Pastor Tony: Thank You!

Late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon has a reoccurring bit where he publicly writes thank you cards on his show. I really like the idea of thank you cards, but if I’m being honest, well, my follow through isn’t all that great. Just ask my wife and she can point you to the pile of them on our desk or in my closet that I’ve started writing but are unfinished, or even worse, finished but never sent – a conversation for another day. And while Fallon usually writes his thank you cards for comedic effect; I’m feeling compelled to borrow from his idea and use my article this month to follow through on some thank you’s that have been tugging on my heart.

I’d like to start out by thanking everyone who volunteers. From taking donated items to the Waukesha Food Pantry or Hope Center, to helping prep the monthly newsletter for mailing, or providing a snack for those who attend our grief support ministry, or donating food when we host a funeral, or serving the monthly Healing Hearts meal, or greeting, ushering, reading, or serving communion for worship, there are so many of you who volunteer in so many ways. I just want to make something very clear – you make a difference!

Thank you to those who serve (or have served) on the church council. Since 2020 when I was ordained and called to serve as one of your pastors, we have certainly been through some unprecedented times. When you said yes to being a leader in the church, you likely had no idea just what kind of uncharted waters we would have to navigate through – a global pandemic and the aftermath of a new normal. I am thankful for your leadership and the many ways you show up to lead and move this congregation into a new, exciting, and uncertain future.

Thank you to those who serve and support our children, youth, and young adult ministries. Your help with BLAST projects, college care packages, and support for JOLT and CRASH mission and adventure trips is often incomprehensible. To everyone who has ever dropped a little change in the noisy offering buckets, or read a Bible story in BLAST, or served as an adult leader on retreat – you are invaluable supporters. I believe it’s vitally important that churches create a place for young people where they can feel included, supported, and wanted – and I’m so thankful that so many of you have been so faithful in doing this for the young people of Ascension.

Thank you to those who participate in the various bible and book studies both on and off campus, those led by pastors and those led by other members. After working with young people, my second favorite thing to do in the church is teach and lead these studies. I’m thankful for opportunity to do this and I hope we can continue to learn and grow from one another for a long time to come. It’s also my hope that those of you who participated in a study I’ve led got even half as much out of being a part of them as I got from your insights and our conversations.

Thank you to all those who lead and provide music for worship. Music is very much not a gift of mine. However, those of you who play the organ and piano, sing in the band or one of the choirs, or take part in any of the special musical offerings – you are all so incredibly talented. I am deeply thankful that you share your giftedness, and you make our worship services incredible because of your contributions.

And finally, I’d like to thank all of you. I’m thankful for all of the ways you have supported and encouraged me and my family especially as I’ve shared the various challenges of being a pastor, and I am thankful for your graciousness in the times I may have fallen short. Most of all I’m thankful that as a congregation you truly want to change lives by being God’s instruments of peace and love in the world.And so it will be my ongoing prayer that together we continue to open ourselves to always live into the mission of being God’s transforming presence in our world. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Pastor Tony

Pastor Edwin: Mountaintops and Valleys

The month of June will mark the one year anniversary of my ordination and installation. It seems like it was a few months ago when you all said yes to calling a third pastor to your ministry. Thank you so much! Many things have happened during this first year as an ordained pastor. If you ask me to reflect on this first anniversary, let me tell you that it has been like a roller coaster! And this is life, right? Many of you have also experienced moments of happiness, sadness, difficult times and good times in your lives. I know my experience is not unique to me.

I felt like I was at the top of the mountain on June 25, 2023 at my ordination and installation, but I also felt like I was at the bottom of the mountain a few weeks later when my family and I met at the hospital to say goodbye to my dad. Only a few weeks had passed since my ordination and now I had to perform my father’s funeral here and burial in El Salvador.

I was initially worried that the new part of my position, high school ministry, would be a low for a year or two as the students acclimated to a new pastor in that role. I am happy to share that I was wrong! It has been a fantastic year filled with moments of fun, community service, worship, and Bible study. Our final gathering of the year was a moment of healing for me coming on the heel of another tragedy.

