Pastor Tony at Adventure Camp

I love the rhythm of summer. In some wonderful ways, it’s a slower pace and Lord knows we could all use a slower pace once and awhile. But life being what it is these days – the world doesn’t stop and there’s certainly no shortage of things happening or needing to be done. Still, I remain hopeful that each of us would be more intentional to try to take advantage of these slower summer moments as they become available.

By now we’re a few weeks into our shared sabbatical journey with Pastor Chris and since my newsletter article this month didn’t start out with panic and worry, I think you can rest assured that everything so far is going smoothly. We are all beginning to settle into new patterns and the quieter pace of summer planning.

That said, for some time now the following scripture from John 14:27 has been swirling around my head, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” Ever since Holy Week back in April it has felt like we’ve been going non-stop – Holy Week, Easter, First Communion, Graduate Toweling, renovations, BLAST end of year activities, CRASH service projects, JOLT Adventure Camp, worship schedule changes, and on top of that baptisms, weddings, funerals, and preparing for this Sabbatical time…it has felt like a whirlwind.

Life, both inside and outside the church can be busy, painful, chaotic, stressful, and full of things that pull us in countless directions. I’m certain that each of you could provide a list just as long if not longer, and this is precisely why peace from God is such a gift. Peace is something we all crave and desperately need, but often we are clueless how to find it or achieve it. And still, our gracious God continues to offer it.

Throughout these summer months and this sabbatical time, amid the uncertainty of ongoing renovations and all the things we will each experience, I pray that each of us will find and be intentional about seeking, creating, and enjoying the peaceful moments God offers us for renewal and reconnection. Moments that are not frantically moving from one scheduled thing to another or trying to accomplish one more thing. Soak up the sun, take a walk, read a book, go out for ice cream. Whatever it is I hope that we will all take time to recharge, refresh, and renew ourselves. Sabbatical is a journey for the whole community of Ascension, and I think there are many wonderful gifts we can receive from this time if we are open to it.

So, my friends for the next several months as we journey through summer and sabbatical and learn new patterns and practices, I invite each of us to take advantage of much needed opportunities for rest and reconnection but also to welcome new possibilities for connecting more deeply with God and serving our neighbors. I am grateful for your partnership and your willingness to journey together wherever God is leading us. May the peace of God be yours today and always!

Pastor Tony

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