Advent & Christmas at Ascension

Annunciation Worship & Breakfast: On Thursday, Dec. 12, join your pastors and members of Ascension as we celebrate the visit of the angel Gabriel to Mary with a 6 a.m. Spanish-language worship led by a mariachi band, followed by a potluck breakfast.

Advent Concert Worship “Rejoice, Rejoice Believers: Choirs, handbells, praise band, and instrumentalists will present “Rejoice, Rejoice Believers” on Saturday, Dec. 14 at 6 p.m., and Sunday, Dec.15 at 9:30 a.m. followed by a potluck brunch. Invite a friend and join us for our Advent Concert Worship.

Las Posadas: Las Posadas remembers the journey of the holy family through the streets of Bethlehem where they were turned away again and again until an innkeeper took pity on their plight. This event hosted by our Spanish-speaking members continues to grow year after year. Incredible food, a mariachi band, and a piñata round out the night. It is a glorious gathering of the community of Ascension. It begins at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 21, with hot cocoa, coffee and a live nativity. Children of all ages are welcome to be in costume. The actual “Las Posadas,” the walk around the building, begins at 5 p.m.

BLAST Program: “Abajo en Belén” (Down in Bethlehem): The BLAST Sunday School children will share the story of Jesus’ birth in worship on Sunday, Dec. 22, during worship at 10:45 a.m. Dress rehearsal for BLAST children is Saturday, Dec. 21, 9-11 a.m. 8:30 a.m. will be regular 4th Sunday of Advent worship.

Christmas Eve Worship: Christmas Eve Worship on Sunday, Dec. 24, will be at 3p, 5p, 6p (Spanish) and 9:30p. Candle lighting, communion, and glorious music will be shared at all the services— organ and piano at 3p, the Ascension Choir at 5p, and guitar at 9:30p. If you can help with ushering or communion, please contact Tamie in the church office, Invite your friends! Bring your family and share in the joy of what is always a beautiful night filled with song and candlelight, tradition, and memories.

Christmas Day Worship: The joyful sounds and faces of Christmas Day will be heard and seen at worship at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 25.