Ascension’s tutoring program has grown in response to the needs of our congregation and Waukesha area. Volunteers are always needed to help the newest members of our community learn English and citizenship skills. We meet most Saturdays and are always looking for more volunteers. Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. until noon, one can find up to 29 students and 31 tutors engaged in learning English in the educational wing at Ascension. Subject matter includes learning to count, making change, introducing oneself, or preparing to take the citizenship exam. Topics are selected on a monthly basis. In August, the topic is: School/Learning/Library. September will include: Measures/Directions/Geography. Tutors are provided an orientation session, introductory materials, and access to resources. At Ascension, we have a good variety of tools to support instruction.
One may tutor an individual student or group of up to four students who have the same level of English ability. Tutors at Ascension are matched with another tutor so that if you need to miss one or more Saturdays, your partner can work with your student or students. Students range from age 5 to 80 and may have little knowledge of English or American customs. Some students are very proficient in English and may be studying to pass the Citizenship Test. Please contact Barb Nordberg to become involved.
We’d love to hear from you and answer any additional questions you have.