Good Friday worship. Jesus is persecuted and dies on the cross.
Good Friday worship. Jesus is persecuted and dies on the cross.
Bilingual Lenten worship. Pastor Chris discusses God's promise.
God's love is all around us and is everlasting.
In Jesus, the one who died on the cross, God has shown us the greatest love the world has ever seen. And every time we gather and feast at God’s…
In Jesus, the one who died on the cross, God has shown us the greatest love the world has ever seen. And every time we gather and feast at God’s…
Bilingual Wednesday night Lenten worship. Reflection topic is "Peace."
Everyone needs rest.
What will you do with your one wild and precious life? Jesus begins again. And so can you. Each day is yours until God calls you home.
What will you do with your one wild and precious life? Jesus begins again. And so can you. Each day is yours until God calls you home.