A high moment for me this year when I accompanied Noé to the hospital to celebrate and give thanks to God for taking care of his wife during the birth of their baby, Melanie. Again, I descended to the bottom a couple of hours later when I had to accompany Elizabeth, Noé’s wife, to identify her husband’s body, and accompany her to their house to share the news with the children that their father had passed away.

Brothers and sisters, on this earthly journey we will continue to experience high moments, but situations will also appear in which we will feel that we are at the bottom of the mountain. The apostle Paul in his letter to Romans 8:35 says, “ Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Jewish and Gentile Christians in Rome were going through conflictive times between them. Paul, in his desire to achieve peace and unity, wrote these words to them to strengthen and motivate them so that tribulations, danger and anguish would not separate them from the love of God.

God is always with us! As we walk and enjoy the beauty of flowers, forests, beautiful landscapes and family time this summer 2024, let us remember that there is a God who is always near us with his steadfast love when we are on top of the mountain “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17. We also have a God that is with us when feel that we are at the bottom of the valley: “You change my tears into dance; you take away my sadness and surround me with joy.” (Psalm 30:11)

Pastor Edwin

June Mission News

I was so excited about my mustard seed plant growing and thriving on my window seat. I even shared it on the Mission Outreach Facebook page as a way to demonstrate how together we can have a big impact if we each take a step out in ministry. I was so excited to see the little seeds grow into many small plants that grew taller each week. Then, I got busy with the Ministry Fair and other personal things that distracted me from my goal of taking good care of my little plants. My busy schedule made me forget the plants until I went to transplant them into bigger pots. Imagine my shock when they had shriveled and stopped growing. I had only one or two plants that survived my neglect. What a follow-up to our Ministry Fair! So many people with so many fresh ideas and so much interest in our ministries added excitement to the Fair. Then people got busy and distracted and by the time ministry leaders called on them, they were too busy or had forgotten all about the sign-up sheets. Just like the neglected plants, the ministry commitment withered without attention and determination. Busy schedules can be adapted and energy can be recharged so that the mustard seed of faith can grow into something bigger. Together, our mustard seeds of faith can have a huge impact in our own lives, in our church, our community and our world. Where are you planting your mustard seed? 

Shirley Wehmeier, Serve Wing Leader

You have likely heard about the new Hope Center building. You are invited to attend an open house to see all the programs that they offer on June 6 from 4 to 7 p.m. There will be a dedication at 6 p.m. Ascension was one of the founding congregations back when they were located in the M & M building on Main and Maple offering Mission and Ministry. The program has outgrown two buildings and now occupies the entire old Chase Bank at 101 W. Broadway which has been completely renovated to meet the program needs. What a great way to learn more about one of our community partners! You may even find a way you want to serve.

Habitat for Humanity is hosting their annual Gala at the very site where the dream of home ownership becomes a reality: the Domenica Park Neighborhood, on June 14 at 6 p.m. Garden party attire is recommended. Join Habitat for an inspiring evening beneath a glamorous tent and on the actual build site where homes are being built. Enjoy drinks, delicious food catered by Sendiks, entertainment and a chance to help create real and positive change in Waukesha and Jefferson County. More information and tickets available at

Save the date for the SOPHIA Multicultural Fair on August 17 at Frame Park, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Several of our members have participated in this in the past two years and have really enjoyed the music, the food, the resources and the dancing. More information will follow but please mark your calendar and take note of the new location.

For the past several months, we have been following the sad story of the Tanzanian government taking the land of Galilaya church and the homes of the people that live in the area. They have been promised compensation for their land, although it is far below market value. Since losing the church building, they have worked together to create a new worship space. A member who did not have his land seized, donated some land for a new church. Members saved their money to buy lumber to create a short-term worship space. Church members worked together to build the new temporary space as well as to dig the foundation for a more permanent church.

We also received news that a fourth preaching point has been added to Samaria Parish in May. Kijenge is the newest church that is part of the Samaria parish network. Like Galilaya preaching point, the members of Kijenge are worshipping in a temporary space for now. They have asked for our prayers to support these ministry challenges.

