Brothers and Sisters, these are challenging times for sure. The coronavirus pandemic continues to impact daily life in unwanted and unexpected ways as it challenges our daily norms, nudges us out of our comfort zone, and forces us to bend this way and that – hopefully without breaking. But in the midst of these challenges, and maybe precisely because we encounter challenges such as the one that is currently upon us, Christ reminds us that we are made in His image, that with Christ we can do all things, and that God gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide us and even give us the words when they escape us.
My friends, I am well aware that these are difficult days, but I am also confident that God is working 24/7 in our hearts, our lives, and throughout the world to draw us closer to God and one another. And while it is certainly true that the current state of the world has caused anxiety, uncertainty, fear, and in far too many instances, sickness and death, it has also afforded countless opportunities for people to exercise more trust, draw closer to God, and live out the faith that Christ modeled for us. So, yes, there are reasons for concern and caution as well as sadness for what has been lost, but there is also an abundance of reasons to rejoice and celebrate as well. Therefore, I would like to challenge all of us to pause and look around at all ways God continues to be at work in the world – at work in amazing and beautiful and faithful ways.
All one has to do is look and listen a bit more closely because the whispers of God are everywhere. And, yes it’s true, we may have been forced to let go of routines, and things we really love to do – we’ve been forced to reimagine how we connect, how we gather, how we worship, how we live and how we love – but I am not sure that’s the worst thing either. Being broken out of meaningless routines, slowed down from chaotic schedules, pushed beyond superficial connections and conversations, forced to take notice, listen more intently, try a new thing, reengage our creative centers, and follow God more faithfully. When we choose to look at and approach these challenging times in a Gospel centered way rather than with an attitude of scarcity, fear, anger, or sadness only then we will be able to see the countless opportunities that lie before us to share the love and compassion of Christ with others. And when we can do that, I wonder if we would see these days differently.
So, rather than focus on what’s been lost or what once was, I’d like to point out what’s new, what’s exciting, and what’s possible – because my dear friends, with God all things are possible. For instance, Ascension’s youth ministries (BLAST, JOLT, and CRASH) all kicked off over the past few weeks. BLAST students received boxes filled with faith building crafts, and activities to do at home together as a family. Kindergarteners received Bible instruction and their first Bibles, 5th graders are finishing up stepping-stone activities as they prepare to receive their First Communion, 3rd graders are diving into Bible stories as they prepare to receive their next Bible, and students in JOLT and CRASH started meeting for confirmation classes and youth groups. And these are just a sprinkling of all the amazing things happening at Ascension. Where might you catch a glimpse of God in your own life?
Through the valleys as well as the mountaintop moments that come our way, God promises to be with us and to bless us richly, so I encourage you to trust in God’s promises. Our lives continue to be blessed in abundant ways…if we are willing to look, listen, and recognize these blessings. In the days to come, my encouragement to all of us is to try something new, be a bit kinder, and most certainly be gentler with ourselves. And when you do, do it all to the great glory of God.
Pastor Tony
Reprinted from the October 2020 newsletter