Refugee Resettlement

What is a refugee? According to the US Government, “refugee status or asylum may be granted to people who have been persecuted or fear they will be persecuted on account of race, religion, nationality, and/or membership in a particular social group or political opinion.” Ascension has been active in refugee resettlement for 14 years. Over that time, we have welcomed and sponsored seven families and have worked with other refugees who have come to this area. This involves helping them adjust to a new life in a new country with a new language. The first months are very challenging as the refugees have often experienced great hardship and suffering prior to arriving in the US.
Two of our members have been leaders in the area’s refugee program. Jeff Kirk has been involved with refugee resettlement for many years and has written a book: 10 Million to 1: Refugee Resettlement – A How-To Guide. His book serves as a guide for many congregations as they seek to welcome refugees. Jo Buth is the godmother/grandmother of many refugees from Burma throughout the area in addition to the families who are Ascension members. She is a truly unselfish servant! We are exceedingly blessed to have these two leaders as a part of our congregation.
We will also be celebrating the success of the refugee families we have sponsored and those who volunteered countless hours to help them learn about their new country.
What is next for Ascension’s refugee program? There is a possibility that we will welcome two new family units within the next year. We will continue to learn about the families that are among us and the countries they came from. We will emphasize the challenge to become a welcoming congregation to those who worship with us or live near us who come from different places. Please join us in worship and prayers for continued blessing on this ministry.
We’d love to hear from you and answer any additional questions you have.