Pastor Edwin & the Youth Gathering

What a wonderful experience in New Orleans. After many months of waiting, thousands of young people from all over the country traveled to be part of the 2024 Youth Gathering. As you may know, we had 14 young people representing us, plus leaders. This was a unique experience from start to finish for everyone.

ur journey began with the group of young people who attended the multicultural event. An event in which we were able to interact, dance, and make friends with people of different ethnic backgrounds from all over the country. As students and leaders who attended MYLE, we used a lot of our energy without knowing that what was to come would require much more energy!

One of the things that caught my attention about the MYLE group was their desire to be together with the rest of the Ascension group. On many occasions they told me that they are looking forward to the rest of the group to enjoy the gathering and explore New Orleans together. That is Ascension Waukesha. A Christian community that worships God in two different languages ​​but we are one body, one community. And that was reflected in the mentality of the young people who attended the Gathering.

The rest of the group joined us on Monday night, July 15th. From there, we were together for the rest of the trip. And the first night arrived, the gathering had begun. From the first minutes we entered the arena, with a DJ warming up the show and in a VIP section (Thanks Pastor Tony and Pastor Chris) the students began to take out all their energy together! Seeing the faces of the joyful young people, jumping, clapping, shouting, the leaders could not stay behind. Despite not having a good knee, I joined in the moment that the young people were experiencing. So much was my excitement, that even Sheri approached me and said, “Pastor Edwin, slow down. This is only the first day. Save more energy for the rest of the week.” And I told her, “Sheri, don’t worry, I’ll have enough energy for the rest of the week.”

The week continued with the same levels of excitement. The youth showed an open attitude in all the things we did and with all the people we met on the streets and in the buildings at the event. Our students would say hello, shake hands, and ask “Where are you from?” Some of them would even come up to me and say, “Pastor Edwin, I have a new friend from Los Angeles, Illinois, Houston, New York… and many other cities across the country.” What a wonderful experience to see our youth making new friends from all over the country. They wanted to be seen, they wanted to show everyone who we are as Ascension. All of us leaders felt very proud of our children. Their energy, their open mind, and their desire to enjoy every minute was exemplary. I imagine that you must also feel proud of our young people!

What does the 2024 ELCA youth gathering leave me with? Well, apart from seeing the young people living the moment, I would say that it reminds me that I am no longer a teenager, that for the next Youth Gathering 2027 in Minneapolis, I will have to carry with me a knee brace and some ice packs to put on my knee at the end of each day. We hope that for the next youth gathering we will increase the number of participants. None of the young people who participate regret attending this event. You were all able to see that on Sunday, July 28, when our young people decided to lead our three worship sessions.

On Sunday, July 28, a delegation of young people shared their experience and that same day, another delegation that will visit El Salvador was also blessed. The delegation will be made up of 11 people from Ascension and five people from Lake Park. Pastora Blanca and Pastor Julio are ready to welcome us and enjoy our time together with the families of the community. Good wishes and prayers are welcome as we live together with our sister congregations in El Salvador. Thank you to everyone that supported both groups by participating in various fundraisers throughout the year.

Pastor Edwin