In the early days of my ministry when the season of Epiphany arrived on the heels of Christmas – I was often at a loss for what to say to people of faith who had just recently knelt at the manger to witness the miracle of God coming to us.

If Advent is waiting for the light and Christmas is celebrating the coming of the light – Epiphany is surely the celebration of living in the light of Christ. Advent is my favorite time of year – the four weeks of anticipating and waiting and watching remind me that, in many parts of my life, I often stumble in the darkness or dim light of what I think I can see. Instead of my stumbling, I believe it would be better to simply wait and rest in the promise God makes to us that the Savior of the world will come. And yet, because I often know better than God (or so I think) I will rush in when I should hide out!

If Advent invites us to wait, Christmas invites us to revel. If one revels – they take pleasure, enjoy the party. Christmas is truly God’s party at the manger. Not exactly the way we think we should party here in this life. No fancy drink or dress – no luxury of hospitality. Instead, we revel in the joy of God’s promise to come to us coming true. Jesus is here. A light to chase away the darkness; a light to one-day drive out the darkness forever. If we stumbled in Advent – Christmas calls us to rest in complete joy in celebration of the pure gift of God’s love given to us.

Epiphany then is our invitation to journey in the light of our God. It is so much easier to walk in the light. I am not sure how many of us take advantage of such a gift.

The Scripture for the day of Epiphany is from Matthew 2. It is the story of the visit of Magi (you might know them as the wise men) and the middle verses of the Scripture are by far the best: On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.”

The Magi left for their home by another road. Once you have found the light of Christ, it is hard to travel the old ways. Or at least it should be. Who wants to walk the same roads of suffering and loneliness and regret they have known before they meet Jesus? Certainly, not me.

It is true for each of us, that in the light of God’s love we are invited to travel home by another road. And yet we all know people, and sometimes those people are us, that travel the same roads over and over again expecting different results each time. I was reminded that if you want different results for your life than we have to choose different approaches. In my life, that means traveling home by another road. Another road I may not have seen until I chose to open my eyes to the light of Christ and let that light lead me in a new direction – a new road – a new hope in my life.

Dear friends – the choice is yours. The light of Christ shines on the road before you. The question to ask is whether you wish to open your eyes to the new road before you, gifted to you by God, or simply choose to stumble forward hoping for something to change. When in reality, God has already changed everything with the gift of a baby, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Blessings in these days of Epiphany full of God’s light and hope in your life.

Pastor Chris

Reprinted from the Jan 2019 newsletter

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