At the end of July, a multigenerational delegation of twelve Ascension members, alongside five Lake Park members, will travel to El Salvador to visit the ministries of our sister parishes in El Salvador. On May 18, over 100 Ascension members and friends came together to celebrate our partnerships and to raise funds to support this summer’s trip. It was inspiring the way Ascension came together with donations, writing for Thrivent grants, donating food and beverages for the dinner, and bidding on the items, playing games, and joining together in fellowship for the purpose of celebrating our partnerships in Tanzania, and this year, especially in El Salvador. A special thanks for Cynthia Carlson and her team for stepping in at the last minute to takeover the catering.

Mental health conditions are common among teens and young adults. Fifty percent of all lifetime mental illnesses develop by age 14 and 75% develop by age 24. A mental health condition isn’t your fault or your family’s fault — these conditions develop for complicated reasons that researchers are only just starting to understand. Ascension partners with NAMI to help understand the scary and confusing aspects of mental health in ourselves or our families. There are a variety of ways that NAMI programs can help us understand more about mental health and the help that is available. See their website for more information. 

June President’s Report

As we mark the start of summer with summer worship times and outdoor services, there is much to be grateful for here at Ascension. This summer, more than 15,000 students and leaders from across the country will gather at the ELCA Youth Gathering, including a group from Ascension. What an incredible opportunity to help develop the faith of these young future leaders.

Ascension is in a unique position – not only will Pastor Edwin and our youth participate, but Pastor Chris and Pastor Tony are both involved at a leadership level in the Youth Gathering. The fact that our pastors have been invited to serve the national church through leadership roles with the Gathering speaks volumes about Ascension. In many ways, Ascension is seen as a leader within the local and national ELCA community. What a blessing! Both Pastor Tony and Pastor Chris have been involved in serving the Youth Gathering since before becoming pastors at Ascension and we are grateful that their leadership continues. What an incredible opportunity to serve within the walls of Ascension and out in the community by shaping the faith of thousands of students and their leaders. On behalf of the Church Council, we are proud of their hard work and tireless dedication and energy to serving. 

Beyond the Youth Gathering, we begin preparations for Ascension’s 75th anniversary celebration on September 15. This fall, we will take time to celebrate our history as a church – where we started and where we are today. Above all, there is much to be grateful for. God bless.

Amanda Payne, President

Summer Worship at Ascension

  • Sunday, June 2
  • 8:30 & 10 a.m.
  • Celebration and reception for Vicki Taylor’s 40th anniversary of Music Ministry
  • 9:30 a.m. Sunday, June 2
  • Celebration and reception for Pastor Edwin’s 1st Anniversary of Ordination
  • Sunday, June 23
  • June 23, July 28, Aug. 11, Sept.
  • Blessings and sending of El Salvador Mission Team
  • Sunday, July 28
  • Singers of all ages are invited to sing in an intergenerational choir on Sunday, June 23. We will meet for one rehearsal on Thursday, June 20, from 6 to 6:30 p.m., followed by singing in 8:30 worship on Sunday, June 23.
  • The song can be easily learned by listening and all are welcome!
  • Email Vicki Taylor and say you’ll join us!

Memorial Day

It’s amazing how quickly time seems to fly by. Somehow we’re already stepping into May – days are getting longer, grass is growing greener, flowers and trees are starting to bloom, and at the end of this month our nation will celebrate Memorial Day. For some this is simply a marker that the end of school is close, summer vacations are within reach, and family barbeques are just around the corner. For others it is a time to remember – a time to honor all those who have served in the armed forces and lost their lives in service to our country preserving and protecting the freedoms that you and I enjoy each day.

But regardless of the particulars of how, or what, or why each of us celebrate Memorial Day, at the center of it all – its very name, “memorial” invites us to a posture of remembrance.

The ability to remember is a wonderful gift God has given us. In an instant we can be taken back to childhood days – skipping rocks across the water or playing with friends, or maybe just to an earlier time like when we went on a first date or experienced our first day at a new school or job. Through memory we can fall in love, taste that amazing dessert from that one special place, and enjoy a wealth of past experiences all over again.

All this is possible through the blessing of memory. Some of our memories bring us happiness as we recall those wonderful experiences, while others leave us sad and weeping as we remember them. Memories are also practical. If we couldn’t remember that a red light means “stop” then we might get ourselves into dangerous situation. If you weren’t able to remember what day it is, especially if it were your anniversary, then you might be headed for big trouble with your loved one. So, memories are practical. The problem is, sometimes our memory fails us, and we forget. 

