Care Ministries
Happy New Year to all of our Ascension friends! We begin our year with celebration as the New Year marks the beginning of a fresh start for many. A new beginning! As a new year begins, we have new wishes and promises for a brighter future as we say farewell to the past year. I continually want to challenge myself to view the year through a lens of love instead of one of criticism. I stand firmly in my belief in the gift of being kind to ourselves and everybody around us. I think it is so important that we allow ourselves to be wrong, embrace our failures and our imperfections and feel good enough to accept our thoughts, souls and spirits. I believe love within ourselves is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. We should believe in practicing life with compassion, courage and with empathy towards others. We cannot really love and spread love around the world if we don’t first feel good about who we are. My New Year’s resolution some years ago was to start accepting myself truly and find peace in being me. A calmness that wouldn’t overthrow me every time I was struck by a feeling of inadequacy. I was tired of chasing after things that I could not achieve and that were not genuine. It was time for me to fully embrace myself, to treasure the gift of life. Time to show gratitude towards my loved ones just the way they are.
As Christians, it can be hard to find peace in a world filled with so many things to worry about. As humans, our brains are primed to pay attention to our environment. Our minds are constantly scanning to help keep us alive and identify opportunities to make our lives more pleasurable. It is why we are more likely to keep an eye on the oven than our Bible. The sights, sounds, and smells of this physical world just feel more real and tangible than our spiritual world.
One possible way to counter this is to focus on praying, reading the Bible, and attending church which can bolster our spiritual focus. However, many struggle to commit these practices to habit. Perhaps just thinking about God, himself, can help shift our focus away from the worries of this physical world to our more enduring spiritual one. What’s more comforting than knowing how our Savior will someday return to welcome us into his arms? Spending just a few moments thinking about God, who he is and what he means to us, can help ease anxiety, alleviate worry, and bring some peace of mind.
“The Lord gives strength to his people, and the Lord blesses his people with peace.” (Psalm 29:11)
Brenda Lytle, RN, Director of Care Ministries
Pathway to Mental Wellness Event
After a successful first Pathway to Mental Wellness Event, “The Pathway to Peace” in October, we are ready to offer our second event at the end of January on Sunday, Jan. 29 at 12 p.m., “The Pathway to Understanding.” We will gather for a potluck lunch and then hear a presentation from the National Alliance for Mental Illness. The presentation will offer a personal perspective of mental health conditions. The presentation will provide an opportunity to hear open and honest perspectives on a highly misunderstood topic. A chance to ask questions of presenters and information on how to learn more about mental health and get involved with the mental health community.
No Regrets 2023
Ascension Men — Coming Again to Ascension!
Saturday, Feb. 4, 8am to 1:30pm. Register to watch with us at Ascension, online https://tinyurl.com/AMEN2023 or with this QR code. Password is AMEN.
GriefShare Ministry
We plan to begin another session of Grief Share this winter beginning in February. The details will be announced soon.
Pastoral Assistance and Cancer Care
If you or a family member is hospitalized and would like a visit from a pastor or pastoral assistants, please call the church office at 262-547-8518. Ascension’s Cancer Care Ministry continues to open arms to those in need, helping members of our congregation. If you know of a congregational member or family that could use some assistance walking their cancer journey, please contact, Brenda Lytle at brenda@ascensionelca.org
Young at Heart (55+)
If you are interested in fun outings and fellowship, join us at a Young at Heart Ministry gathering. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month for a potluck lunch and to play cards and games. Come and have fun!