The families that are part of the Latino ministry are all impacted by the pandemic in multiple ways, as are many of our English-speaking families. They all work in jobs that are considered essential enough that they are all still working, although their hours have been reduced to part-time. That means that all of them have coworkers and friends that are sick with coronavirus, causing additional stress about their potential exposure. Because of the reduction in hours, they are appreciative of the support they have received from the Good Samaritan fund and other generous gifts. They are also supporting one another. If one family receives a gift, they share with the other families from the ministry.
During these times, the ELCA has made a video Bible study free for Spanish speaking congregations. We will begin using this resource for our Wednesday night Zoom Bible classes starting in June.
Finally, thank you to everyone that supported me during my first year of seminary.
Edwin Aparicio
Spanish Language Minister
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