Come, Lord Jesus

Dear People of God,
“Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest.” The familiar table grace many of us learned as children is also an Advent prayer full of hope and longing. In Advent, although we are preparing for the annual Christmas celebration of Jesus’ birth long ago in Bethlehem, we are also keenly aware of the need for Jesus to come again, bringing the fullness of peace and justice with his promised reign. The story we tell begins with the God of Israel, who saw the suffering of the people enslaved by Pharaoh and came down to deliver them. This same God sees the suffering of people today and will come again bringing freedom from death and sin. The coming of Jesus promises life to all creation and assures victory over all God’s enemies.  

The challenge we face as Christians is to tell the Advent story and be heard when we are surrounded by a multitude of competing stories distracting and confusing us. The Jesus whose coming we proclaim in Advent is the “joy of heaven,” God’s love sent to earth for the sake of all creation.

The words of author Blair Meeks: “We are entering into the new church year under the banner of Advent. God has heard the cries of God’s people. John the Baptist will call us from the river Jordan. Mary, the mother of Jesus, will sing to the glory of God. A star will light the sky on fire and stop to rest over a stable.” Come, Lord Jesus. I am ready for all of these moments. I am hungry to hear the stories, renewed in my own ears, of God’s tending of our lives once again. Come, Lord Jesus.

I wonder – are you hungry? Do you hunger for peace? Do you hunger for joy? Do you hunger for hope? This is the time of God’s choosing. Are you ready?

Poet Ann Weems writes these words:

Our God is the One who comes to us in a burning bush,
In an angel song, in a newborn child.
Our God is the One who cannot be found locked in the church,
Not even in the sanctuary.
Our God will be where God will be with no constraints, no predictability.
Our God lives where our God lives,
and destruction has no power and even death cannot stop the living.
Our God will be born where God will be born,
But there is no place to look for the One who comes to us.
When God is ready God will come even to a godforsaken place
Like a stable in Bethlehem.
Watch…for you know not when God comes.
Watch, that you might be found whenever, wherever, God comes.

My prayer for each of you is to let your hunger for God call you to new life in this season of Advent. As we move toward Christmas, you are invited to join us on Sunday morning for an Advent Bible Study on Dec. 4 to help you get more through the season of Advent. Advent Concert Worship services happen on Saturday, Dec. 10 at 6 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 11 at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. Children’s Christmas Pageant Worship services happen on Sunday, Dec. 18 at 8:30 and 10:45a.m. Christmas Eve worship services, at 2:30, 4:00, 5:00, and 11:00 p.m., will arrive with candlelight, communion, and carols to give glory to God. Join us in one of these moments or in every one of these moments.

Watch, that you might be found whenever, wherever, God comes.

Peace and joy be yours in these days of Advent,
Pastor Chris Marien

(This article was first published in Ascension’s December 2016 newsletter).

Forget Me Not

Ed Haker

Ed Haker enjoys good conversation and loves his family and God. He finds joy in serving others, and, these days, he says it’s about the small things you can do for someone like hold the door open, smile, and just be friendly!

Ed grew up in Milwaukee around 46th and Hadley. When he was ten-years-old, he had rheumatic fever and spent six months in bed. During that time, his parents bought him a book about boats and thus began Eddie’s love for boats. At about age ten and a half, Eddie designed and built his first boat; it had a wood frame, was covered in muslin. He made it water tight by covering it with salt water and then he painted it. It even had an outboard motor! Over the years, Eddie designed and built 50-100 boats for many people. He remembers fondly building one in Nancy’s grandpa Jung’s basement and one in his aunt’s extra bedroom. Eddie also took part in a boat race on Lake Winnebago. It started in Neenah; the halfway point was in Fremont on the Wolf River; and then back for a total of 92 miles. The boat was ten feet long and had a speed of 35 miles per hour. Eddie drove that boat on his knees, and during the race, he had a steering problem, but he was able to repair it and finish the race. He proudly displays a picture Nancy took at the end of the race. Eddie said that part of his life went very quickly!

