Guest Preacher: Rev. Chris Manke
In Christ there is no place for exclusivity among those of us who call on his name. Jesus exhorts his disciples to adopt a posture of openness towards those who…
Wherever you are this day, Jesus is with you. Whatever brought you here, Jesus is with you. Whatever you are going though in this moment, Jesus is with you.
Sermon: Who Do You Say I Am?
When you leave this place, go live in and live out the hope and promise of Jesus. The blind see, the deaf hear; the lame walk and the tongue of…
It is no secret that we are tired. Tired of living in these days of uncertain things. So a word of hope reminding us of who our Savior is and…
No one here will ever be the perfect faithful follower 100% of the time. Our responsibility is to always be working to stay the course more often than the day…
For all the days we have journeyed, the promise of God’s presence and the promise of eternal life have not waivered nor washed away.
We are called to nothing less than a life of imitating God. We are called to forgive each other because God first forgave us. We are called to love each…
Without food we would surely die a physical death, but without the love of God in Christ Jesus we would certainly die a spiritual and eternal death.