food it can provide to those coming for help. Summer normally sees a decrease in donations due to vacations and changes in routines. With the impact of higher prices for all of the basic life necessities, the Food Pantry is in greater need. To help, bring your donations for the Food Pantry to the Donation Center or deliver them directly to the Food Pantry on Sentry Drive in Waukesha. You can also volunteer to serve and provide a meal at the Hope Center.

Outreach for Hope Ride, Run, Walk

Sept. 24 is the date for the 2022 Outreach for Hope Ride Run Walk, which is vital to the work of supporting Greater Milwaukee Synod central city ministry partners. Register or pledge your support online, Beth Hoffmann is the Pace Setter for Ascension. Please contact her with questions or to be part of the Ascension team.

Waukesha County events include:

  • 30-mile road ride for the more experienced rider
  • A 14-mile family friendly trail ride on the Glacial Drumlin Trail
  • A 2 mile walk
  • A 5K run (new this year!)
  • A fellowship-only option for those who plan to attend the event, but not participate in a ride, run or walk

Remember that if you give via one of the envelopes in the bike basket from the church narthex, your gift will be doubled by the $5000 matching gift.