Fortunately, God has surrounded us with memorials, in fact, the entire Bible itself is a memorial. And we are invited to dwell in it daily in order to remember. Each time we gather as a worshipping community, each celebration of the Lord’s Supper, each baptism, each Christmas celebration, and every Holy Week leading us to the joyous celebration of Easter is a memorial.

Remembering God’s grace in our lives is fuel for our faith as we move through God’s ongoing grace for us. And this makes our memory one of God’s most profound and mysterious gifts granted to us.

So as we commemorate Memorial Day as Americans, let us do so with deep gratitude for all that has been sacrificed for us by those who laid their lives down for the sake of our freedom. Most importantly, I pray that as followers of Jesus we would each take time to remember the extraordinary grace God blesses us with yesterday, today, and every day to come.

Pastor Tony

Easter Reflections

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

We are just a little past the midway point in our Easter celebrations. It has been a glorious season. From lilies and trumpets and music to lead us in praise of our God to baptisms, baptisms, baptisms. A ministry fair and pupusas to purchase and a final trip to New Orleans before the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering this summer. There is a lot going on and I, for one, am wondering when I can step down from the merry-go-round for a moment.

The school year is quickly coming to an end, which means a graduation to prepare for in our house. Fourteen years ago, when I arrived at Ascension, my oldest child was four years old and now he looks to a new chapter at University of Wisconsin at Madison. This is my moment to say thank you to all of you for helping to shape my son; for providing a place of welcome and hospitality and for allowing him to become his own person in your midst. Sometimes the children of the pastors must deal with a good deal of judgment and pillar balancing. I am grateful that you have allowed my oldest to be himself and know this faith community as a place of welcome and love for most of his life. All that being said, this pastor/dad is learning to balance all the pieces that come with preparing for the first of his children to make his way in the world. I confess, I am not sure how I feel about it. There are a lot of unknowns and several of you have already offered advice and honestly, thank you. Some of it makes me laugh and some of the advice is pure gold and somehow, it will all work itself out.

That is exactly how I am feeling about this summer and preparing to welcome 15,000 high school students – all of them for the very first time – to New Orleans and the Youth Gathering. In some ways, I have it easy this time around. It is my job to entertain and teach faith formation for about 3 and ½ hours each night of the event and make sure closing worship goes off without a hitch and everybody gets communion. Pastor Tony has to keep everyone safe. I think I will stick with my job, thank you very much! As I fly home from New Orleans, I am reflecting on all the work that has been done and the work still to do. Work, I can do because of your support and willingness to allow me to serve the national church in this way. It is no small task, and I am only able to balance the youth gathering and the ministry of Ascension with the partnership of Pastor Tony and Pastor Edwin and the amazing people who I work alongside each day. Amy, Ben, Sarah, Tamie, and Vicki tend to so many moments of ministry alongside the pastors – please thank them when you see them. Ascension runs as smoothly and provides so much to so many because of their dedication.

And then there is this incredible community of people. All of you who show up, step up, and stand up when there is a call to serve in some way to share in the ministry of this community of faith allowing all of us to grow and flourish. It is because of your commitment and faithfulness to the story of God’s love and your willingness to give of yourselves in leadership and love and in sweat and tears and laughter all along the way walking your individual journeys of faith as well, that Ascension becomes more and more of who God is inviting and leading and pushing us to be. Who we are, as the community of Ascension, a place of welcome and multi-cultural ministry, is because of who you are as God blesses you and invites you to share in the story and ministry of this community of faith.

In the season of Easter, as much I want to celebrate the resurrection and give praise to God alone, I am also filled with deep gratitude for the ways in which God inspires you to serve; to care for the other; to walk alongside each other and serve the world around us all to the glory of God. I am humbled to serve as one of your pastors and grateful for the ministry we share.

See you in church.

Pastor Chris

A Multicultural Flock

Last month I had the opportunity to talk with two Latino Lutheran pastors. One of them serves here in the midwest and the other pastor serves in El Salvador. They both wanted to share the experiences of their local ministries and to learn about the work we are doing as a multicultural community of faith here at Ascension, Waukesha.

