Walk With Ascension

Baptismal Blankets ~ Did You Know?

Sharon Dykstra knits the beautiful handmade, baptismal blankets that Ascension gives at baptisms. The families and the people baptized appreciate the tangible reminder of God’s love.

Thank you, Sharon, for your hard work and care in making the blankets!

Pastoral Assistance

If you or a family member is hospitalized and would like a visit from one of our pastors or pastoral assistants, please call the church office at 262-547-8518.

Young At Heart (55+)

If you are interested in fun outings and events, consider the Young at Heart Ministry for people 55 and older. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month to gather for a potluck and play cards and games.


Join the Young at Heart and others on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. for a few rounds of bunco (a dice game) and a lot of laughter!

Walk With Ascension

Pathways to Mental Wellness

Do you ever feel like you are living in a world that is turned upside down? It’s hard not to when day after day we are all faced with violence, economic challenges, political unrest, COVID fears, family and job stresses. You name it!

We recognize people’s hurt, anxieties and fear. To support one another through these challenges, we are launching a new ministry here at Ascension which we are calling “Pathways to Mental Wellness.” Our goal is to offer support, resources and a listening ear to help one another navigate the waters of our everyday lives.

We are kicking off this new ministry by inviting you to attend a special reflective prayer service on Sunday, Oct. 16, at 6 p.m. At this service we will offer some scripture, music and prayer in hopes of offering you some much deserved moments of calm and respite. Think of it as a time to just “be” so you can clear the noise and feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.

These moments of time are intended for everyone: Young, old, men, women and children. We encourage you to invite your friends, neighbors and anyone that is feeling weighed down by everything going on in our world. Come….You are invited…..Peace be with you!

Steve & Carol Spieker, Ministry Leaders


We are in a full 12-week session of GriefShare again this fall. If you or a loved one has a suffered loss and would like some help and support, this may be the program for you. This group will provide help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Our program continues through November 15th in our Youth Room at the church. We will meet for 12 consecutive sessions. Mary Lou Charapata and Brenda Lytle will facilitate the Grief Share group. If you would like to be a part of our Grief Share program please contact Brenda Lytle, RN, Director of Care Ministries at brenda@ascensionelca.org or 262-547-8518.

Care Ministries Needs Volunteers

Are you looking for some volunteer opportunities to help others? We have openings in two of our Care Ministries!

  • Meal Ministry: We need additional people to make meals for members in our congregation that may need some short-term assistance. Please contact Iva Richards.
  • Transportation Ministry: We need drivers to assist some members of our congregation (short-term) that need to get to an appointment or to get to church on Sundays. You don’t need to lift or carry medical equipment. Please contact Kay Stone.

Pastoral Assistants

If you or a family member is hospitalized and would like a visit from a pastor or pastoral assistant, please call the church office at 262-547-8518.

Cancer Care Ministry

Our Cancer Care Ministry helps members of our congregation. If you know of a congregational member or family that could use some assistance walking their cancer journey, please contact Brenda Lytle.

Young at Heart (55+)

Young at Heart meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month starting at noon for a potluck, play cards and enjoy fellowship. Bring a dish to pass if you’re able.

Be the Village Ministry

In September, supporters from Ascension helped raise awareness for foster care by walking through the Milwaukee County Zoo wearing Chosen t-shirts, bags and buttons. Supporters learned important fostering information at specific passport check-points and gathered for a picnic lunch.