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Archives: Sermons

The Spirit That Gives Life

August 26, 2018
Bible Text: John 6:56-69 | Preacher: Pr. Chris Marien "It is the spirit that gives life," says Jesus.  I know this to be true. As I was introduced to the…
Bible Text: John 6:51-58 | Preacher: Tony Acompanado What choices are you making that are becoming detours taking you further away from God and the life God intends for you?…
Bible Text: John 6:35, 41-51 | Preacher: Tony Acompanado Like the crowd, we too are aften lookng for the wrong things in the wrong places. Whether we recognize it or…

Say Yes!

August 5, 2018
Bible Text: John 6:24-35 | Preacher: Pastor Ted Romberg God says, "Yes!" every time you think of Jesus!

Storms Will Come

June 24, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 4:35-41 | Preacher: Tony Acompanado Storms will come ... but Jesus is with us in the storm.