Begin your Lenten journey with us on Wednesday, March 5, at 6:30 p.m. with imposition of ashes and worship. Soup suppers and worship begin the following week, March 12. Look for the sign-up poster in the narthex/lobby on Sunday mornings to bring soup, help set-up and clean-up.
Thursday Morning Worship: For those who are looking for something new and a little different in this season of Lent, we are offering a half hour worship service every week on Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. beginning on March 6th and concluding on April 10th. For those who might like a quieter, more reflective time of worship, Thursday mornings could provide that opportunity. There will be instrumental music, congregational singing, Scripture readings, a brief message, a time for prayer, and communion each week.
Lenten Book Study: Join Pastor Chris at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday mornings in Lent starting March 6 to discuss the book The Walk by Adam Hamilton. Examine five essential spiritual practices rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God. How do we walk with Christ—daily follow him, grow in him, and faithfully serve him? You can pick up a book from PC for $13 or download it to your device. We will discuss the Introduction and Chapter 1 on March 6.