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Archives: Sermons

Taking Normal for Granted

September 23, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 9:30-37 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Marien Jesus is not interested in the normal we create for ourselves as a way of life. Jesus tells us again and…

Who Will You Say That You Are?

September 16, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 8:27-38 "What are you saying about me?" asks Jesus. "Who will you say that you are?" asks Jesus. Answering the question of Jesus' identity is also having…

The Label That Matters

September 9, 2018
Bible Text: Mark 7:24-37 | Preacher: Tony Acompanado There is only one label that matters and that is 'Beloved.'

The Spirit That Gives Life

August 26, 2018
Bible Text: John 6:56-69 | Preacher: Pr. Chris Marien "It is the spirit that gives life," says Jesus.  I know this to be true. As I was introduced to the…
Bible Text: John 6:51-58 | Preacher: Tony Acompanado What choices are you making that are becoming detours taking you further away from God and the life God intends for you?…
Bible Text: John 6:35, 41-51 | Preacher: Tony Acompanado Like the crowd, we too are aften lookng for the wrong things in the wrong places. Whether we recognize it or…

Say Yes!

August 5, 2018
Bible Text: John 6:24-35 | Preacher: Pastor Ted Romberg God says, "Yes!" every time you think of Jesus!