Join us on Sunday, Sept. 10, for one special, bilingual worship service combining all our worship communities. Invite your friends and family! Stay for fun, food and fellowship following worship! This is the kickoff for a busy fall schedule of worshiping, learning, serving, and caring for one another and our Waukesha community and across the globe. What a wonderful time to be welcomed back to Ascension!
Before Sept. 10
- Stop at the table in the narthex to let us know you’re coming or RSVP online. There is no charge, just a free will offering for lunch but we do need to know an approximate number to plan for food.
- At the registration table you can also pick up a special Welcome Home card to give to someone you would like to invite. Be sure to check out the Sign-Up Genius to tell us how you would like to help. There are a lot of opportunities to serve in easy ways and get to know others in the church.
Who is it we are welcoming?
- Those who have been away from church for the summer or longer.
- Those who got out of the habit of going to church since the pandemic.
- Those who are looking for a place to fit in.
- Those who are looking for a church where God’s love and grace are shared every week.
- Those who are looking for a church where children or teens are not only welcome but are a part of the fabric of the congregation.
- Those who are looking for a church where older members serve when they can and are served in love when that is what they need.
- Those who are looking for a church where God’s Word not only is taught but is lived.
- Those who are looking for a church where everyone is welcome because it is truly the Family of God.
We will welcome each other in a bilingual worship service and then in bi-culture fellowship. There will be activities for all ages and a chance to get to know each other better. This is the kickoff for a busy fall schedule of worshiping, learning, serving, and caring for one another and our Waukesha community and across the globe. What a wonderful time to be welcomed back to Ascension!