Las Posadas

Another year of ministry begins here at Ascension! As we continue on the mission of proclaiming the kingdom of God, each year through our different ministries we try to innovate and do new things together.

In my sermon on the fourth Sunday of Advent I said this “We are carriers of a multicultural ministry where the grace of God is revealed in many ways and with many traditions that you never imagined would take place in this place, for example seeing a donkey walking around the building at Las Posadas. If that is not enough, seeing its three shepherds walking around pulling their sheep….”

As you already know, Las Posadas is an event that has become a tradition in the Advent season at Ascension. This year before our traditional walk around the Church we incorporated a live nativity. The angels and three shepherds joined the holy family in their stay in the manger next to the donkey and two wonderful sheep in very, very cold weather. The cold weather did not prevent the holy family, the angels, the animals, the shepherds, you and many visitors from enjoying a wonderful live Christmas and our journey with the holy family in their search for refuge. 

As we began planning, in a moment of weakness I mentioned that it would be nice to have luminaries again. The secretary of Latino ministries, who besides being the musician in our Spanish worship is also my wife, liked that idea, but she told me it would be better to use them on the pathway to the Ash Gardens. She said it would give people another thing to do if they arrived early for the live nativity and it would connect the nativity to the empty crosses. She said it would look more beautiful than in the parking lot. To be honest, I did not want to add anything else to the event. I told my wife that if she wanted to be in charge she could do it. She told me that many of you would like it. You know what, my wife was right, the idea of ​​adding the illuminated walkway in the middle of the snow to the memorial garden was beautiful and added something special to the event and will likely be a new part of our tradition.

I am so grateful to everyone who helped with the posadas event, all the families from the Latina ministry were there cooking the food, some of you from the English ministry helped with the Christmas preparation, with the bonfires, the lights, donating money, washing dishes and setting up the Spanish ministry sanctuary after work! That is the kind of kingdom of God that Ascension offers to our community. A place where God’s mission is actively working through us.

Stephen Bouman in his book The Mission Table says, “Life in Christ asks us to step out continually into wider world, deeper spiritual insights, passionate engagement with the calling we have from God.” As we walk into this new year of ministry, may the star that guided the wise men to the light of the world continue to guide each of you and our congregation in 2025.

Happy New Year!

Pastor Edwin

A Month of Service

December was an amazing month for Mission Outreach activity. So many people were involved in a variety of outreach events. We thank the group involved in planning the parade Moving Posada for all the work. We especially thank Carol and Steve Spieker for their dreaming, planning and coordinating this new event for getting Ascension out into the community in a fun way to emphasize our multi-cultural congregation. Thanks for all the hard work.
Thank you to the Marien family for serving the Healing Hearts meal in December. The participants loved the pizza. This is the third monthly meal for Healing Hearts that Ascension has provided. Thank you for the generous donations and the friendly servers.

Thank you to the AMEN ministries for the 55 pairs of men’s and women’s long underwear that were donated to the Hope Center. AMEN also serves meals at the Hope Center twice a month with two to four men helping each time.

Thank you to Linda Hansen’s Thursday Nurture Group for coordinating the Giving Tree for the Christmas Clearing Council. $1500 of gift cards were presented to the Christmas Clearing Council to help families have gifts for their children. This was the best year ever for this outreach.

Ascension sent $2300 to El Salvador to provide Christmas kits with basic food staples to allow the families in San Jorge to have a simple meal for Christmas. Thank you to everyone that has contributed to our appeal for backpacks and tennis shoes as the children in San Jorge prepare to begin a new school year in January.

Community Outreach Meeting: Community Outreach Committee will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 6:30 to plan outreach activities for 2024. If you have an interest in outreach, please join us. New ideas are always welcome. Community Outreach involves: Reaching Out, Inviting In, Gathering In and Walking With. This is our opportunity to get involved in the community, invite others to Ascension activities or services, seek out those who have not been in worship for a while and become more deliberate in our ways we welcome visitors. Contact Shirley Wehmeier, at, or just show up for the meeting.