Eddie was 16 when he started delivering ice cream for Luick Seal Test around Milwaukee. It was during WWII and one day, his employer came to Eddie and needed him to drive the semi delivering ice cream to Green Bay, Madison, and the Great Lakes Naval Base. So at 16, Eddie became a semi-truck driver.

Eddie graduated from Washington High School in Milwaukee and went on to graduate from Marquette University. Eddie’s cousin Joan set him up on a blind date with a girl she worked with and so began his life with Nancy. They were married on April 11, 1953.

Eddie had different jobs but in the early 1950’s his uncle offered him a job building homes. It didn’t take Eddie long to know that designing homes and helping people get the home they wanted was his passion. He designed and built homes for his family and made a career of designing and building homes for others. When he wasn’t doing that, he was working as a mechanical engineer consultant. He enjoyed working with people one-on-one.

Ed and Nancy were blessed with three daughters: Vicki, Karen, and Lori. When Lori was ten and a half, she became very sick with the chicken pox, and on April 1, 1971, Lori died. Nancy and Ed turned their grief into the Lori Jean Haker Memorial Fund, which continues to support professorships for infectious disease research through Children’s Hospital to this day.

Ed and Nancy were long time members of Sherman Park Lutheran Church, where Ed held all of the church offices and served on various committees. One of his favorites was supervising the addition at the church.

Here at Ascension, Ed is a member of the Monday night AMEN Ministry group and filled the altar candles for many years. He said he enjoyed the quiet of the sanctuary as he filled the candles. Over the years, you may have seen Ed and Nancy in the summer months caring for the outdoor plants as they watered and pulled weeds.

Over the past few years, Ed has written his life story, about 12-13 chapters, for his family to enjoy one day. What a gift he has given to his family! These days, Ed and Nancy enjoy their six grandchildren and six great grandchildren. “I see how the Lord has taken me by the hand and guided me all these years,” Ed states, showing his faith and trust – a lesson we can all learn from.

Autumn Rituals

Dear People of God,

Already the winds of autumn have brought us to the gates of November. How quickly the days of summer have given way to falling leaves and crisp morning breezes. November 6 will gather us to the celebration of All Saints Sunday. We will once again read the names of those, connected to our community, who have died during the past year and light candles in remembrance of all who have gone before us and now rest from their labors. This year we will give thanks for:

Fabricio Aparicio John Gresl

Lorraine Birner Susan Krist

Judy Ewell Elmer Norris

Andrew Frey Barbara Wendorf

We live within the communion of saints. We trust the promise of God that the power of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ holds true for each of us – as it has for the generations that have come before us—as it will for the countless generations that will come after us. Often times in our world we find the power of God’s promises overshadowed by the darkness of the cross in our lives. Where Easter joy should reign over us we find ourselves overwhelmed with pain, death, and grief. All Saints Day gathers us with the whole communion of saints in heaven and on earth.

In Celtic Christian spirituality the place where heaven and earth meet—the moments where God enters into our world—are called “thin places.” An idea that offers a thinning of the veil between life and death, between human and divine, between ordinary and miraculous. For most of us, these places are what we crave for in our lives of faith. “Give me a sign, Lord.”  Ever heard yourself speaking those words? I have. Usually in the most despairing moments—the moments when no answer seems best—that is when I hear myself telling God to get on with it. Tell me which way so I can move on, step up, go forward, put something behind me. Once in awhile I really feel that God nudges in one direction or another—most of the time, I pray and I hope and I cross my fingers—not the sign of the cross mind you—just that hopeful kind of lucky wish and jump. Sometimes God blesses and other times God somehow puts me back at the beginning and lets me start over. The path is not always easy but I hold on to the hope and I trust that God is there in the midst.  

November 13 will call us to gather for the annual meeting of the congregation. In our church governance, it is the congregation that approves a yearly budget, elects new church council members, and approves a slate of candidates to attend our regional assembly of congregations next June. The meeting will begin at noon and will be a potluck. We invite you to join us to hear about Ascension and the mission and ministry of the congregation as well the continued work on our Ascension Arise our 2025 Vision.  

