Well, sabbatical has come and gone. And as one author writes, “into the mess I go.” Not the mess of the church. The church is far from a mess. Pastor Tony, our staff, and lay leaders were an incredible gift of confidence and stability during my time away. No, the “mess” I refer to is life. Life with all its journeys of mountains, valleys, twists and turns and even roadblocks. Yet we are here. And so is Jesus.
When we are broken. When we are hurt. When we are led astray. When we are treated poorly. When we struggle to breathe. Jesus is there.
When we are sinful. When we hurt others. When we betray a confidence. When we treat others poorly. When we are a stumbling block to someone else. Jesus is also there.
This life, for all its roads, is the only life we have. Jesus reminds us in John 10:10, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” Thanks be to God. When we are living out our faith in this world as a beautiful reflection of the love of Jesus and when we forget that each person deserves the dignity of the image of God placed upon them that we might love them and offer both welcome and hospitality. Jesus still offers us life. The gift of forgiveness. The gift of mercy. The gift of God’s grace is still ours by the generous hand of our God.
I share all of this to remind us that we are not alone on this journey. Nor does God leave us to fend for ourselves though many people believe they are on their own. What that means for me is that there are days I need to be reminded that God honors my efforts and forgives my failures. Of which, if I am being honest, I have many. Don’t we all?
One of the ways, at Ascension, in which we have begun to tend the challenges we face in this life is through a new ministry still in its infancy. “Pathways to Mental Wellness” began as a longing and a hunger among members to tend the fear, anxiety, worry, and other burdens either we, ourselves, are carrying or those we know are carrying in these days. On Sunday, Oct. 16, we had our first gathering. “A Pathway to Peace” offered an opportunity to rest in the cool darkness of the sanctuary illuminated by candlelight and enveloped in the gentle sounds of piano music where one could sit in relative anonymity and release all the gasping moments of these days. In the darkness there were holy sounds of tears and sniffles and sacred moments of sobbing. I am grateful that Ascension provided a place for release. A place for people to let go of their tightly wound lives and removal of the many masks we wear. An opportunity to choose not to keep spinning all the plates in the air. There was time for candle lighting and private prayers and people left with a blessing for all that we carry. I could not have hoped for a better entrance into a new ministry that is still being discovered and shaped through the movement of the Holy Spirit.
If you would like to join myself, Pastor Tony, and Brenda, our Director of Care Ministries, in the dreaming for what is next – you are most welcome to join us. We are looking to gather other dreamers and those who long for other pathways to explore as our mental wellness is tended by the power and promise of God. We are hopeful to explore possible roads in the following directions: A Pathway to Restoration, A Pathway to the Place Between, A Pathway to Revelation, A Pathway to Joy, A Pathway to a New Beginning, and A Pathway to Hope. And of course, so many other ways to dream. Even if you do not have a dream – consider joining us to listen and to imagine what could be in the days ahead. We are gathering on Monday, Nov. 28, at 6:30 p.m. I would love for you to be there.
There is much more to celebrate in the life of Ascension. As you read through this newsletter, you can almost feel the joy of the full return of ministry after the long hibernation and slow awakening back to life as much of the covid cloud begins to lift. May you be blessed as you consider the days ahead to the glory of God.
See you in church.
Pastor Chris