Love God and Love Your Neighbor. When we choose to be passionate about loving God and our neighbors, we choose kindness, compassion, curiosity, forgiveness, patience, service, and always seeking the…
I know the church, and the people in the church, does not always live up to the standard of Jesus. Yet, where else can you go to hear a word…
I know the church, and the people in the church, does not always live up to the standard of Jesus. Yet, where else can you go to hear a word…
The promise of God is for all of us – first, last, greatest, least, and every one of us in-between, whether or not we can make it up the 5’11”…
Love lets go. Love bides its time. Love hopes in absence. But all the while, love dreams of return, because even when things seem impossible to us, for God, all…
Love lets go. Love bides its time. Love hopes in absence. But all the while, love dreams of return, because even when things seem impossible to us, for God, all…
Guest Preacher: Rev. Chris Manke
In Christ there is no place for exclusivity among those of us who call on his name. Jesus exhorts his disciples to adopt a posture of openness towards those who…
Wherever you are this day, Jesus is with you. Whatever brought you here, Jesus is with you. Whatever you are going though in this moment, Jesus is with you.
Wherever you are this day, Jesus is with you. Whatever brought you here, Jesus is with you. Whatever you are going though in this moment, Jesus is with you.