November 6, in-between services at 9:45, you will have the opportunity to ask review the budget for 2017 and ask questions in a smaller setting before the annual meeting happens the following week. Our community continues to renew itself as God guides and shapes the ministries entrusted to us in this time and place. I give thanks to God for the power and presence of God and God’s people as we walk together to the glory of God.

~ Pastor Chris Marien

New Beginnings

There is a story told of a young boy who lived with his parents in a cottage on a hillside, overlooking a wide valley. His greatest joy was to sit on the doorstep on summer evenings, and gaze across the valley to a house miles away on the opposite hillside, for, just as the sun was sinking in the west, the windows of that house would burst into flame, shining dazzlingly with golden light. How perfectly happy the people must be who live there, he thought! One day he packed sandwiches and set off to find the house with the golden windows, but it was farther off than he expected, and it was already towards sunset as he climbed steeply uphill. To his disappointment the house was a plain cottage after all, and the windows ordinary windows. The good people there offered him supper, and made up a bed in the kitchen, for it was too late now for him to return. That night, in his dream, he asked directions of a girl about his age. ‘The house with the golden windows? Yes, I’ve seen it.’ And she pointed. He woke to the early song of the birds. Drawing the curtain aside he looked out. There far across the valley, was his house – and, wonder of wonders, its windows flashed with gold in the brightness of the morning sun.

T.S. Elliot wrote these words, “And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” September is always a month of homecomings and moments of beginning again. At Ascension, we find ourselves ready to enter into the new possibilities of growing our relationship with God. September always brings excitement. I am excited to renew relationships with those that have been away for the summer; I am excited for the introduction of new liturgies and songs in our worship life; I am excited to see the growth in our ministries with children and youth; I am excited to see what is unfolding in our care ministries and small group ministries; I am excited for new mission opportunities as we seek to expand our vision to walk in our global neighborhood and the neighborhood around our church; I am excited for new opportunities for Bible study and reflection. There is much that is offered inside our walls and outside our walls – where will you find a place to rest and renew?

On Sunday, Sept. 11, we return to our Sunday morning worship schedule of 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. with Children’s Ministry (BLAST) and Adult Education from 9:45-10:35 a.m. I also want to invite you to consider another possibility beginning Sept. 14, from 7-8 p.m. and continuing throughout the 2016-2017 school year. I will be leading a Bible study entitled Through the New Testament or TNT for short. Early on in my ministry, I offered this opportunity and found it to be an awe inspiring introduction to the deep, deep love of God for each of us. The idea is that you read seven chapters of the New Testament a week…that is one chapter a day…and then answer four or five questions about what you read. Some questions are specific to the reading – some questions are reflections on your own faith life. You can join us as your schedule allows – but I need to have enough copies of the book in order to provide for everyone. Beginning Aug. 28, you can sign up at the Welcome Center. The cost of the copied book will be $5. We will run from Sept. 14 through May 31. Consider the possibility of reading the entire New Testament with a group of believers. The possibilities are endless. The best part is if you don’t have time in a particular week to read every chapter, someone else will have done the reading, so you can come regardless and share in the conversation. If you have questions, send me an email ( or call me. All levels of Bible knowledge and those without any Bible knowledge are welcome. It can be a great introduction or a great continuation of the building of relationships with each other and with the living Word of God.

I am excited for what is ahead. Come and see for yourself! Peace be with you. See you in church.

~ Pastor Chris

(This article was first published in the September 2016 newsletter).

What Are We to Say?

Fabricio leaving for tripWhat then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else? Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

These are the words of the Apostle Paul to the Christian community in Rome. They are also the words read at the June 20th funeral for our brother Fabricio.

