The Greater Milwaukee Synod Immigration and Refugee Committee is hosting an informational gathering here at Ascension to help people understand the realities of immigration and refugee resettlement. This special event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 7, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Topics to be covered will give you a better understanding of terms like migrants, asylum seekers, refugee resettlement. There will also be a chance to hear myths and factual information so you can better answer questions and more fully act on Jesus’ answer to the question Who Is My Neighbor? Learn how we can live with a better understanding of people who don’t look like us or have the same background as we do.

The hope is to show how we can show Christ’s love in this hostile world. Mary Campbell from ELCA Amparo and our GMS Bishop Paul Erickson, who is on the board for Global Refugees, will be two of the speakers.

Please sign-up to help with hosting duties.

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