The pastor here in the United States shared her experience. And let me tell you, her experience is completely different from mine and her story is very sad. A community of English-speaking people decided to open the doors to a Latino ministry. For many years within the building, God was worshiped in two languages, but separately. The Latino ministry was recognized as part of the church, but in reality, the Latino ministry was seen as an outside organization. The Spanish-speaking members of the church did not have the right to vote, nor to have representation in the council. There were never any bilingual worship services or multicultural events.

When I have the opportunity to share the multicultural story of Ascension, I refrain from telling my story because it is not my story. It is the story of how Ascension has embraced the new arrivals. How Ascension has walked through these years in a multicultural environment. How in Ascension there is no separation of sheep. We are one flock that listens to what the good shepherd tells us to continue walking and rising together. When I finished sharing the story of Ascension with the pastor, the pastor said, “Everything Ascension has done, we didn’t do it. Ascension is a great example for everyone else.”

The Salvadoran pastor visited Milwaukee at the end of April. I had the opportunity to spend a day with him. He accompanied me to SOPHIA’s event and he was present at Kathy Hahn’s funeral and burial. He saw the Latino ministry sanctuary. It was the day before the Sunday of the Good Shepherd, he also heard the story of how Ascension has walked as a flock, with sheep that share, walk, work and enjoy together in an environment filled with many multicultural traditions. All the things we do as a church caught his attention, but there were two things that he believes he has in mind to put into practice in his community in El Salvador. The first is the garden of ashes; he is a pastor who advocates for the care of the environment and fights for community rights. He believes the Salvadoran Lutheran church should have a memorial garden to carry out the burial of ashes. The second was the alfombras. In Central America, this is a Holy Week tradition that takes place in the streets of the city. He said that there is no church in all of Latin America that puts alfombras inside the sanctuary. He believes that Ascension is the first church to do so in history. He said that he will take that idea to his community in El Salvador to see if it is possible to realize it using the same teaching that we use in Ascension. Holy Week does not end on Good Friday, there is resurrection! Christ is risen! Hallelujah!

These two stories are not the only ones. Last month, I also spoke with other Latino ministry leaders and English-speaking people with partnerships in El Salvador from other churches who would like to make alfombras in their communities.

Brothers and sisters, all these things that have happened, are happening and will continue to happen in our community of faith, are possible only through the work that God is already doing in the hearts of this flock called Ascension. Let the Good Shepherd continue to guide us in caring for this multicultural flock that has been entrusted to us, sharing our experiences and the story of love, joy, hope, peace and faith with other sheep outside our walls and even outside our borders.

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

(Ephesians 4.2-6)

Pastor Edwin

Dinner & Auction for El Salvador

You are invited to a fun-filled night of food, fellowship, and some fundraising on Saturday, May 18, at 5 p.m. For $12 a person / $40 a family, you will receive a spaghetti dinner, appetizers, dessert, beer or wine, and other beverages. Tickets will be available Sunday mornings in May.

We have a wide variety of fantastic auction items but it’s not too late to donate items! We are also looking for volunteers to donate appetizers and desserts. Following the dinner, we will wrap up the evening with some bingo and trivia. Sign-up online to donate to the auc tion or to volunteer. 

All proceeds will benefit the mission trip to El Salvador taking place at the end of July. We have a twelve-member delegation traveling to visit the ministries of San Jorge and Usulután Lutheran churches.

Serve with Ascension in April

The parable of the Mustard Seed in Matthew 13:31-32: “He put before them another parable: The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field, it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in it branches.” The parable of the mustard seed is a lesson to us that huge things can happen as the result of a very small thing. We are challenging each Ascension member to think of one new way to serve God either at Ascension or in the community or with one of our global partners. Just imagine, if each person took one step out in service, what an impact this would have at Ascension, in Waukesha or in the world!