When I sit down to plan funerals with family members, I offer this reading from Romans as one possibility but I often encourage the family to choose a reading from Jesus’ own words. “I am the resurrection and the life,” or “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” or “in my Father’s house are many dwelling places.” I am hopeful they will choose a reading in which Jesus’ own words speak to them. My efforts are in part because the Apostle Paul has always been a secondary figure in my faith life. However, after Monday, June 20, my opinion of Paul’s words has changed.

Paul’s opening question has been my question over the past weeks as our congregation, as a community and as each of us as individuals, has tried to come to terms with the loss of a beautiful young man full of life, sharing joy with every smile. “Dear God, what are we to say about these things?” I confess I am at a loss (and many of you know me to never be at a loss for words).

JOLT Adventure Camp Fabricio and TonyA Sunday sermon quoting Fabricio’s own word, “hermosa” (beautiful), brought a little light to our darkness, and the visitation, funeral, and reception, as Ascension offered hospitality in ways I could only have imagined, gave me pause for a moment of deep pride in this community that lives out its brokenness through the lens of the cross of Christ. I have been grateful for countless hugs and words of comfort and prayers. It has been my desire all long to remind all of us that Jenny and Carlos, Edwin and Sarah, and Paul and Shirley deserve that compassion long before the rest of us. I stand in awe of God’s presence and power through the junior high students who loved Fabricio as one of their own – how they have honored Fabricio’s memory and tended to each other. I was grateful for Pastor Walter and Pastor Michelle for their ability to share the promise of God’s love, their gift of interpretation of Spanish to English and English to Spanish, and for Pastor Walter’s tending of a family I was unable to tend in their own language. I am also grateful for Pastor Walter’s care and his tears shed at both the loss of Fabricio and the promised welcome and homecoming for Fabricio at the gates of heaven. I am thankful for the Bishop’s presence to honor the family and the great gift of Pastor Angela who spoke to Jenny and Carlos as only she could, as a pastor to the Aparicio family and as a parent who has lost a child. I am so grateful for her words of faith in God and the explanation of drinking double fisted from a deep well of grief in one hand and a deep source of joy in Jesus in the other. And finally, I give thanks for Tony, who put into words the deep grief felt by Pam and myself. To hear Tony speak of Fabricio as a student he loved as his own son was in some ways too much to bear. Yet, I saw in Tony’s eyes the deep love and pain for this loss and his inability to do anything but love Carlos and Jenny, Karlita, and Johnson.

It will take time for Carlos and Jenny to learn this new world where the voice of their son is no longer heard. And all of you, members of the family of Ascension, give yourselves time to honor this life and your own suffering in the midst of this loss. I have come to understand that Fabricio’s death has touched our congregation in ways I did not comprehend in the days leading up to the funeral. Fabricio and his family attended the early service. Most of the junior high students on retreat and their parents attend the late service. Pam attends the late service but has been a member for her whole life. And who among you does not know Tony or myself? Where the death of any member of the church tears the fabric of the community apart – Fabricio’s life and death have woven the fabric of our community all the tighter for the ways in which we have found a communal suffering in the tragic loss of this beautiful young life.

So, dear God, I ask the question again, “What then are we to say about these things?” Perhaps for now, the words are less important than the touch, the hug, the smile, the tears, the tending to the Aparicio Family and the Wehmeier family and to each other as the family of Ascension. And maybe, just maybe, in the tending, we will begin to see healing, and in the healing, we will see the glory of God.

Peace my friends, deep peace be with each of you; God’s deep peace be with us all,

Pastor Chris Marien

(This article first appeared in Ascension’s July 2016 newsletter).

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Easter Sanctuary Cross Altar Lilies EmptyI am convinced that the work of God at Easter is far more difficult to believe than God’s gift of a baby in a manger. Easter calls us to believe what we have not seen even once, while babies are born every day.

I said those words aloud during a time of reflection and prayer. I decided they were worth writing down. Maybe. Maybe not. Regardless of the ability of those words to inspire, the sentiment is no less true. A baby in a manger is easy…unless your name is Mary. Easter, however, presents a whole host of problems. Resurrection from sealed tombs and beating hearts stopped and started again without medical intervention are much harder for our logical and proof-demanding world to accept, let alone understand. Yet still I believe.