Follow the Mission Outreach Facebook page to keep up with our community and global partners and our outreach events.

El Salvador Trip Information Meeting: After a long five years since our last trip to visit our sister parishes in El Salvador, we will be returning in the summer of 2024. We will be there for about a week at the end of July /beginning of August. It will be a time of learning about the ministries of our sister parishes, exploring opportunities for future shared projects (which likely will include eating lots of chocolate), cultural excursions, and building friendships with the members of San Jorge church. We have our first informational meeting on Sunday, Jan. 14, following late church. Contact Sarah Wehmeier Aparicio,, with any questions.

Community Partners
Ascension has multiple community partners, which are agencies within the community that carry out the Matthew 25 promise: “Whatever you do for the least of these, you have done unto Me.” As we follow Jesus’ words, we realize we can often do it better by joining with others who are similarly focused. We will be lifting up our community partners over the next months.

Our current community partners are: Waukesha County Food Pantry, Hope Center, Hebron Housing Services, Hawthorne School, Habitat for Humanity, SOPHIA, NAMI, Healing Hearts, and the Christmas Clearing Council. One of the things we look for is that the agency does not just expect financial donations but that there is an opportunity for in-kind donations and for volunteer service. We want to be able to build a relationship with the partner and respond to their needs not just our perception of what they might need. We practice accompaniment with local community partners just the same as with our global partners. We feature their specific needs through our Mission Outreach Facebook page so that there is always a timely request. Watch also in the e-alerts and bulletin for announcements as needs arise. We are always looking for leadership for the partners so if you have a real passion for a partner, please contact Shirley Wehmeier,, so we can link you up with a partner. We would like to develop Partnership Pals where each partner has two or more people who become the champion for the partner.

Healing Hearts
Healing Hearts is one of our community partners. Healing Hearts provides free, local peer groups for children, youth and families who grieve a loss due to death, divorce, addiction, incarceration, deportation or military deployment. Healing Hearts has been providing services since 2009 and depends on trained volunteers to provide the support the children, youth and families need. They also depend on volunteers to provide quick meals the night of their groups so that families are fed before participating in the group. Ascension has been asked to commit to serving meals on a regular basis. The meals need to be quick to serve so that they can get to their sessions. Ascension served three times in 2023 and volunteers reported that it was a great experience. We use a sign-up genius to get food donated from the congregation. This has been a successful way to include people who may be looking for a simple way to get involved. Our first meal included 5 new members who either served or donated food. Watch the announcements for the dates of our next meals. Teri Quam is coordinating this opportunity.

Advent & Christmas at Ascension

Join us for special worship and activities to celebrate the Advent and Christmas season.

We will celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 24, before we move to Christmas Eve worship in the afternoon.

Christmas Eve Worship on Sunday, Dec. 24, will be at 3, 5 and 9 p.m. Candlelighting, communion, and glorious music will be shared at all the services. If you can help with ushering or communion, please contact Tamie,, in the church office. 

The joyful sounds of Christmas Day worship is at 10 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 25.


Deck the Halls of Ascension begins at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2, to prepare the church campus for the season of Advent and Christmas. 

Choirs, handbells, praise band, and instrumentalists will present Rejoice and Sing! on Sat., Dec. 9, 6 p.m., and Sun., Dec.10, 9:30 a.m. followed by a potluck brunch. Invite a friend and join us in concert worship!

Celebrate the visit of the angel Gabriel to Mary on Tuesday, Dec. 12, with a 5:30 a.m. Spanish-language worship led by mariachis, followed by a potluck breakfast.

Las Posadas remembers the journey of the holy family through the streets of Bethlehem where they were turned away again and again until an innkeeper took pity on their plight. This event hosted by our Spanish-speaking members continues to grow year after year. Incredible food, a mariachi band, and a piñata round out the night. It is a glorious gathering of the community of Ascension. It begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 16, with hot cocoa and coffee. Children of all ages are welcome to be in costume.  