What can I do?  Where do I fit in? Where can I use my skills?  Where can I get involved?  On April 14, we will be holding a Ministry Fair after each service. There will be opportunities to learn more about ways to get involved. Many people are concerned that they just don’t have the time but we are called to set serving God as a priority in our lives. “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (1 Peter 4:10) If you look at the various ministries, many are just a short term commitment or are just a chance to see what it feels like to serve. Please plan to spend some time walking through the displays to learn more about the wonderful ministries at Ascension. To make the time more fun, there will be a chance to win some gift cards by completing your Passport book. You will have to attend to see how to earn your stamps for your passport. Snacks and other fun ways to connect will give you a way to learn more not only about the ministries but it will also be a chance to meet other Ascension members and visitors. Remember, just one small step in faith can grow into great results at Ascension, in Waukesha and in the world! Mark your calendar for April 14 after each service!

We are really excited about SOPHIA’s Community Breakfast fundraiser this year. We are celebrating 20 years working for justice and community building! Ascension was one of the founding congregations and we have had a SOPHIA team ever since. Each year, friends and supporters of SOPHIA gather to celebrate their accomplishments, learn more about the issues, and raise funds to continue the mission of restoring hope and dignity to individuals and families in Waukesha Community. Buy your tickets now! Tickets are $50.

The keynote speaker is Justice Castaneda who is the Executive Director of Common Wealth Development in Madison. He will present his innovative perspective of community development considering sustainability, equity, and justice. His presentation will highlight the importance of SOPHIA’s campaign for housing justice, immigration reform, and transformational justie. The brunch is at La Casa de Esperanza on April 20 from 9 -11:30 a.m. The silent auction will be online from 12 p.m. Sunday, April 14, through Friday, April 19. Thank you to those who donated to our Wisconsin Basket for the silent auction!

Thank you to those who donated food and/or served at the recent meals for Healing Hearts. They have expressed gratitude for the special food and smiling faces from Ascension.

You are invited to help celebrate the blossoming of healing and hope since 2010 at the annual gala on April 20 beginning at 6 p.m. at Western Lakes Golf Club. Enjoy a wonderful dinner, an inspiring program, a Silent Auction, raffle and balloon pop. Tickets are $100 a person. Register online.

As one of the founding congregations of Healing Hearts, we would like to donate a basket for the auction. If you are interested in gathering donations for the basket, please contact Teri Quam.

We have a delegation of twelve Ascension members traveling to El Salvador to visit our sister parishes in August. They will be traveling to continue to build connections with the people of Usulután church and San Jorge church, participate in learning projects, and learn about both the ministries of the Salvadoran Lutheran church and El Salvador in general.

You can help the delegation by supporting our Taco Dinner and Auction on Saturday, May 18, at 5 p.m. It is a fun-filled evening of fellowship, learning about our partnerships, and enjoying delicious food.

How can you help? Save the date and plan to attend this always popular event. For now, we are collecting items and gift baskets for the auction, as well as smaller gifts for our raffle. Thrivent Members can apply for Action Team grants. If you have something for our auction, please contact Sarah Aparicio. As we get closer, we will also be asking for help with appetizers, beverages, and desserts. ¡Gracias!

Thank you to all who made the farmers’ market a great success. We especially thank Marge Schroeder and Cynthia Carlson who were the leaders of the event. Without their commitment to the market, we would not have reached out to as many people. We had a great group of volunteers helping in the kitchen on both Saturday and Sunday. Friendships form when people of the church work together. We had a larger number of non-members who came for the market. Just think, they came to shop but heard the joyful sounds of worship in two languages and experienced what is like to worship at Ascension. On top of all of this, we raised money for the farmers through Food, Faith and Farming Network.

Our Community Partners are agencies within the community that do great work that we could not do on our own. Our partner agencies are identified as those who carry out the Matthew 25 commission of serving God by serving others: “Whatever you have done for the least of these, you have done on to Me.” A true partnership is more than sending a monthly check. It includes learning about the partner and educating the congregation. We try to support and promote their fundraising efforts and we listen to them for ways we can support them through in-kind donations and volunteering.

We promote them on our Ascension Waukesha Mission Outreach Facebook page where we keep the congregation informed of their activities and their needs. While each of our partners have wonderful fund raisers which we promote, we also realize that not all people are able to participate in them. One simple thing we can do is to develop a basket for silent auctions. We just need a few people to decide on an idea and then promote the basket, deliver it to the program and watch to see how much money is raised. We can help get donations through e-alerts, bulletin, and Misssion Outreach Facebook page.