I love the rhythm of summer, especially it’s slower pace. And I think we can all agree that we could all use a slower pace once and awhile. But the world doesn’t stop and there’s certainly no shortage of things happening or needing to be done. Just ask my wife who has what the rest of our family refers to as “The List.” The List seems to grow by the day if not the hour regardless of how many things we check off of it. I’d ask to see yours, but I’m already overwhelmed by our own, so maybe another time. Still, I remain hopeful that each of us would try to be intentional about taking advantage of the slower summer moments as they become available.
Coincidently, I’m actually writing this article on the first of a few days of “stay-cation” as I try to catch a breath before heading to New Orleans along with Pastor Chris and our planning teams as we prepare to welcome Pastor Edwin and adult leaders and students from Ascension as they join the almost 17,000 others who will come to participate in the ELCA Youth Gathering.
As I sit on our patio I’m reflecting on the past six weeks that were filled with our son Zach graduating from UW-Madison and moving back home, four days of crazy fun with JOLT students at Adventure Camp, our daughter Bella graduating from high school and preparing to go to UW-Stevens Point in the fall along with hosting a shared graduation party and then there’s also preaching, joining our Young at Heart group on a day trip, counseling people in need, and many other pastoral duties. The pace over the past few months has been anything but “slower,” but it has nevertheless been exciting with so many wonderful things to experience and celebrate.
Life, both inside and outside the church can be busy, painful, chaotic, stressful, and full of things that pull us in countless directions. I’m certain that each of you could provide a list just as long if not longer, and this is precisely why peace from God is such a gift. Peace is something we all crave and desperately need, but often we are clueless how to find it or achieve it. And yet, our gracious God continues to endlessly offer it to us.
Throughout these summer months I pray that each of us will be intentional about seeking, creating, and enjoying the peaceful moments God offers us for renewal and reconnection. Moments not spent just frantically moving from one scheduled thing to another or trying to accomplish one more thing. Soak up the sun, take a walk, read a book, go out for ice cream. Whatever it is I hope all of us will take time to recharge, refresh, and renew ourselves.
For the next several months as we journey through summer, I invite each of us to take advantage of much needed opportunities for rest and reconnection but also to welcome new possibilities for connecting more deeply with God and serving our neighbors. I am deeply grateful for your partnership and your willingness to journey together wherever God is leading us. May you know the peace of God today and always!
Pastor Tony