When are English classes starting? Are we going to have classes for citizenship? Those are some of the questions we are hearing from former and new students in our tutoring program. Now all we need are tutors to help us get things going. As a tutor, you will work as a team with another tutor and 2-3 students. As a tutoring team you can work out your schedule with your partner tutor. We will provide materials, training and guidance for how to work with the students. Our students are from young children or adults learning their first words in English to adults working on citizenship or other advanced ways to put their English to use in adapting to living in the US. Our students are Burmese refugees who speak the Karen language and Latinos who primarily speak Spanish. It is not necessary for tutors to know their students’ language.
When we had to close our program because of the pandemic, we had 40 students and 30 tutors. We know we will probably have to restart the program and all take some big steps together. We will have an orientation and training meeting in August. Watch for announcements of time and date. If you are interested in being part of a tutoring team or have questions, please contact Barbara Nordberg. One of the benefits of the program is not just being proud of the students’ new English skills but experiencing the relationship you will develop with the students. You will learn as much from them as they learn from you. Please help!
1 Comment
Thank you for this readable announcement. I look forward to more details.