We are an interesting expression of God’s love, we disciples of Jesus. Our holy book tells us to love one another; to pray for our enemies; to remember our Savior; and to celebrate his resurrection from the dead. Is it any wonder that so many have, over time, walked away from a relationship with God? It is much easier to believe we stand alone – this world is all there is and when we die, we are dead. The end.

And yet, somehow, this story continues to be told again and again. Through the words of Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20, the story of the resurrection of Jesus is told. Through the music of Jesus Christ is Risen Today and I Know that My Redeemer Lives, we hear the news of the resurrection. In the creeds of the universal Christian Church, we speak words of belief that have been spoken by generations of Christians from as early as 325 AD. If this story was simply a device to control people, or if this story was used to simply explain the great mysteries of the world at any time, then I would have expected the story of the resurrection of Jesus to just as simply fall away over these last 1,691 years since the first confession of faith was made at the Council of Nicea.

And certainly, as the story – told in hope and faith – has become too great a burden to bear, people have walked away. And yet, the story continues to be told. I am convinced of the truth of the story of the resurrection of the dead because I have witnessed the faith of far too many believers who have passed on the story to me. The resurrection of Jesus grounds me in this world and promises me a place in the next. I know there will be more days of fear than courage. I know I will suffer long days of doubt over belief. I know that there will be days ahead that will cause pain in this life. And yet, still I believe. As I said in my sermon a few weeks ago, the place between fear and doubt is the foundation of Easter and the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Still I believe, “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” They are words I heard as a child. They are words I speak over my children today. They are words of power – resurrection power. They are words that promise life.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

~ Pastor Chris Marien

(This article was originally published in Ascension’s May 2016 newsletter).

God is at Work!

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Ascension finds itself in a time of expectation! Easter is upon us and with the announcement that the tomb is empty, we find ourselves looking to the joy of spring – the earth coming alive as the edges of winter begin to give way to the warm winds of life – new life. What would God have us do in the world to God’s great glory? How shall we look to the world around us and see the face of Christ calling out to us?

Now that Easter Sunday has come and gone, are you already setting yourself up for summer break – or is there still a hunger that gnaws at you, calling you to something new, something different, something more in your relationship with God? The lilies have bloomed, the trumpets have sounded, the tomb stands empty, and in these days of appearance as Jesus shows himself to the disciples and countless others before he ascends into heaven, there is energy, curiosity, expectation in the air…do you feel it?

I tell you God is at work at Ascension! Do you believe it? Do you feel God’s presence – the Holy Spirit at work? The fruits of our labor in service to God are not in vain, nor do they go unnoticed! God is at work at Ascension and we are beginning to see the work of God all around us. We give thanks to God for the 32 First Communion candidates who celebrated their First Communion on Palm Sunday or will celebrate their First Communion on April 3. What joy to welcome these fourth and fifth graders to God’s altar. Please join me in prayer asking God’s blessing on the journeys before each of our First Communion candidates. We are also grateful for the work of musicians and altar guild who took extra time behind the scenes to prepare for the powerful and moving worship of Holy Week. We have received new members and look to the future where God will invite more people into the midst of our community. God is at work! The Holy Spirit is on the move and we are looking forward to the blessings of God among us in the gifts of each other!

We have traveled the road of Lent to the cross and we are now on the road of the cross that carries us into the future. During Lent, we were following Jesus to the cross. Now, we look to Jesus who leads us within the shadow of the cross into the future. The cross was never an end but a place to begin again and again and again. Where will God in Jesus Christ take us in the days ahead? Where do we want to go as God’s people? Where do you want to go as God’s child? Who cares? As long as we travel together — following in the footsteps of our God!

May God grant you joy in these Easter days!

~ Pastor Chris Marien

(This article is taken from Ascension’s April 2016 newsletter).

