This year the Hallmark Channel premiered the first of their thirty-one new Countdown to Christmas movies on Friday, Oct. 21. While that’s a bit too early for me, it nevertheless has been the growing trend of introducing new Christmas themed content and it seems there are now more Christmas specials than ever before. These specials often celebrate the “spirit of Christmas” or the “magic of Christmas” without ever really defining what that spirit or magic is, but to reveal it they tend to utilize the predictable plot device of the Christmas miracle.
The idea of a Christmas miracle is something we’re all familiar with. One website defines a Christmas miracle as: “when some highly unlikely stroke of good fortune comes to the characters in the time where they need it most, simply through the magic of Christmas.” In the countless television Christmas specials that have ended with a Christmas miracle, just when everything seems to be lost, everything instead works out perfectly in the end to create a perfect Christmas full of warm and fuzzy feelings. There is, however, a true Christmas miracle, and it doesn’t involve an angel getting its wings. The true Christmas miracle does however involve a baby and a divine love so great that it would redeem the world for all of eternity.
A miracle isn’t just some impossible coincidence that happens. A miracle is when God actively meddles with the way the world works. A miracle is when the rules of reality are broken, and something truly incredible, truly impossible happens. The Bible is full of miracles: The Red Sea parts, water comes from rocks, the walls of a city fall down, loaves and fish multiply, and people walk on water. But the most miraculous of all miracles is the birth of a holy child to be the Savior of the world. This is the miracle of all miracles, Emmanuel – God with us. Christmas is all about celebrating that miracle. The miracle that God so loved the world that God himself invaded the world to redeem it and bring it out of darkness. The magic of Christmas is the miracle of God’s love that began at a cradle in Bethlehem and reached its fulfillment at a cross in Jerusalem. So the way that we celebrate Christmas should first and always be based in our humble thanksgiving for this love and our sincere and faithful worship of the God that loves us. But it doesn’t have to end here, we can also celebrate Christmas through our actions.
Christmas is all about the celebration of a miracle, and in this season of Advent we should be expecting miracles to happen. Remember, a miracle isn’t just a stroke of good luck. A miracle is God at work in the world. It’s the unexpected that can only happen because of God doing something incredible, and God often chooses to not perform these miracles alone – God works miracles through God’s people.
Dear friends, we’re in a season meant to celebrate the greatest miracle of all time. So may we celebrate this miracle by seeking to be his miracle workers. This Advent, as we prepare for Christmas, may we spend less time looking for the perfect gift and more time looking for ways to join in God’s holy work to become someone else’s miracle. Merry Christmas!
Pastor Tony