The BLAST Sunday School children will share the story of Jesus’ birth in worship on Sunday, Dec. 17, during worship at 10:45 a.m. Dress rehearsal for BLAST children is Saturday, Dec. 16, 9-11 a.m.  The 8:30 a.m. service will be regular worship.

Advent & Christmas 2023

Join us this Advent and Christmas season for this inspiring activties and worship opportunities. Let the light of world shine in your life this season.

Deck the Halls of Ascension

9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2, to prepare the church campus for the season of Advent and Christmas. 

Jubilate Chorale Christmas Concerts

Usher in the Christmas season with the Jubilate Chorale and Friends as they present Song in the Night on Saturday, Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m., St. John’s Lutheran Church, Brookfield, and on Sunday, Dec. 3, 3 p.m., St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Wauwatosa. Tickets are available from Ascension members Scott Greger and Vicki Taylor, or

Advent/Christmas Concert Worship

The musicians of Ascension will offer Advent/Christmas Concert worship on Saturday, Dec. 9, at 6 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 10, at 9:30 a.m. followed by brunch. Invite a friend and join choirs, praise band, handbells, and instrumentalists for concert worship on Saturday, Dec. 9, and Sunday, Dec. 10.

The Annunciation / Festival of Guadalupe

We will have a 5:30 a.m. worship in Spanish on Tuesday, Dec. 12, the day of Guadalupe, to remember the words of the angel Gabriel to Mary. Mariachis will lead the music and we will have a potluck breakfast following worship.

Children’s Christmas Program

BLAST children will share the joy of Jesus’ birth through story and song at 10:45 worship on Sunday, Dec. 17. Rehearsal for BLAST children’s Christmas program is Saturday, Dec. 16, 9-11am.

Las Posadas

Remembering the journey of the holy family through the streets of Bethlehem where they were turned away again and again until an innkeeper took pity on their plight. This event, hosted by our Spanish-speaking members, continues to grow year after year. Incredible food, a mariachi band, and a pinata round out the night. It is a glorious gathering of the multicultural community of Ascension. It begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 16, with hot cocoa and coffee. Mark your calendars.

Christmas Eve Worship

Sunday, Dec. 24, 3 p.m., 5 p.m., and 9 p.m. (Regular Sunday morning worship at 8:30 a.m. for Fourth Sunday of Advent; no 10:45 worship on Dec. 24). Spanish worship will only be offered at 1 p.m.

Christmas Day Worship

Monday, Dec. 25, 10 a.m.

Looking Back, Looking Forward

I find myself struggling with trying to decide what to write about this month. Do I write about the exciting aspects of ministry this past December? We had our first early morning celebration of the annunciation. And when I say early morning, I mean 5:30 am worship on a Monday morning. And not just any Monday morning, but the Monday after the Advent concert when nearly all of our families had already been at church both Saturday night and all morning Sunday. We were unsure what to expect, but we had a full sanctuary, including several visitors. We enjoyed worship led by mariachi musicians who sang the traditional songs of the Festival of Guadalupe and shared breakfast together at the end of worship.

Las Posadas

Or what about Las Posadas? It was our fourth year hosting this living advent devotion and celebration and it was bigger and better than ever, even in the cold. We were excited this year to open the children’s pageant to all of Ascension’s children, so we were led by a multicultural parade of Bible characters, sheep, donkeys, and cows. We needed two piñatas for all of the fun! It was a fun night of fellowship between native English speakers and native Spanish speakers, Ascension members and many visitors.

Personally, I finished my seventh semester of seminary and was approved for ordination. There is so much I could write about what it is like to be this close to the end of school!

