There is no shortage of struggle this day as we make our way through the gates of the city to shouts of Hosanna -- ilness, war, grief, relationship problems. March…
“Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” I pray that this statement would guide our journey toward Palm Sunday and carry us through Holy Week and the crucifixion all the way…
In Jesus, the one who died on the cross, God has shown us the greatest love the world has ever seen. And every time we gather and feast at God’s…
With his actions in the temple, Jesus upsets the status quo; he troubles the routine; he challenges the system. Jesus stood up for what is right, even when it was…
Sometimes carrying the label of a Christian is easy and light; other times it can feel like dragging a heavy wooden cross through the mud. And yet, Jesus calls us…
What will you do with your one wild and precious life? Jesus begins again. And so can you. Each day is yours until God calls you home.
The good news is that the very light of God shining all around us on mountaintop when we are blinded and in valley when the light is so deeply hidden…
Whether we go to the deserted place, or it comes to us, it’s always a place from which a message of life and good news comes. Today I invite you…
What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? In the midst of the unknown. In the attempt, again and again. In the arrival in unfamiliar territory...Jesus is there…
Jesus is calling us to a life of conviction, to a life of urgency, to a life of reaching out with his message of love and forgiveness to every single…