Ascension is not alone in starting a worship service in a second language, but we have a unique approach.

Most churches have their Spanish service separate from when the English-speaking community is in the building. As we began to plan for this new ministry, our Latino members didn’t want their children to be kept separated from the rest of the activities on Sunday morning and the adults still wanted to be able to see their friends during the fellowship time between services. The most logical way to achieve this was with simultaneous worship. This has allowed us to continue to create a more diverse congregation at Ascension instead of two separate congregations that share a building. The children of the new members can’t wait to join the children’s music ministries and BLAST in the fall. Because of sharing time together Sunday mornings, Latino members of all ages have felt comfortable participating in other activities of the church.

By reverting the East Hall into a part-time sanctuary, this has allowed our Latino members to create a worship space that makes them feel completely at home. They spend nights and weekends working on projects as their gifts to the church to beautify the space. Because of this sacred space, Latinos that are in the building for other events have begun to feel a part of this ministry as well. Anell, the church’s cleaning person, has told Edwin that she has been moved by the Spanish Sanctuary and now comes early to work in order to have time to pray before she “punches in.” She has such love for this new ministry that she spent $55 of her earnings on a basket to support Spanish-language ministry at Ascension that we auctioned off at the mission outreach dinner. She is saving money for another raffle basket.

Feel free on a Sunday morning to stop into the Spanish Sanctuary to experience worship in another language or simply to say “Buenos Dias!” before or after service.

Reprinted from the June 2019 newsletter.

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