The Youth Gathering is truly an experience like no other. A while back as Pastor Edwin was making his preparations to take Ascension’s students to New Orleans, he asked me to help him understand what the Gathering was all about. I shared a few details and some helpful tips for leading a group, but I told him that he wouldn’t fully comprehend it all until he experienced it for himself.
Through my own experiences as a youth leader who accompanied students, someone who spoke from the main stage, or serving on Gathering planning and leadership teams, I’ve come to realize that the Gathering is so much more than a simply ministry of the church. It’s far more than a collective of colorful t-shirted youth groups from around the country gathering for service, worship, faith formation, friendships, and all the other things one might experience at a Gathering. So, what is it then? Well, I believe that the Gathering is a reflection of the Kingdom of God. The diversity, inclusion, welcome, celebration, abundance, and joy of God’s inclusive grace and expansive love wrapped up in a chaotic and beautiful faith formation event for young people searching, growing, and discovering their faith.
In the days to come, it is my prayer that all of us would long to be engaged in this kind of stirring of our faith. And I don’t know about you, but if this is anything what the Kingdom of God is really like, then give me more, Jesus, give me more! We have been Created To Be: Brave, Authentic, Free, Disruptive, Disciples…so let’s go do this together.
Pastor Tony