In These Days of Lent

lenten-crossThe baptized do not just ‘get together’, they are called and gathered by the Holy Spirit. God’s people do not hear just any word, but the Word of eternal life, Jesus Christ, who changes the heart and enlightens the mind. They do not share just any food, but the very Body and Blood of Christ. Those who have been gathered, enlightened and fed do not just ‘leave’ – but, as disciples of Christ, they are sent forth in mission to speak the Word of God and do the work of God in the world. ~ ELCA Worship Resource, This Far By Faith.

What an incredible description of who we are as the People of God, in Jesus Christ, in the world. Our identity, our calling, our hearing, our sharing, and our sending is enlightened and inspired by the work of the Holy Spirit. I believe, such a description brings both freedom and fear to the hearts of the baptized. So much to experience and so much to live up to as the baptized. What an opportunity for us? What a challenge for us?

Here we are in the middle of Lent. The color purple surrounds our altar and hearts as we live into following in the footsteps of Jesus as he sets his sights on Jerusalem. Whatever he sees on the horizon is too far away for our eyes to see clearly and yet, Jesus continues his steady step to the gates of the city. You and I can only follow—not because we have to, but because our hearts call us to follow the one who has saved us from our sins with holy and precious blood. The journey of Lent continues for each of us.

As you walk into the world each morning do you see how many people are oblivious to the journey we travel during these days? Lent? Church calendar? Jesus? Cross? Good Friday? Tomb? Empty? Have so many chosen to forget the promise and presence of God in Jesus Christ? Have our friends, our neighbors, learned to call on God only in the midst of crisis or tragedy? And where does that leave us? Here we are in the days of Lent, trying to focus on what Jesus sees over the horizon, only to be distracted by those same friends, family, and neighbors who just simply do not understand, or choose not to hear, or really do not care at all about the story we would tell—given the opportunity.

Perhaps, therein lies the real quandary. Have any of us had the opportunity to share our story of faith with anyone in these days of Lent? Has God offered a shoulder, a listening ear, but we have turned away in embarrassment or timidness? Have we looked for opportunities to share our faith in word or in action with those we meet in these days of Lent? Where will this Lenten journey lead us? Where will God enter into our lives and offer an opportunity for us to live out our callings as the baptized? When the Holy Spirit calls and gathers…when the Word is heard…when the food is shared…when we are sent…where will we go? To whom?

May these days of Lent continue to move each of us into the world for the sake of the mission and ministry of God in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Peace be with you.

~ Pastor Chris Marien

(This post was originally published in Ascension’s March 2016 newsletter).

Walk the Road of Lent

Ash Wednesday will be celebrated on February 10 at both 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Ascension. You are invited to gather with your brothers and sisters to worship God and be reminded that God cares about your whole life.

In Lent, we hear God’s promises in new ways…that EVERY end is a beginning; that EVERY night gives way to morning; that EVERY hurt can be healed; that EVERY broken moment can be redeemed; that EVERY life lost can be found; that EVERY cross carried can be given to Jesus; that EVERY prayer spoken is heard.

In my life, Lent is the ground on which I walk the journey of my faith. Sometimes the ground is hard and packed down. In other areas, the ground is dry and cracked. Still other roads are muddy and hard to navigate. And then in the season of Lent, I am blessed – as are you blessed – with soft and fertile ground ready and waiting for the new thing God promises to do in each of our lives…should we choose to be open to what God will do in us and through us. Will you choose to walk the road of Lent? Will you let your journey of faith lead you in a new direction at God’s invitation? The invitation has been made…God waits for each of us…will you come?

I wrote those words last year to share the wonder of God’s promise to be with us. The words were important enough to share with you again as the season of Lent arrives with Ash Wednesday.

After the four weeks of Advent that lead us to Christmas, the 40 days that make up the season of Lent, leading us to Easter, provide the most powerful witness to the events of Holy Week that call us to an empty tomb on Easter morning. God provides everything we need on our journey. You only need to hear God’s call and follow. I know that sounds easier than it is. Our journeys of faith are so often complicated by schedules, careers, children, parents, spouses, weather, and those life circumstances beyond our control. It is true. And then, it is not true.

