What would it be like to live into the freedom to stop calculating our social standing and stop worrying about what others think and simply be kind to everyone around…
What would it be like to live into the freedom to stop calculating our social standing and stop worrying about what others think and simply be kind to everyone around…
God’s rule-breaking kingdom doesn’t care about our timing, or our sense of etiquette, or our obsession with correctness. The kingdom cares about love, and cares about it NOW.
The peace Jesus offers us is not the fake peace of denial or dishonesty. His is a truth-telling peace. The kind of deep, life-changing peace that doesn’t hesitate to break…
The peace Jesus offers us is not the fake peace of denial or dishonesty. His is a truth-telling peace. The kind of deep, life-changing peace that doesn’t hesitate to break…
My friends, today’s gospel message from Jesus is a gift intended to equip us to hear and believe and live into God’s promise that God wants to give us the…
My friends, today’s gospel message from Jesus is a gift intended to equip us to hear and believe and live into God’s promise that God wants to give us the…
Jesus came to tell us that God wants so much more for us than simply more stuff. God wants life and love and mercy and community for us. The problem…
If prayer, as Jesus teaches it, really is all about relationship and presence then there’s only one answer to every prayer – God.
If prayer, as Jesus teaches it, really is all about relationship and presence then there’s only one answer to every prayer – God.