For many, baptism marks us with the cross of Christ on our brows for the first time. In the Lutheran church children are brought to a baptismal font during worship to recognize God’s claim upon their lives, and the lifelong journey of the Spirit sending them out in mission for the sake of the world. And since it is a lifelong journey of faith, often called faith formation, people enter into Christian community through baptism at various ages and stages in life. The community of Ascension is excited to welcome people of all ages to be baptized into the community of faith sharing in the joy of the Kingdom of God. If you would like to talk about baptism with a pastor or are ready to have your child baptized at Ascension, please reach out to us by calling the church office at 262-547-8518 or by emailing, admin@ascensionelca.org.
We’d love to hear from you and answer any additional questions you have.