Bible Text: Luke 15:11-24 | Preacher: Tony Acompanado | When we feel lost and far from God – God is never far from us. Through this parable, Jesus reminds us,…
Bible Text: John 9:1-12 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Marien | We are living in this time of expectation nobody had just months ago. Expectations we have never seen. Schools closed.…
| PC & Tony try to enjoy soup supper.
Bible Text: Mark 6:6b-13 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Marien | “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” It is an invitation offered by Jesus…
Bible Text: John 4:7-15 | Preacher: Edwin Aparicio | Adoración Española
Bible Text: John 4:7-15 | Preacher: Tony Acompanado | The story of Jesus and the woman at the well speaks deeply to the barriers that come between us encountering God…
Bible Text: John 1:5 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Marien | Even as we don't meet in this space, we are still connected in our prayers and in our relationships. You…
Bible Text: John 3:1-17 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Marien | Why do you come to church?
Bible Text: Matthew 4:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Marien | With this wilderness story, I am reminded about my own unfaithfulness. How easy it is to lose trust in the…
Bible Text: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Marien | We so often believe that the mark of ash on our foreheads is only to remind us of the…