Our individual journeys of faith are of God’s design. Not one of us travels the same road and yet our journeys provide moments of awareness of the other. I am reminded of the words of the song:

Will you let me be your servant? Let me be as Christ to you? Pray that I might have the grace to let you be my servant, too. We are pilgrims on a journey, we are trav’lers on the road. We are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load.

Lent is our opportunity to travel the road together to help each other walk the mile and bear the load. You are invited to join us on this journey through Lent. Come and see the new thing God is doing. Peace be with you.

~ Pastor Chris Marien

(This post was originally published in Ascension’s February 2016 newsletter).

Days of Light

What joy to celebrate the birth of our Savior once again in these Christmas days. It always fills me with wonder and awe to see the body of Christ gather to sing the old songs while experiencing the story and love of God in new ways through the journey of Advent darkness to Christmas light. Even as the world often does not know what to do with the birth of our Savior, you and I hear the call of God to be witnesses to the light of God coming into the world.

Now we find ourselves on the edge of the season of Epiphany – the season of light. I am filled with peace in these days of light – each day a reminder of God’s presence in my life and in the life of the world. When we see the difficult and painful realities of our world, our hope in Jesus gives us strength to face the days before us.

Some of us are experiencing a broken relationship; some of us are living with the consequences of a decision made long ago; some of us are afraid to reach out to someone in need; some of us are wondering how we will get through one more day; and some of us are fearful of the seemingly downward spiral of a world in turmoil. Through all of these fears and worries, the light of God in Jesus Christ shines chasing away the dark night of our fear.

Our invitation is to trust God and follow God from the manger to the temple to the River Jordan to the healing and saving work of God on the cross and through the gate of death to the other side of the empty tomb. The old Norwegian hymn, “I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve” reminds us of God’s promise.

I am so glad each Christmas Eve, the night of Jesus’ birth! Then like the sun the star shone forth, and angels sang on earth. The little child in Bethlehem, he was a king indeed!
For he came down from heaven above to help a world in need.

“He came down from heaven above to help a world in need.” This is not a future promise to God’s creation, it is a promise already fulfilled. Thanks be to God! In our daily lives, our invitation is to trust what God is doing because of what God has already done. Now there is a promise fulfilled that I can take comfort in during challenging days.

After the Advent Concert Worship weekend, a member of the congregation sent a reflection to the office. I found her words full of the faith we are invited to engage trusting that God is at work in the world. Here are her words.

When I attended the Christmas concert on Dec. 13, I was so moved by [the] production and message I received of Christ’s coming to earth to be among us, I felt I had to say something about it. We had the children singing to the glory of God, the choir at its best singing the joy to the world, instrumentalists playing, the Bell Choir ringing their hearts to God, the Folk Choir singing, and Ben and the Praise Band singing for us. The message Pastor Angela read to us was the message that means Christmas to me. I was overwhelmed with joy. As I sat there, I pondered the budget cuts and the many changes in our church in the past several years and I feel that our church is going in the right direction. There is no way we can make changes for the future without stepping on someone’s toes. Unfortunately someone gets hurt.

My prayer for 2016 at Ascension is that we all can work together and we can nd ways to make up the shortfalls in our budget. We all need to listen to our Lord who speaks to us through the holiday season and all year. Remember my favorite Bible verse, ‘I can do anything through Christ who gives me strength.’ We can do it, I know we can! ~ Arlene Davis

What I appreciate most about Arlene’s words is her unwavering trust in God. In the midst of worship and praise of our God, Arlene saw the light of a manger overflowing with God’s love for a world in need. We will never know a day in our lives without a deep and definite need for God’s presence. I am grateful to serve among a community of faith where joy is shared; where faith is active; and where our faith finds grounding and strength through the worship of God.

May these days of light in this season of Epiphany bring you joy and peace.

~ Pastor Chris Marien

(This article was originally published in Ascension’s January 2016 newsletter).