Perhaps it would be better for me to write a more forward looking article on all of the exciting things to come. On January 3, I will be leaving for sixteen days for a seminary course in Israel. For reasons that I don’t understand, according to seminary I have not had any cross-cultural experiences. While I feel like the work I have been doing as a Salvadoran immigrant in a US seminary should have counted as my cross-cultural experience, I won’t complain too much if it means I “must” go to Israel with experts on the area. I am both excited and nervous about this opportunity.

Maybe this is an opportunity to tell you about our next Holy Day we will be observing.

Los Reyes Magos

The Three Kings will be arriving at Ascension on Sunday, January 8 at 10:45 am. We will welcome them with a potluck lunch after worship. Special music guests, Puerto Rican Band Cache MKE will provide music for worship and lunch.

In several Spanish speaking countries, this is the day children receive their gifts, just like baby Jesus did. The Magi are the ones that bring presents, not Santa. In keeping with the tradition of exchanging gifts on Three Kings Day, there will be a $5 secret Santa gift exchange at lunch. You are invited to bring a gift that matches your category (Girl, Boy, Man, Woman) and participate.

Lunch will include a traditional rosca. If you’ve never eaten a rosca before, it includes a surprising ingredient, plastic baby Jesus. Find out what it means to receive the Baby Jesus in your rosca!

There is so much to celebrate here at Ascension, whether we are celebrating what just happened or looking forward to what is on its way. May you find the moments in your own life to enjoy the memories of the good times of the year that has just ended, or happiness in looking forward to what is to come.

Edwin Aparicio, Pastoral Intern

Advent & Christmas Schedule 2021

Join Us!

Ascension has Advent and Christmas worship and activities planned that will be memorable for all of our church community. Please join us for these special events and help the glory of the Lord shine in the dark days of winter.

Deck the Halls of Ascension, Dec. 4

Help us get the sanctuary and other areas ready for Advent and Christmas on Saturday, Dec. 4, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Lunch provided

Journey to Bethlehem, Dec. 5

BLAST families and the congregation are invited between services on Sunday, Dec. 5 for Journey to Bethlehem where we will travel with Mary and Joseph as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Children 3k through 5th grade along with their parents will move through various stations of fun crafts and activities that will help tell this amazing story. People of all ages are invited to come and see all the joy and excitement that surrounds this event.

As part of the Journey to Bethlehem on Dec. 5, we’re collecting new books and clothing for children. Just like the wise men brought gifts to the baby Jesus, we’ll be gifting these items to people in need. Look for the bin in the narthex starting this weekend.

Advent Concert Worship, Dec. 11 & 12

Invite your friends and family for this worship experience from all of Ascension’s musicians — the Ascension Choir, Ascension Ringers, the Praise Band, and youth choirs. Saturday, Dec. 11, 6 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 12, 9:30 a.m. (Please note: There will be only one service on Sunday.)

A special brunch will follow the 9:30 service on Sunday. Please watch for more information in e-alerts.

Las Posadas, Dec. 18, 5 p.m.

Weather allowing, this event on Saturday, Dec. 18, will be held outside with live music. People can start arriving at 4:45 to prepare with a candle and Mexican hot chocolate to warm up for the winter’s evening. Following the journey, you are invited to join us in a dinner of holiday favorites.


Children’s Christmas Program Dec. 19, 10:45 a.m.

Students participating in the Children’s Christmas program will gather at church on Saturday, Dec. 18, between 9-11a for a final Christmas Program dress rehearsal. 

Join us on Sunday, Dec. 19, at the 10:45a worship service to celebrate the Children’s Christmas program. BLAST children will share the joy of the season through readings, singing, and a special live nativity that you won’t want to miss!

Christmas Eve, Dec. 24

  • 3 & 5 p.m. worship, sanctuary
  • 6:30 p.m. outdoor worship, Memorial Gardens (weather permitting)
  • 6:30 p.m. Spanish worship, East Hall

Christmas Day, Dec. 25

  • 10 a.m., sanctuary

First Sunday of Christmas, Dec. 26

  • 10 a.m. (bilingual), sanctuary

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.